LAST CALL! Design a West Seattle Bridge T-shirt, win $

You have one more day to enter the West Seattle Art Walk‘s West Seattle Bridge T-shirt design contest (first mentioned here two weeks ago). The goal as explained here, is “to generate three different shirt designs for sale this summer. The artists of the three chosen designs will each receive $500 for their work.” The guidelines:

We would like all artists to consider the following as they create their designs:

*Capture the essence of the situation
*Raise awareness about the importance of the bridge closure to our community
*Convey the love we have for West Seattle

We recognize that art is a very personal expression and you may have mixed emotions about the Bridge closure. While we do not want to inhibit creativity, we do aim to find a balance among sentiments conveyed in the designs that will appeal to our community, with a suggestion of:


Designs can be all illustration, all text, or a mix of both. One submission per artist.

Please note: While we welcome all submissions, artwork needs to be family-friendly to qualify for voting and selection.

More details here; the form for submitting your design is here. The community will get to vote on the qualifying designs to choose the winners! Then the T-shirts will be sold to raise money both for the merchants who sell them and for the nonprofit West Seattle Junction Association.

6 Replies to "LAST CALL! Design a West Seattle Bridge T-shirt, win $"

  • David July 2, 2020 (5:51 pm)

    “Capture the essence of the situation” and “Raise awareness about the importance of the bridge closure” while simultaneously being “Proud” and “Encouraging”.
    …aiyaa. That might be a little tough.
    How about “Bridges? We don’t need no steenkin’ bridges!”, superimposed over bridge construction with these guys sitting on horses, looking out over the gap: We Don’t Need No… Stinkin’ Badges. Maybe five not-so-subtly-placed cranes could evoke a raised middle finger towards West Seattle, from the direction of city hall.
    On the back, to be proud and encouraging and show our love: “West Seattle is so awesome, we don’t even want to go anywhere else before 2030!” (^_~)

    • Kathleen Collins July 4, 2020 (2:56 pm)

      Wow.  Encouraging?  How about SDOT is an incompetent city agency?  They have left a part of the city stranded.  How do they sleep at night?

  • Genesee Hill Resident July 2, 2020 (6:49 pm)

    Glad we saw this in time, so that my very talented teenager could submit her artwork for consideration.

  • Dan July 2, 2020 (10:26 pm)

    Available online from the West Seattle Chamber

  • Ben July 3, 2020 (1:22 am)

    I know this is somewhat mis-placed but I have a question about the bridge that may have been covered elsewhere. Has any analysis been done on how busy the shipping lanes are in the south (of the bridge) Duwamish? Are these shipments simply impossible to offload North of the bridge? If the businesses are private and not Port of Sea, is there any contribution they make to bridge costs? Without the need to ship down there, the bridge answer and cost becomes simple. I’m sure there is some obvious business cost answer, but has it at least been explored? Do those businesses have other options? Just as residents are adjusting, are they? 

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