That’s our photo from June 6, 2020, when artist Desmond Hansen painted a Black Lives Matter mural on the signal box at 42nd/Alaska, same day that thousands gathered in the heart of The Junction to call for racial justice. A reader tip called our attention to recent vandalism defacing the mural – a vandal has painted out the fist and the words. The original mural was commissioned by the West Seattle Junction Association, whose executive director Lora Radford tells WSB this box has been vandalized, and repaired, before. Fixing it again will cost at least $250, and WSJA, a nonprofit, welcomes donations, either here, or via Venmo to @westseattlejunction. This follows a vandal targeting depictions of a family of color in the mural on the Junction post office; that’s undergone recent repairs as part of planned restoration work.
West Seattle, Washington
14 Friday