2:49 PM: More West Marginal Way news from this afternoon’s West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force meeting: SDOT says the next phase of work to improve the WMW/Highland Park Way intersection will start early this Saturday morning. The initial work will include partial removal of the raised traffic islands as well as curb-ramp work (that’ll start on the northwest corner); some work already has been done. SDOT says the work will last a few months and will be done without a reduction in traffic lanes. We’re checking for more details on planned work days/hours. (More meeting coverage on other topics, still to come.)
4:50 PM: More info from SDOT, and a closer look at the plan:
At this intersection, we will: 
-Remove existing raised traffic islands to create a new northbound lane and shift the southbound left-turn lanes further west to reduce wait times.  
-Update the traffic signal equipment for people of all abilities, which will allow us to make signal adjustments in real-time remotely from our traffic operations center based on what cameras show 
-Install new accessible curb ramps 
-Relocate the bus stop 
-Improve turning movements for vehicles traveling through the intersection to shorten wait times For people driving, this work will improve intersection efficiency by allowing more people to turn at the same time and more people to get through the intersection heading northbound onto West Marginal Way SW. The new live video stream will also help us monitor and make real-time changes as needed to keep people moving. For people biking and walking, these changes will make navigating the intersection easier and provide safer crossings. …
SDOT crews will be working the next several weekends, starting this weekend of July 17 – 18.
Work hours are 4 AM to 1 PM each day to minimize impacts to area businesses and people driving on the detour route.