HELPING: Scouts and neighbors collaborate on 3/4-ton donation to West Seattle Food Bank

The latest local troop to complete a Scouting for Food door-to-door donation drive is BSA Troop 284. The troop’s Scouting for Food coordinator Jennifer Dempsey – who sent the photo – reports that their collection last weekend totaled more than 1,600 pounds for the West Seattle Food Bank! They had put out flyers the week before in an area bounded by 27th SW, 34th SW, SW Myrtle, and SW Henderson, and then returned to collect. (Even if you weren’t part of it, you can help the WSFB any time – here’s how.)

2 Replies to "HELPING: Scouts and neighbors collaborate on 3/4-ton donation to West Seattle Food Bank"

  • Barb May 4, 2021 (2:45 pm)

    Thank you for you service.

  • WS proud May 4, 2021 (9:50 pm)

    Thank you Scouts.  Selfless service.

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