8 AM: The Water Taxi has been canceling departures because of vessel trouble. … So far the cancellations extend through the 8:15 departure.
8:51 AM: No word yet if the WT has resumed.
9:01 AM: MarineTraffic.com now shows the Doc Maynard at Seacrest, so looks like service has resumed.
9:15 AM: Just heard the dispatch for a crash at Olson/2nd, at the east end of the Roxbury corridor.
6:07 AM Good morning!
Breezy, cloudy, cool forecast, maybe some clearing later.
26th SW – Southbound closure between Roxbury and Barton continues for RapidRide H Line prep work. We’re checking on the reopening timeline
West Marginal on Saturday – From SDOT: “On the 6000 block of West Marginal Way (North of SW Front St), Urban Forestry crews will be in the area doing some tree maintenance work. Traffic impacts include closure of the southbound curb lane. The work is anticipated to begin on Saturday as early as 5:00 AM and conclude by 1:00 PM.”
Metro remains on its regular weekday schedule, except for the rerouting in RapidRide H Line work zones, including 26th SW. Watch @kcmetrobus for word of trip cancellations.
Ferries and Water Taxi: WSF continues a two-boat schedule on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run. Check here for alerts/updates. The Water Taxi is in service – here’s the West Seattle schedule.
606th morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here are views of other bridges and routes:
Low Bridge: Automated enforcement cameras remain in use; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends; the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available here for some categories of drivers.)

The 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):

South Park Bridge:

West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:

Highland Park Way/Holden:

The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):

Are movable bridges opening for vessels? The @SDOTBridges Twitter feed can tell you; 1st Ave. South Bridge openings are also tweeted on @wsdot_traffic.
See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also on this WSB page.
Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.