Remember Herman Meyer’s ‘solo Ironman’? New short film shows you how he did it

2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles of biking, 26.2 miles of running, in under 17 hours: – A little over two months ago, we reported on 17-year-old Herman Meyer‘s accomplishment, and now his friend, filmmaker Riley Nachtrieb, has released her nine-minute film about it. Here’s the announcement and video:

Back in September, West Seattle High School senior Herman Meyer completed a solo Ironman-length triathlon, going back and forth along Alki Beach.

You can now watch his Ironman journey with the film ‘Tri-ing To Solo’, by WSHS alumni and award-winning filmmaker Riley Nachtrieb, available on YouTube.

Thank you to the West Seattle community for supporting Herman on that Saturday from 8am to 1am. So many people came out and offered so much. Some include: Ryan Connolly, Wes & KT Meyer, Grant Howard, Brendan & Jodi Connolly, Lily & Jac Howard, Mykenna Ikehara, and Rose Feliciano.

Herman had never done a triathlon before his “solo Ironman.”

5 Replies to "Remember Herman Meyer's 'solo Ironman'? New short film shows you how he did it"

  • Craig December 5, 2021 (7:42 pm)

    Love this! Great video showing community, support, and motivation. 

  • TM December 5, 2021 (8:05 pm)

    Nice rally! Way to go, love the creativity to make it happen right here. Great team support too.

  • Sharonn December 5, 2021 (8:55 pm)

    Just an amazing young man with a vision of his own making but accomplished with his mom and dad, girlfriend right there and numerous friends that believed he could do it.  And he did do it!  Congratulations.  

  • Mj December 5, 2021 (10:07 pm)

    Youth has its advantages, it’s nice to see a young person make a goal and succeed.  

  • Elton December 5, 2021 (11:54 pm)

    Congratulations! What a cool personal accomplishment. There’s no way I could’ve done this when I was 17. The desire to not eat is an interesting dilemma I had never considered with an endurance event like this.

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