One-way or greenway? 3 concepts proposed for Alki Point Keep Moving (Stay Healthy) Street

(WSB photo, Beach Drive “Keep Moving Street” in May)

SDOT has launched a survey asking what you think about the Keep Moving Street (aka Stay Healthy Street) that wraps around Alki Point – Alki Avenue SW and Beach Drive SW west of 63rd SW – and it includes three proposed concepts for the street’s future. The stretch was closed to motor-vehicle through traffic early in the pandemic. Most recently, the city said that semi-closure would remain in place until at least early next year, and somewhere along the line they’d decide whether to make it permanent. Today’s survey announcement sounds as if that decision has been made, though SDOT has yet to answer our followup question seeking vonfirmation of that:

We’re seeking your input! We’re looking for public feedback on a permanent design for the Alki Point Keep Moving Street. We’d like to know how you currently use Alki Point, what’s working and what’s not, and how you would like to see Alki Point function in the future.

Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey. In the coming weeks we’ll be meeting with stakeholders and community groups to expand our public engagement efforts. … We currently have funding for outreach and early design on this project and we’re working to secure funding for construction.

The wording is similar to the city’s update back in April. The survey itself includes the three proposed “concepts” for the street – two converting it to a Neighborhood Greenway, the third making it a one-way street with a new walking/biking path. Those were among the options the city listed in an update one year ago, but now, going back to the way it used to be is apparently off the list. Again, you can take the survey here – note that the concepts don’t come up until several pages in.

80 Replies to "One-way or greenway? 3 concepts proposed for Alki Point Keep Moving (Stay Healthy) Street"

  • StopCuttingDownTrees September 3, 2021 (7:00 pm)

    All 3 options are HORRIFIC. The section needs to be returned to the pre-Pandemic format as it’s been for decades. 

    • GHO September 3, 2021 (7:58 pm)

      I was going to say the same thing – where’s the 4th option of opening it back up?! It already has nice sidewalks and it’s only pushed thru traffic to other streets anyway.

      • September 4, 2021 (9:28 am)

        The sidewalks are barely wide enough for two people to pass. Have you even tried walking there? And, this section is not an arterial street, primarily residents and people visiting the park/water use it; buses and semi-trucks don’t!  Visitors still park on Alki, especially between 63rd and 64th Place, and on Beach to walk, bike, scooter, scuba dive, and waterboard. Taking 63rd is much more efficient for thru traffic because it is a designated arterial–that’s where the buses go.

    • Jon Wright September 3, 2021 (8:06 pm)

      What is horrific about it? Why does it need to be returned the way it was? Posting a cogent argument vs. alarmist hyperbole tends to be more compelling.

      • StopCuttingDownTrees September 3, 2021 (11:05 pm)

        The horrific part is that all three options create a de-facto private street for already-privileged waterfront homeowners. It limits access to the mobility-impaired who want/need to drive to where they can enjoy the area that they help pay for. The vast majority of mobility-impaired don’t have handicapped parking placards (arthritic knees, heart problems, sciatica, etc). The worst 2 options eliminate 85-100 parking spaces. Homeowners there in that scenario would lose their street parking to whoever gets there first, so they should be careful when they lobby to “make this permanent”. Likewise, I doubt the city would enforce the no parking red zones, anyway, and the area would be filled with the same scofflaws who terrorize Alki now.

        • September 4, 2021 (2:44 am)

          There are designated handicapped parking spaces right on Beach Drive. They were put there more than a year ago after people requested them. There’s also easy parking on 64th by Beach for mobility impaired. Makes me wonder if people who complain about this have actually been there.

        • foop September 4, 2021 (7:52 am)

          You complained that this makes a defacto private street (it does not) that only benefits the homeowners and in the same breath complain that it removes parking from the homeowners there? Okay. You realize those homeowners who use that street parking are just subsidizing your tax money to find free car storage. Unless they have driveway of offstreet parking.

    • Matt September 3, 2021 (8:07 pm)

      No thanks.  Getting cars off of that road is a huge improvement for safe usage of this park and walking/biking route.  63rd Ave. is a much better thoroughfare for vehicles looking to get from point A to point B.  Plenty of parking to be had just outside of this street if you really want to visit the park itself by vehicle.

      • Lamont September 3, 2021 (11:58 pm)

        Anyone who is kayaking, windsurfing or diving in the park needs parking access there to avoid lugging heavy gear for blocks.  Cutting off parking cuts off access, which is completely unacceptable.  Unless you’re volunteering to carry my gear for me and be my dive sherpa?  That’d be cool, I keep getting older and the gear doesn’t get any lighter.

        • Brian September 4, 2021 (6:30 pm)

          You can drop in at Cormorant Cove easily though?

    • Morgan September 3, 2021 (8:40 pm)

      Option 2 is least bad.

    • Ktrapp September 3, 2021 (8:56 pm)

      Yeah, I registered my displeasure at the “which of the three options that makes it much harder for people who don’t live there to access this ‘public space’ do you like?” nature of the survey.  I’m sure the locals will love having that beach to themselves.

    • September 4, 2021 (11:53 am)

      “The only constant in life is change” — Heraclitus”When you are finished changing, you are finished” — Ben Franklin 

    • DeadEnder September 8, 2021 (10:48 pm)

      Don’t sugar coat it.Unfortunately, you have to accept one as a priority, in this monkey survey.This is a really bad use of time, effort, and funds. These folks are WAY overthinking this. Looks like those who own property there are going to be stuckhauling their groceries for a few extra blocks, unless deliveries can get made.

  • Walking around September 3, 2021 (8:33 pm)

    All three of these options are much better than what was there before. 

    • Rhonda September 4, 2021 (1:45 pm)

      Absolutely not. What was there before was 100% access for everyone. The 3 RIDICULOUS options listed in the survey reduce access to a public space that we all pay for.

  • Alki resident September 3, 2021 (8:47 pm)

    What a joke. Do we need planters in the street? I was raised here. Never once had an issue passing people on wheelchairs, bikes, scooters, strollers, dogs, you name it, in my life. Leave this gem of a street alone and move on. Can’t anything be sacred anymore? How many of us has used this street to eat lunch, see the view, people watch, distress, mourn our loved ones, talk on the phone, take a nap, go on a date……? SDOT needs to go away

  • GT September 3, 2021 (9:04 pm)

    It can’t be “One Way.” FCS Not even bus service, ya know?

    • Alki Point Supporter September 7, 2021 (5:03 pm)

      FYI – No buses run on Alki or Beach Drive SW on Alki Point – it’s a residential street.  Buses run on 63rd.

  • Lamont September 3, 2021 (9:18 pm)

    Tell me that you want a gated community without telling me that you want a gated community.

  • Foop September 3, 2021 (9:28 pm)

    Love this, would love to see these areas opened up more to people to enjoy on foot or bike more like a boardwalk of sorts.

  • Zipda September 3, 2021 (10:25 pm)

    I would be happy to somehow restrict speeders there.

    • Johann Ohneland September 4, 2021 (10:09 pm)

      +100000. All it takes are speed/noise cameras and proper enforcement of the law. 

      • Lin September 6, 2021 (1:44 pm)

        Yes, if the laws were actually enforced along all of Alki, everyone could enjoy the Alki “neighborhood “ including folks who live there and pay property taxes.

        • W SEA Res September 7, 2021 (1:01 pm)

          I’m sure the police can do that with their newly reduced numbers.  Thanks City Council! 

  • Scubafrog September 3, 2021 (11:21 pm)

    I’d love to see Alki go green.  Bikes, families, walkers, runners.  Do it every weekend?  I can see it being great for business and attracting a lot of people.  Maybe a great prospect for the junction, too, and Admiral (for sunny Fall days).  Businesses could have soirées and open-houses with appetisers.  Go Green, this could be really fun for all!   WS Precinct should join and mingle, so should Chief Diaz.  A community-bonding experience.

    • Jeff September 4, 2021 (7:38 am)

      Yeah, I’d love to see the junction permanently closed at the level it is for the street fair.   California from Edmunds to Oregon, Alaska from 42nd to 44th, closed to motor vehicle traffic except for deliveries and residents within the zone.   Make a couple of alleys one way to accommodate that traffic flow, and it would work out great. 

      • Auntie September 4, 2021 (10:09 am)

        Imagine what that would do to the adjacent streets, most of which only have room for one way traffic due to parking on both sides of the narrow streets. Those side streets are not equipped to accomodate the volume of traffic that travels on California Avenue.

  • Chemist September 3, 2021 (11:21 pm)

    I think the link for “today’s survey announcement” is incorrect (as it’s a duplicate of the link for the April update”).  Maybe the header here?

    • WSB September 3, 2021 (11:28 pm)


  • WSlite September 4, 2021 (12:05 am)

    Thanks for providing survey link WSB. This whole thing is absurd I feel, get rid of the Stay Healthy street setup. Let the area go back to normal operations and open up to traffic both ways and parking like it was pre-COVID. Let the walkers and joggers use sidewalks and bicyclists use road along with the cars. I drive through there slowly and no issues when operations are normal. I would park along Beach  Drive and enjoy the beach, take out my paddle board and kayak there parking right next to beach. No reason to even discuss changing way it used to be. Go back to normal and open to all traffic both ways and keep all the parking available. This is all nonsense.

    • Steve September 4, 2021 (7:33 am)

      Bingo, WSLite. In the survey I requested they drop this project and focus that energy into making Admiral, Oregon, Fairmount, etc. more accessible!

  • native gratitude September 4, 2021 (2:17 am)

    Beyond thinking about the pedestrians who benefit from taking back roadway from cars, we might also think about the environment and the sacred wildlife that would benefit from changes we could make. Let’s take out roads (unpave paradise), restore some nature, plant native flora for native fauna, and work to restore healthier lands around the sound, for salmon and orca, for heron and gull, kingfisher, dragonfly, and more. Let’s close some sections of beach and designate them for wildlife use only, protected seal beaches. Let’s eliminate trash cans all along Alki and post signs that all visitors must pack out their own garbage or see big fines for littering, employ beach steward patrols. Some thoughts. We have got to make some drastic immediate changes for our sacred environment and endangered species. May we also acknowledge, this road is on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.

  • Ted September 4, 2021 (4:52 am)

    I’ve opposed this stay healthy street stuff since day one. Not because of the concept- because it blocks the right of way from cars. Queue up the lawsuits if a permanent street closure occurs without proper review.Here’s a suggestion- all the money spent on surveys, street signs, labor to install these things, etc – how about we dedicate those resources to fixing the West Seattle bridge faster and stop with these distractions?Give them bread and circuses comes to mind

    • September 4, 2021 (12:05 pm)

      Hate to poke a hole in your lawsuit bubble, but cars have had access and will continue to under the scenarios presented. The sky is not falling except under the bridge. 

  • Come now September 4, 2021 (6:57 am)

    Can we privatize Avalon too because those who don’t live on it are too noisy and annoying.

    • Mellow Kitty September 4, 2021 (4:56 pm)

      Yeah, California Ave SW, too. I’m sick of the reaving  engines, absurdly loud motorcycles, racing, honking, and spinouts in the parking lots. . . Better yet, how bout we make each neighborhood private and exclusive to the immediate residents . . . SMDH. 

  • Jeff September 4, 2021 (7:12 am)

    I like it how it is, but I’d be fine with it going back if the city would do some actual enforcement of traffic laws on Alki.    It feels like a drag strip down there, between the speeding and the tire burnouts.  

    • I support the comment above me September 5, 2021 (5:51 pm)

      Or add noise and speed cameras to get more revenue. Already done in London and Taipei.

      • Lin September 6, 2021 (1:52 pm)

        Cameras area a great idea. They work in school zones and generate considerable revenue.

  • Emma-Lou September 4, 2021 (8:11 am)

    SDOT can screw off with this BS! Option 4- open the street back up and stop wasting time and money! I’ll continue to drive thru that road and ignore the signs as I’ve done all pandemic long. We taxpayers pay for it and we own it. How about stop acting like “safe” streets don’t just move the traffic burden to someone else’s block and get rid of all of them altogether since nobody voted for them. SDOT is the absolute worst. 

  • Kb September 4, 2021 (8:25 am)

    All the Healthy Streets need to go. The ones in Highland Park are the opposite of “safe.”  Signs say streets are closed? Really? Because there’s a million cars on them. Either, actually close the streets to cars and make them pedestrian parkways or open it back to normal. Right now these streets are a danger and I’ve almost been hit several times doing exactly what the signs say to do, walk in the street. Stupid idea.  

  • Joan September 4, 2021 (8:31 am)

    I agree. Open up the street again for all! I’d like to close my street to nonresidents too.  Just put in speed bumps and deal with it. I too miss being able to park there and just enjoy the sunset or whatever, on cold days. It’s always been accessible any day of the week. Let’s not lose that.

  • Reality Chick September 4, 2021 (9:23 am)

    Anyone know what process SDOT used in the first instance to engage the public on the inclusion of Alki Point to the Keep Moving Street program? Or was it added as a temporary measure for the pandemic and now SDOT has, de facto, decided that it’s original use is “off the list.” Great community input if that is the case:  Tell us what you think about the decisions we have already made…hoping I am wrong here, btw. 

  • SlowDown September 4, 2021 (9:59 am)

    I don’t understand why a street WITH sidewalks needs to be car-free. 

    My street has NO SIDEWALKS, few streetlights, & several blind curves.
    ZERO sidewalks … that’s Z E R O as in NONE!!!

    The posted speed limit is 20mph but most drive 30-35mph (not unlike everywhere else). People walk with dogs, pushing baby carriages, kids on bikes or scooters, runners all heading to Harbor Ave or back up the hill. I see the high school track team is now running up Fairmount Ave too. 

    Zero sidewalks. 

    Just a random thought but maybe we wouldn’t need “Stay Healthy Streets” if people didn’t drive like aholes.  As others have mentioned, all this does is push the aholes to surrounding streets.

    You want a better neighborhood, start by driving responsibly instead of being one of the aholes.

    • winniegirl September 4, 2021 (11:15 am)

      This is what I don’t understand.  Why are we spending so much time and resources on such a short stretch of road when there are so many places in west seattle that don’t even have sidewalks!  People can say all they like that this doesn’t have anything to do with privileged, but even the way that it has been discussed and surveyed and resourced is incredibly privileged.  This whole thing is absurd.

      • September 4, 2021 (2:28 pm)

        So I guess the Alki CSO Treatment Plant must be privileged because they take up about one third of the section of Beach Drive in question. Just because statistics show this is the most utilized street of all the Stay Healthy streets couldn’t possibly be part of the decision making process. I believe in facts.

  • Pessoa September 4, 2021 (10:18 am)

    Preserve access for all and that entails the right for all to enjoy that stretch of beach as they wish – not by the dictates of others. What plan accomplishes this? I think we all know the answer to that question.  

  • Jamesx2 September 4, 2021 (10:54 am)

    Whatever the decision by SDOT, the nearby property owners will gain special benefits. Wouldn’t this be creating a Local Improvement District (LID)? Authorized by state law, LIDs allow cities to generate money for infrastructure projects by assessing nearby property owners whose property values stand to increase as a result.The property owners in a LID pay a percentage of their anticipated “special benefits,” with those closer to the project paying more, based on their greater anticipated benefits.

    • September 4, 2021 (2:06 pm)

      Approximately one third of the property on the stretch of Beach Drive in question is occupied by Alki CSO Treatment Plant. If they have to pay a LID assessment, I would imagine that cost would be passed on to you and everyone else! Be careful what you ask for.

      • Jamesx2 September 4, 2021 (4:37 pm)

        …says someone who probably lives directly on that stretch of Beach Drive SW. I do appreciate your response. Cheers, Jamesx2.

        • September 4, 2021 (5:42 pm)

          Actually, I’m just someone who takes walks along there, don’t live there. Had to look up what the big building was. I believe in facts ;)

  • Ookla the Mok September 4, 2021 (11:24 am)

    I love how irrationally outraged people get about the Stay Healthy Street  program, in particular how unhinged they all get about this one road.  Honestly, you all are the anti-vax/anti-mask crowd when it comes to transportation and neighborhood policy.  Your levels of hyperbolic outrage are so out-of-whack with reality.  That said, please keep doing it cause your ridiculous comments always give me a good laugh!

    • September 4, 2021 (1:16 pm)

      Absolutely agree! I love the repeated reference to a “gated community.” Where are these gates, who is manning the gates, what do you need to get through the gates, a pass or photo ID? THERE ARE NO GATES! All you need are two feet, a bike or scooter, wheelchair or walker, or a car with a handicap hangtag, or a car that drives the speed limit or even slower if you’re behind someone walking or biking. There are handicap parking spaces, or spots on 64th & Beach for those who can’t walk too far. And, the sidewalks are too narrow for the number of people using them. What don’t people get? Do the complainers realize about a third of Beach Drive is occupied by the Alki CSO Treatment Plant? The people visiting, and I hear languages from around the world being spoken by them, want room to walk and bike and enjoy the view!!

  • SLJ September 4, 2021 (1:00 pm)

    Make it one way so there’s extra space to add a bike lane, with sidewalks for walking and curb lane for parking (people want to park there to enjoy the view, unload kayaks and paddle boards, or if they want to sit on a bench but have limited mobility). Add speed humps to hopefully slow people down. Then the street can be open to everyone.

  • Ice September 4, 2021 (1:01 pm)

    Claiming that reducing traffic/closing this street to cars is making the road a taxpayer-funded private road for the homeowners has to be one of the most absurd things I have read. Anyone can still access this park. I live nowhere near this street, and closing it to cars would greatly improve my experience in this area. Have you ever walked along constellation park during high demand times? There often a line of traffic, blasting fumes and engine noise into the air, completely ruining the atmosphere of the park. Operating your vehicle on every single piece of pavement is not a human right. Cars take over and ruin whatever space they are allowed in, and this is a particularly nice space which loud, dirty cars have an outsized negative effect.

    • Pessoa September 4, 2021 (4:59 pm)

      Ice: Great – for you. Guess what? You are not everyone else, (with apologies to Oscar Wilde.)  Some like to tool around the point in their evil motorized conveyances. Perhaps they think you are wildly exaggerating the impact of vehicles along this stretch of beach. The purpose of a publically funded road is to provide access for as many citizens as possible, not to devise ways to restrict access. And no, your idea of access may not be your neighbor’s. Deal with it. 

      • Brian September 4, 2021 (6:34 pm)

        Heads up: being rude isn’t a substitute for saying something anyone cares about. 

        • Pessoa September 4, 2021 (10:05 pm)

          Methinks someone is nursing a grudge. What say you, Bri?

      • Ice September 4, 2021 (11:52 pm)

        The great thing is I am not going to have to deal with it. You are the one who will get to feel like a victim because a quarter mile stretch of road isn’t as accessible for your dirty car as it was before, so you deal with it.

  • namercury September 4, 2021 (1:15 pm)

    It’s not only a bad idea to spend money for park-like
    activities and a gated community for the privileged few, it is unconstitutional
    (Article II, Section 40) to spend highway money on those activities.  I
    have written 5 letters to the Mayor and Council member Pederson, including a
    freedom of information request (March 29th, 2021), and have been completely
    ignored (no response).  This is your city government at work.  It is
    apparent from the construction of the survey that they have already
    significantly limited the alternatives and are going through the motions of
    justifying between severely limited alternatives.  

    • September 4, 2021 (4:44 pm)

      If I read Article II, Section 40 correctly, it has to do with the use of WA State funds. This project would apparently be paid for by City of Seattle funds. And, today I walked the length of the current Keep Moving Street and for the life of me could not find these “GATES” of which you speak, just some signs that people drove or walked or biked past. Did I miss something? 

  • MJ September 4, 2021 (4:24 pm)

    Option 1 preserves street parking that is needed, especially during low tide events, and minimizes the potential for overflow parking on the adjacent neighborhood streets.

  • Carbrain September 4, 2021 (4:48 pm)

    People conditioned for auto supremacy really lose their minds about sharing the road with people—my god.

  • namercury September 4, 2021 (5:49 pm)

    City of Seattle and State of Washington funds are intermixed and Article II, Section 40 applies to both streets and more traditionally labeled “highways”.  Speaking of “gates”, did you notice those big legal type “closed” signs at various points?     And speaking of street supremacy have you notice the huge dedication of funds and space to the less than 10% of the traffic that is bikes?

    • Brian September 4, 2021 (6:35 pm)

      Yeah I noticed it and it rules. they should give more money to bike transit improvements IMO. 

    • September 4, 2021 (7:08 pm)

      Well surprise, surprise, upon further exploration funding hasn’t even been identified for this project, so no one knows its source at the moment. And, for some reason I don’t associate a street sign with a gate, which to me implies something (a person or physical barrier) that can permit or deny access based on identification. Don’t get me started about bikes ; )

  • CMB September 4, 2021 (9:30 pm)

    Please fill out the survey and make it clear the roadway should be kept as-is and open to vehicles permanently.  I have enjoyed driving on this road for decades and there is no justification for closing it. 

    • Scubafrog September 4, 2021 (11:58 pm)

      Absolutely not.  Soon your steel, smoke-belching, fossil-fuel-burning fossil won’t even have a place to park (developers are building no-parking structures in preparation) and thank goodness!  Cars are becoming obsolete.  Adapt.  GO GREEN!  

      • Rhonda September 5, 2021 (2:03 am)

        Our electric SUV is “greener” than the smoke-belching busses you advocate, as is my SULEV (Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle) compact sedan. Green doesn’t have to mean cave-dweller. There will ALWAYS be cars at Alki.

      • Oakley34 September 5, 2021 (5:21 am)

        Just want to thank the overly strong, overly stupid, ‘war on cars’ type sentiments in this thread that have convinced me to fill out this survey and express my support for stay healthy green streets.  Cheers!

  • Alan September 5, 2021 (7:26 am)

    I filled out the survey.  It was full of biased questions designed to perpetuate the changes.  Like “do you feel safe biking on Beach drive?”  No option for “did I ever not feel safe before the blockage?”  I’ve walked and biked there for 20 years.  It’s not that dangerous. Change it back to two way traffic.  There has never been a problem walking or biking here along with the cars.  We also enjoy driving down and parking to watch storms and access the beach.  This is obviously a power play by rich people who bought houses on a beach road and now think it’s too busy.  All of Seattle is too busy and the rest of us don’t get to block traffic for our convenience.  Change it back!

    • alki_2008 September 6, 2021 (11:10 pm)

      Why would people living on that street want it to become one-way? That would be inconvenient for the majority of residents on Alki/Beach.  They’d have to drive around the long way to get to their home.

  • Auntie September 5, 2021 (10:53 am)

    Stay Healthy Street at Beach Drive: Comics: Universal Comics | The Seattle Times

  • John S September 5, 2021 (11:13 am)

    Holy jeez, why even have our taxes pay for the road if the rich just get to take it and tell us to start walking? This is starting to evolve into a Broadmoor situation and screams wealthy privilege. Next they’ll be putting up gates. 

  • September 5, 2021 (1:04 pm)

    Well the wimpy signs posted now pale in comparison to the gates at Broadmoor. I do wish people would stop saying  Beach Drive is going to become a gated community unless it truly looks like this: Plus, I doubt cars will ever be truly eliminated–Amazon still has to deliver! And, at this point funding hasn’t even been identified, so expect minor modifications. 

  • Millie September 5, 2021 (7:32 pm)

    Pretty sure residents of Broadmoor pay for street upkeep, maintenance through LTDs and most likely HOAs.  Since all property owners and renters pay for streets as a result of  approved road/transportation levies, we should be able to use them.   Perhaps,  money could be pretty spent by the CIty of Seattle and SDOT in road/bridge maintenance.  Additionally, putting sidewalks in residential areas would ensure “safe” streets for walking, biking, and neighbors meeting neighbors.   The “Safe Streets Program” is a total waste of  time and money.   Can’t imagine how we survived without them for so many years in West Seattle.   Agree with Alki Resident, WSLite, Emma Lou, and many others.

  • Paul Hage September 6, 2021 (1:42 pm)

    Survey taken.  I am  concerned this is a solution looking for a problem.  At the age of 77 my use of this beautiful area is extremely important to me.  It is largely confined to enjoying the sight and sound of the seashore from the safety of my car on weekday afternoons – four or five days per week – all year (oddly, more than two per week was not a survey option).  I find use of Constellation between all users to be polite and accommodating of one another while I am there.  The current restriction has effectively “calmed” traffic.  If further restriction is necessary due to conflict on summer weekends, then limit use during summer weekends only.

    • W SEA Res September 7, 2021 (1:11 pm)

        I’m 80 and I  mostly agree.  That street worked just fine the way it was.  Yes, we need more police, not less, but that’s another issue with our inane city council.

Sorry, comment time is over.