ELECTION 2O21: Second ‘Best Starts for Kids’ countywide levy to be on August ballot

checkbox.jpgSix years have passed since King County voters approved the first “Best Starts for Kids” levy, you’ll be asked in August if you support renewing it. King County Executive Dow Constantine‘s announcement says it has served more than 500,000 children in the past six years (here’s a report), “providing comprehensive supports from prenatal development all the way to young adulthood.” The programs proposed to be funded through the levy include:

• Home-based services for new parents – provides support for new families throughout the first years. In these programs, an average of 97 percent of new parents started breastfeeding, helping their babies off to a healthy start. This exceeded the goal of “Healthy People 2020,” a federal initiative with a goal of 82 percent of new parents breastfeeding.

• Programs that promote healthy development for youth – provides support for children and young people to develop leaderships skill, connect with their community, and succeed in school. The levy served 40,000 children and young people with programs before, during, and after school, and throughout the summer.

• Youth and Family Homelessness Prevention Initiative – flexible funds and intensive case management helped 9,200 young people and families. Ninety percent of enrollees did not enter the homeless system, and 92 percent remained housed at least one year after exiting the program.

Child care would also be addressed, “new funding for 3,000 children under 5 who currently have no access to child care.” So what will it cost? The first-year rate is 19 cents per $1,000 valuation, $114 a year for a “median-priced King County home,” with annual increases capped at three percent, raising about $811 million over the six years. The announcement says this is five cents more per $1,000 than the original Best Starts for Kids levy. You can read more about this in the full announcement. Next step for the proposal is a County Council decision on whether to send it to the ballot.

13 Replies to "ELECTION 2O21: Second 'Best Starts for Kids' countywide levy to be on August ballot"

  • Pat January 28, 2021 (8:21 pm)

    Not the time for more taxes 

  • 1994 January 28, 2021 (10:30 pm)

    While the idea is great, my limited income only goes so far and I have to live within my budget. There are proposals to increase the gas tax, tax your health insurance, tax your home and auto insurance, the property tax is increasing every year, car tab taxes, the ever increasing sales tax…….sure it is only a few cents or bucks here or there at the local or state level, but add it all up and my limited income is getting taxed out of my control. I end up with less and less discretionary income to decide how I want to spend, or be able to save it for a new water heater or other house maintenance. 

  • John January 28, 2021 (11:08 pm)

    Time to listen to “Taxman” by the Beatles.

    And if you can, move out of King County.

  • Sixbuck January 29, 2021 (4:19 am)

    We need a modern “Boston Tea Party”

  • Graciano January 29, 2021 (8:16 am)

    Why don’t they use the some of the weed tax money, The state is claiming they have made $2B in revenue.

    • WSB January 29, 2021 (9:55 am)

      The county gets $4.6 million/year, according to stats in this budget cycle. Tiny fraction of what this would raise.

  • Peter January 29, 2021 (9:27 am)

    Hard no. My property tax bill has exploded over the last few years. This is out of control. 

  • Anne January 29, 2021 (9:56 am)

    How about we have a moratorium on raising taxes- of any kind – until pandemic is under control- folks are back to work?

    • heartless January 29, 2021 (10:09 am)

      How ’bout we vote on it?

  • Plf January 29, 2021 (11:32 am)

    The idea is wonderful and I’m sure we all support the ideataxes continue on a incremental creep, this is not the only request that comes forward at this time, im on a fixed retirement income and social security does not increase to cover all the additional tax requests, not to mention general inflation all or most of us are hurting, I find it appalling that Dow or anyone else is asking for more money during this time  Dow are you watching the news .shows how out of touch they are,  ideas are worthy but the timing is just wrong 

  • flimflam January 29, 2021 (4:10 pm)

    ah yes, the ol’ “expiring levy” trick again…they never seem to truly expire once voted in.

    • 1994 January 29, 2021 (11:09 pm)

      It is a levy trick isn’t it? They never, or rarely, expire into the sunset. When a levy comes around to meets it’s expiration date, there are all sorts of reasons why it needs to be continued and increased.

  • AJP January 30, 2021 (9:05 pm)

    Gas tax, sales tax, property tax, car tab tax; all of these disproportionately affect lower income people. Time to advocate for capital gains and income taxes.

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