WEST SEATTLE SCENE: ‘Full Snow Moon’ rises

7:14 PM: A semi-rare treat – a wintertime full moon NOT hidden by clouds. Tonight, it’s the Full Snow Moon. Above, Jan Pendergrass caught the moonrise from Harbor Avenue; below, a different view from Jerry Simmons:

Moonset will be just after 8 am Friday.

9:30 PM: A later view, from Robert Spears:

3 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE SCENE: 'Full Snow Moon' rises"

  • CarDriver February 16, 2022 (8:07 pm)

    Hope it’s an omen for more snow here-hint hint.

  • RLV February 17, 2022 (8:17 am)

    Thanks for sharing these gorgeous shots Jan, Jerry, and Robert!

  • marcus February 17, 2022 (8:22 am)

    Truly an oman of peace and Zen.  

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