(Anna’s Hummingbird during our recent hot weather, photographed by Jerry Simmons)

Here’s what’s happening in the hours ahead:

LIGHT RAIL: Will Sound Transit‘s “realignment” process lead to delayed or reduced light rail for West Seattle? Board members’ next discussion is in a special meeting 10:30 am-12:30 pm today, online. The agenda includes information on watching/commenting.

GET VACCINATED AT SSC: 11 am-3 pm at the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) Brockey Center, people 18+ can get the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Appointments recommended (but not required); more info here.

GOVERNOR’S BRIEFING: 2:30 pm, Gov. Inslee talks about the pandemic, with planned guests including the state lottery director. Watch the livestream here.

JOB SEARCH STRATEGIES: Free online workshop, 3-5 pm, presented by the Seattle Public Library and South Seattle College. Registration required – our calendar listing has the link.

DEMONSTRATION: 4-6 pm, join organizer Scott in the twice-weekly streetcorner sign-waving for racial justice, 16th/Holden (signs available if you don’t have your own).

NORTH HIGHLINE UNINCORPORATED AREA COUNCIL: The community council for White Center and vicinity meets at 7 pm online, with guests on topics including parks, permitting, roads, and youth. Participation info is on our partner site White Center Now.

5 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE THURSDAY: 6 notes"

  • hb June 3, 2021 (10:39 am)

    What a great photograph!

    • Jerry Simmons June 3, 2021 (3:09 pm)

      Very much appreciated and thank you!!

  • Kalo June 3, 2021 (2:19 pm)

    Fabulous photo! Hummingbirds need clean water to clean their feathers and beaks of sticky sugar water. Also, did you know, during hot weather especially, our busy pollinator bees also need clean water, a watering hole, if you will,   to stop and hydrate at during their busy daily rounds.

  • Danny L. McMillin June 4, 2021 (7:46 am)

    Nicely captured Jerry!Danny

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