29 weeks ago tonight, King County announced its first case of COVID-19. Here’s what’s new:
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the Public Health daily summary:
*21,304 people have tested positive, 127 more than yesterday
*748 people have died, unchanged since Wednesday
*2,313 people have been hospitalized, 3 more than yesterday
*406,682 people have been tested, 2,609 more than yesterday
One week ago, those totals were 20,699/743/2,294/389,459.
ONE MORE AREA DEATH: One of the five zip codes that are entirely or partly within West Seattle, 98146, recorded another death since our last check Tuesday and is now up to 15.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 30.4 million cases, 950,000+ deaths – see the nation-by-nation numbers here.
PROPERTY TAXES: Earlier this year, King County property owners who pay taxes directly, instead of through a lender, got an extension of the year’s first payment deadline. The Assessor’s Office announced today that it will NOT extend the deadline for the year’s second payment. So King County property owners who pay their property taxes themselves, rather than through a mortgage lender, have until Monday, November 2 to pay the second half of their 2020 bill. After that date, interest charges and penalties will be added to the tax bill. But a “payment-plan program” is still available. Find out about it by going here.
RENT RELIEF FOR CITY’S TENANTS: The city is a landlord for dozens of business and nonprofit spaces. It’s extending rent relief – deferral for the former, waiver for the latter – for its tenants, through year’s end.
NEED FOOD? Volunteers at the Greater Seattle Filipino Seventh-day Adventist Church will be handing out free boxes of food tomorrow at 2620 SW Kenyon.
GOT DONATIONS? Hope Lutheran Church‘s drive-up donation dropoff is also tomorrow, at 42nd/Oregon.
GOT INFO OR PHOTOS? westseattleblog@gmail.com or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!
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