UPDATE: Crash at 35th/Avalon

9:12 PM: Thanks to the texters who have reported that crash at 35th/Avalon, including one who sent a photo. (206-293-6302 is our hotline, any time.) Police and SFD medics have responded, One texter says buses are rerouting. No indication of major injuries so far – just one engine sent.

9:40 PM: The crash is still blocking the southbound side of the intersection, as shown on the SDOT traffic cam, which also shows police directing traffic there.

9:58 PM: Tow truck(s) now in view.

10:11 PM: Our original texter reports, and the camera confirms, the scene is clear, We’re checking with SFD re: injuries.

12:10 AM: SFD says they treated two women, 31 and 51, but neither was hurt badly enough to need hospitalization.

8 Replies to "UPDATE: Crash at 35th/Avalon"

  • CP July 27, 2021 (10:47 pm)

    It’s a busy, bad intersection. At least east/west is almost always congested from Oregon to Avalon and beyond. I asked for light timing to be adjusted a few months ago but it hasn’t been done yet.  Lots of people running red lights to make a left on to 35th south bound. Blocking the box eastbound and not yielding right of way for southbound turning left to Avalon.  changes post bridge haven’t helping imo. People also impede traffic/block a lane westbound on Avalon waiting to get in the Starbucks drive through line. And yes I have asked SDOT and SPD for help.

    • Mel July 27, 2021 (11:55 pm)

      No matter what we do to our streets, there’s going to be an accident once in a while. (“Vision Zero” is almost halfway to its goal year and accidents have increased, while the city’s “rechannelization” of arterials to “calm” traffic has only seemed to make drivers more aggressive – constricting vehicle traffic might not have been the smartest plan when motor vehicles are the way we get around with the exception of a single rail line and a couple of neighborhood trolleys).The one thing we can probably count as a silver lining is that without the WS Bridge, that particular intersection is less busy than it would normally be. 

    • trickycoolj July 28, 2021 (1:13 am)

      Not to mention there’s tons of temporary markings that indicate turn only that are unclear if they’re legitimate or not (southbound 35th in front of Taco Time) and it seems they took away the no left turn hours or at least the sign is gone so people sit around trying to turn left when it wasn’t/shouldn’t be allowed but again, the faded hand spray painted/written turn arrow says otherwise. It’s like they didn’t bother to clean up after the construction was finished since there wasn’t much traffic during covid. 

      • CP July 28, 2021 (2:44 pm)

        Hi TCJ. Always enjoy your comments. I agree about that hand made spray painted left turn arrow in the left lane. I submitted a find it fix it to have that pressure washed but it’s still too visible and confusing. SDOT covered up the hanging no turns between 4-7 pm sign because the city designated Avalon as a detour route and they used to or maybe still do have an orange sandwich board detour sign on the Taco Time corner pointing left.  It’s going to be a mess when the bridge opens and the sign gets uncovered. So many will be used to making a left there. Pre bridge closure I saw a lot of people trying to turn left there despite the sign prohibiting it. 

  • Joe Z July 28, 2021 (10:07 am)

    They could start by making left turns onto 35th allowable on a green arrow only. 

    • Derek July 28, 2021 (10:40 am)

      But that will be illegal to do when the bridge is open during peak hours. For good reason too. It’s a shortcut during rush hour and piles up. 

    • 1994 July 28, 2021 (6:24 pm)

      Maybe SDOT can consider giving a green light to only 1 direction at a time to reduce crashes,  then make it an all way walk for pedestrians like at the Junction.

  • CP July 28, 2021 (2:37 pm)

    I have noticed a lot of honking from people who turning left from southbound 35th to Avalon when people heading north on 35th turn right to Avalon on the same green light. Am I missing something? I thought left turns on a solid green had to yield in these scenarios. They don’t I was driving the other day heading north in the left lane and a truck with trailer turned right in front of me then stopped because the driver couldn’t get past the sidewalk which blocked all northbound traffic. 

Sorry, comment time is over.