LABOR DAY 2020: West Seattle notes

(Sunday sunset – photo by Elaine Dale)

Good morning. Holiday notes:


Metro is on a Sunday schedule
Water Taxis are not running
Sound Transit buses and light rail are on a Sunday schedule
-If you’re going to an area of the city with pay-station street parking, note that there’s no charge today
-Delridge RapidRide H project: No work today
-Check traffic cams here


-Citywide caravan urging City Council to override mayor’s budget-cuts veto starts with 1 pm stop at Duwamish Longhouse


Warmer today. Might get into the 80s.

5 Replies to "LABOR DAY 2020: West Seattle notes"

  • Lisa September 7, 2020 (9:02 am)

    I just saw a report on KOMO that Lincoln Park, Alki Beach and the West Seattle Stadium are closed today due to CoronaVirus crowd concerns. Is that what you are seeing too?

    • WSB September 7, 2020 (10:24 am)

      No, that would be wrong. Gas Works Park is closed today but those three parks are ^closing at 8 pm nightly* now (as we reported on Sat).

      • Ckm September 7, 2020 (11:12 am)

        Looks like it was so overcrowded yesterday that they closed them for today. So folks will just crowd into apartments and back yard bbqs instead.

        • WSB September 7, 2020 (12:08 pm)

          No, they did NOT close any West Seattle parks for today. Only Gasworks. As another commenter has noted, the TV website has corrected its error, now saying: “An earlier report that most major Seattle parks would be closed for the day was in error.”

  • newnative September 7, 2020 (11:37 am)

    They have corrected it on their website. 

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