Vaccination pop-up on Alki

Thanks to Stacy for the photo and tip! Between now and 2 pm, the Seattle Fire Department’s Mobile Vaccination Team has a pop-up on Alki, just south of the bathhouse. We didn’t get advance word of this but as we’ve mentioned a couple times, they will be at two local brewpubs later this afternoon/evening.

4 Replies to "Vaccination pop-up on Alki"

  • onion May 28, 2021 (7:10 pm)

    I hope they had some customers. None while I passed them heading west and later while heading east. Perhaps the later sessions will be more productive.

  • Elton May 28, 2021 (8:40 pm)

    Kind of amazing to think that we have to almost beg people to get vaccinated when 2 months ago the vaccine felt so out of reach still in terms of having enough supply for the demand! 

  • Concerned May 29, 2021 (9:05 am)

    I think more people will be willing to get the vaccine when the FDA approves them. Currently this is not the case but Pfizer and Moderna are putting in their applications as of 10 or more days ago from what I read. 

    • What Do I Know May 29, 2021 (12:11 pm)

      Hmm, how is it that 75% of King County residents were willing to get the vaccine without FDA approval? Perhaps there are other reasons for those who have yet to get the jab, i.e., work schedules, accessibility, flat out refuse to get it, previously infected and don’t think they need the vaccine, and dozens of other reasons that have nothing to do with FDA approval. And, why do people now need to be rewarded with prizes/freebies for getting a FREE vaccine? Earlier people were clammering to get it to keep from dying or being hospitalized. Boggles the mind. 

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