CITY CHANGES: Mayor Harrell’s new Department of Neighborhoods director, and 2 other new department leaders

Another West Seattleite who led a city department under the former administration is out. Mayor Bruce Harrell announced today that Highland Park resident Andrés Mantilla is out as head of the Department of Neighborhoods – which he ran for most of the previous mayor’s term – and he’s appointed Southeast Seattle resident Greg Wong (right) as DoN director. The announcement says Wong will be tasked with “driving local engagement, coordinating neighborhood strategies citywide, and charting a future direction for a City full of unique, vibrant, and welcoming neighborhoods.” Wong is a lawyer and former teacher. The DoN announcement was one of three director changes announced by the mayor today, along with former mayoral candidate and ex-legislator Jessyn Farrell leading the Office of Sustainability and Environment and Markham McIntyre, formerly an executive with the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, to lead the Office of Economic Development. All three are serving as interim directors pending confirmation by the City Council; read more in the full announcement here.

7 Replies to "CITY CHANGES: Mayor Harrell's new Department of Neighborhoods director, and 2 other new department leaders"

  • J.T. February 1, 2022 (5:32 pm)

    No worries West Seattle – Greg grew up in Highland Park!

    • WSB February 1, 2022 (6:20 pm)

      Really? Good to know. Looked up some background beyond the city news release, since DoN is always of extra interest to the neighborhood groups we cover, but didn’t run into a bio going back that far …

      • J.T. February 2, 2022 (10:13 am)

        Yep. And his dad still lives there.

  • Derek February 1, 2022 (6:37 pm)

    I have not been a fan of Harrell and his selections thus far! First the right wing “Seattle is dying” guy and then his relative. Not sure I have much faith here…

    • Peter S. February 2, 2022 (8:23 am)

      Sorry Derek, the fact that you don’t approve (and based on your posting history), gives me hope.  A more moderate approach is needed.  And, before you accuse me of being a Trump supporter or some kind of conservative / RWNJ, know that I can’t stomach the far-right loons either.  

  • Jeepney February 2, 2022 (7:27 am)

    I like what Bruce is doing, looking forward to him making our neighborhoods safer.

  • Snowskier February 2, 2022 (8:46 am)

    Greg is a super smart, well balanced, overall great guy with deep Seattle roots who gets out and celebrates all the various neighborhoods of the city.  Solid pick.  Also glad to see a fellow GHS Bulldog in the house!!

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