Debris-free! Volunteers, city crews team up for bit-by-bit cleanup on Lincoln Park shore

(Seattle Parks photo)

If you walk, run, or ride along the Lincoln Park beach, you might have seen this cleanup operation – removing a damaged floating dock and the Styrofoam beads with which it was contaminating the water and shore. A post by Seattle Parks today explains how volunteers and city crews teamed up to get rid of it after an initial report came in from a park visitor. Friends of Lincoln Park, Puget Soundkeeper, Green Seattle Partnership all had a hand in it. The cleanup started last Thursday with Parks’ Heavy Equipment crew removing the dock, and continued Friday with work to remove the bits of Styrofoam. That involved a variety of tactics – from vacuuming up dry bits of foam to filling buckets with scooped-up beach stones, sand, and shells, adding water so the foam pieces would float up for removal. (See more photos here.) If you ever see a problem like this, you can report it via the Find It Fix It app or the Parks maintenance line, 206-684-7250.

4 Replies to "Debris-free! Volunteers, city crews team up for bit-by-bit cleanup on Lincoln Park shore"

  • RickB March 16, 2021 (4:58 pm)

    Wow, what a job! Thanks to all involved with this cleanup!

  • Adam March 16, 2021 (8:48 pm)

    Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!

  • 1994 March 16, 2021 (9:45 pm)

    Styrofoam travels so  easily with the wind and water. Thanks to those for their detailed task of picking it out from the shore rocks. 

  • Mark March 22, 2021 (3:09 am)

    Excellent effort.  Thanks to all the volunteers!  You rock. 

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