day : 20/07/2020 10 results

CORONAVIRUS: Monday 7/20 roundup

July 20, 2020 10:24 pm
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 |   Coronavirus | West Seattle news

As we continue tracking the virus crisis, here’s what’s new:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: Here’s today’s daily summary from Public Health – the cumulative totals:

*13,339 people have tested positive, 180 more than yesterday’s total

*635 people have died, 3 more than yesterday’s total

*1,806 people have been hospitalized, 3 more than yesterday’s total

*247,689 people have been tested, 4,829 more than yesterday’s total

One week ago, the totals were 12,099/604/1,698/214,388.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them – nation by nation – here.

SPENDING NEW TAX $ FOR PANDEMIC RELIEF: Today the City Council passed the spending plan for their recently approved “high earners” business tax. The first year goes to pandemic relief; here’s how they explain it.

NEED FOOD? Food Lifeline is back to emergency food-box distribution this week – sites and times are listed here, including Wednesday and Friday afternoons at FL HQ in South Park.

LIBRARIES TAKE A STEP TOWARD REOPENING: You won’t be able to go in before Phase 3 – and with phase advancement still on hold, we’re in Phase 2 TFN – but Seattle Public Libraries are taking a step forward: You’ll be able to return books starting tomorrow at 9 branches, including High Point and Southwest in West Seattle.

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

CRIME WATCH: Arson suspect charged; gunfire incident; bicycle found

Three notes tonight:

(July 8)

ARSON SUSPECT CHARGED: A 35-year-old man is jailed in lieu of $200,000 bail, charged with arson and burglary, in the White Center fire that gutted a former funeral home almost two weeks ago. The full story is on our partner site White Center Now.

GUNFIRE INCIDENT: Several reports of “gunshots or fireworks?” over the weekend, but we found just one confirmed case of gunfire, early Sunday in South Delridge. Here’s the narrative we obtained from the police report:

The victim got into an argument at a local club with an acquaintance, the suspect. That suspect made a comment that the victim took as a threat. Later, on 7/19/2020 at about 0235 hours, the victim returned home (8600 block of Delridge Way SW) and was walking to her apartment. The victim observed a vehicle pull into the block being driven by the suspect. The suspect pointed a firearm at the victim and fired two shots before leaving the scene, then the victim called 911 to report the incident.

A spent shell casing was located in the street and collected as evidence. There were no reported injuries or property damage. The suspect was not located.

BICYCLE FOUND: Missing a green and black Specialized bicycle? Someone found one and posted in the WSB Community Forums.

THURSDAY: Online ‘town hall’ for West Seattle with mayor, police chief, SDOT director, others

Just in, the mayor has called another online “town hall” for West Seattle while hot topic from the bridge closure to police “defunding” continue to burn. Here’s the announcement we received:

Please join Mayor Jenny Durkan and City of Seattle department directors for a conversation with West Seattle residents about how we can work together to build safe and healthy communities.

Community members are the City’s most vital resource, and the best solutions often come from community which is why we’re working to bring City Hall to you.

During our community discussion, you can work directly with our City departments on resources and solutions that are important to you.

When: Thursday, July 23 at 5:00 p.m.

Who: West Seattle residents, Mayor’s Office representatives, and representatives from the following departments: Public Health – Seattle & King County, Seattle Police Department, Seattle Fire Department, Human Services Department, and Seattle Department of Transportation

You can RSVP here and send a question in advance; the meeting link will be here. The city’s last “virtual town hall” for West Seattle was two months ago; here’s our coverage.

P.S. No word yet if Councilmember Lisa Herbold will be participating; the announcement from the mayor’s office didn’t mention her, but the one for the May event didn’t either, and she did wind up being included.

LIBRARIES: 2 in West Seattle will start accepting returns Tuesday

After a trial run, some Seattle Public Library branches – including two in West Seattle – are about to start accepting returns. Here’s the announcement:

The Seattle Public Library announced today that it will accept book returns three days a week at nine locations starting Tuesday, July 21. The Library’s 27 locations have been closed since March 14, 2020, and continue to remain closed to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Five Library locations have been offering limited public restroom access during the systemwide closure.

“Although the Library has added digital services while our buildings are closed, we know our patrons are very eager to access physical books and materials,” said Andrew Harbison, assistant director of collections and access at The Seattle Public Library. “Processing returns safely is the first step toward checking out books again.” Harbison added that when the Library closed its buildings in mid-March, more than 400,000 items were checked out.


The following locations will allow returns at outside book drops on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from noon to 6 p.m., or until book drops are full. Materials will not be accepted by staff.

· Ballard Branch, 5614 22nd Ave. NW

· Broadview Branch, 12755 Greenwood Ave. N.

· Douglass-Truth Branch, 2300 E. Yesler Way

· Green Lake Branch, 7364 E. Green Lake Dr. N.

· High Point Branch, 3411 SW Raymond St.

· Lake City Branch, 12501 28th Ave. NE

· Northeast Branch, 6801 35th Ave. NE

· Rainier Beach Branch, 9125 Rainier Ave. S.

· Southwest Branch, 9010 35th Ave. SW

In accordance with the Library’s new COVID-19 protocols, returned materials will be quarantined for at least 72 hours before being checked in. Materials will remain checked out on your account while being quarantined.

Signage at each location will remind patrons where to return materials, and to maintain social distancing.

Please don’t rush to return materials, especially if these branches are not your home branch. Due dates for all checked-out materials have been extended until Aug. 15, and the Library does not charge overdue fines.

Patrons can help with the reopening process by checking your account for holds placed on physical items and deleting those that are no longer needed. Please note that the Library is not accepting book donations until it has had a chance to process returned materials first. Please hold on to your donations until further notice.

SPL’s announcement also says they hope to start no-contact curbside pickup in early August.

5 West Seattle events against racism: 2 discussions, 2 demonstrations, 1 bake sale

All from the WSB inbox (thank you!)

DISCUSSION – ’13TH’: If you’ve seen Ava DuVernay‘s film 13th,” or have time to watch it (above) before 8 pm tonight, Admiral Church is hosting an online discussion – get the link here.

DEMONSTRATIONS: Scott from Puget Ridge Cohousing, partnering with Hate-Free Delridge, is organizing two more streetcorner demonstrations this week, this time at 16th and Holden, 4-6 pm Tuesday and Thursday: “Come show support for BLM and ending systemic racism. Hold signs, meet neighbors and stand for racial justice. Signs available.”

BAKERS AGAINST RACISM: Baked in The Admiral District is selling a selection of treats to raise money for Black Lives Matter SKC and Creative Justice. Pre-order through tomorrow, curbside pickup (2604 California SW) Saturday. Go here to order.

DISCUSSION/PRESENTATION: From West Seattle Democratic Women chair Karen Chilcutt:

This Thursday July 23rd, West Seattle Democratic Women will hold its second in a series of three meetings on Racism. It’s an evening meeting via Zoom from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm. We’ll complete our first day’s focus on Ijeoma Oluo‘s book, So You Want To Talk About Race, begin determining just what Institutional Racism is and how to recognize it, and thirdly, will have Dr. Theresa McCormick, WSDW member and Professor Emeritus of Iowa State University (where she taught for 20 years multicultural and gender studies) speaking on “Then and Now, The Ebb and Flow of the Social Justice Movement”.

If you wish to register for the Zoom meeting to obtain Zoom codes or should you have questions, please email or call Karen 206-920-2231. The deadline for registering is Thursday, July 23rd at 4:00 pm.)

FOLLOWUP: Highland Park traffic-calming, round 1, almost done

Even as the Reconnect West Seattle feedback process continues, Highland Park already has had some traffic-calming measures in the works. Last week, Cindy sent us a photo of a sign that’s already installed and waiting along 9th SW – though the speed bumps it mentions aren’t in place yet:

We checked with SDOT on the installation status, and they sent us the map above, saying, “We have completed installing all of the traffic calming measures everywhere except 9th Ave SW, which we are still working to schedule.” As noted on the map, the 9th SW installations are planned as “speed cushions” – here’s the difference, as explained by SDOT:

Speed humps are designed to slow traffic speeds on low volume, low speed streets. They are a solid hump across the travel lane and are installed near streetlights where they will be visible to people driving and biking.

Speed cushions are typically installed where average speeds are 5 mph higher than the speed limit. Speed cushions leave space for emergency vehicles to pass through quickly and are used on designated fire and emergency routes on residential streets.

This project also included the Highland Park Way/Holden traffic signal that was rush-installed right after the West Seattle Bridge closure, after local residents had worked for years to get safety upgrades at that intersection.

P.S. If you live/work/travel through the area, be sure to give your feedback on the neighborhood-specific list of more potential projects, before July 31st.

REGISTER NOW! Have fun while being helpful, as Loop the ‘Lupe goes virtual

July 20, 2020 12:58 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | How to help | West Seattle news | WS & Sports

Running out of new ways to enjoy this eventless summer? Here’s an idea for having fun while supporting vital community work. The announcement:

Wondering how you can have some fun this summer, stay healthy and safe, AND help a great cause? Check out Loop the ‘Lupe (Our Lady of Guadalupe’s annual obstacle course fun run), because IT’S GOING VIRTUAL! Here’s what that means:

FIRST, GET SOME NEW SWAG: Not only will you get a cool tech T-shirt with your registration, but an awesome COVID face mask (a buff, which you can use as a handy headband or neck gaiter after we’re past the pandemic).

SECOND, SHOW YOUR STUFF: Come up with your own “racecourse” and post it on social media. Map out a run/walk in your backyard or neighborhood, put on your craziest running outfits, and… ACTION! To determine our prize winners this year, we’ll be reviewing your photos and videos on our Facebook page!

THIRD, HELP A GOOD CAUSE: This event is a major fundraiser for Our Lady of Guadalupe. The need for OLG’s social outreach work — meals for shut-ins, homeless services, and helping migrant communities — is greater now than ever. So get your friends and family involved, and have some fun while helping others!

IMPORTANT: REGISTER BEFORE JULY 31 TO ENSURE YOU GET A RACE T-SHIRT AND BUFF. You can complete the race any time and post your videos/photos between now and 11:59 p.m. on August 23 rd . Shirts and buffs will be distributed at West Seattle Runner from 3-5 p.m. on Saturday, August 22 nd , and at OLG’s parking lot from noon-2 p.m. August 23 rd . Please send this information to your friends and family—we can mail out shirts and buffs, as needed. GET IN THE LOOP!

(WSB is a community co-sponsor of Loop the ‘Lupe again this year.)

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE CLOSURE: Milestone for stabilization work

(WSB photos)

A lot of the work that’s been happening toward stabilizing the West Seattle Bridge has been out of view – unless you have a view of the bridge deck. As of this morning, here’s something you can see from under the bridge too. We’ve been reporting that a platform would be hoisted from a barge for placement under the bridge, with SDOT saying last week that it would happen early this week – and here it is.

For perspective, here’s a view from the east Admiral slope:

This will give crews access for work detailed by SDOT here. As they’ve explained, the stabilization work (by contractor Kraemer North America) must be done regardless of whether the city decides to repair or replace the bridge.

P.S. The next West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force meeting is this Wednesday, noon-2:30 pm. We’ll publish the link as soon as we get it. Also – have you answered the Reconnect West Seattle survey(s) yet?

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen bicycle, scooter; dumped bag

(update) Three reader reports this morning:


My bike was stolen from our apartment’s parking garage Friday night/early Saturday morning in the North Admiral District. They cut my other bike in half to get to this one because they were unable to remove the Kryptonite lock. The lock is likely still on the bike. If anyone sees it, please contact us: Mike (, 708.912.7243) and Jessica (, 708.921.3429) or call the police, who have the information.

Serial: (ends in) 237M
Manufacturer: Trek
Name: Trek Remedy 8
Model: Remedy 8
Year: 2018
Primary colors: Black
Frame size: L
Frame Material: Aluminum

(added) STOLEN SCOOTER: From Amanda:

My red 2013 Honda PCX150 scooter (WA License plate begins “2D”) was stolen from our driveway, just north of the golf course, on the afternoon of Sunday, July 19th. Please contact Seattle police if you see it (report # 2020-217800, 206-733-9800) and thank you.


(That) bag has been on the parking strip on Juneau between 38th SW and 39th SW since Friday AM. We thought maybe someone had forgotten it while packing up a car for the weekend, but it’s still here and we’re wondering now if it’s been stolen/dumped. It’s an olive green duffel with a Jeep logo. Haven’t looked inside but it’s partially unzipped and looks full.

ROAD WORK, TRAFFIC, TRANSIT: Monday notes, 18th week of West Seattle Bridge closure

6:07 AM: It’s Monday, the (corrected) 119th morning without the high-rise West Seattle Bridge.


Tonight, it’s the second of 14 overnight closures of the northbound 1st Ave. S. Bridge, for deck work. 10 pm-5 am..


Major work continues on Delridge Way, with lane reductions, as road-rebuilding and utility work lead off the RapidRide H Line conversion project – here’s what crews are working on this week.


Here’s the 5-way intersection camera (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Sppkane/Chelan):

Here’s the restricted-daytime-access (open to all 9 pm-5 am) low bridge:

The main detour route across the Duwamish River is the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map) . Here’s that camera:

The other major bridge across the river is the South Park Bridge (map). The camera is back:

P.S. Going through South Park? Don’t speed.

Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed for info about any of those bridges opening for marine traffic.

You can see all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also shown on this WSB page.


Metro – Still reduced service and distancing – details here.

Water Taxi – Back to its “winter” schedule, with the 773 and 775 shuttles – see the schedule here.

Trouble on the roads/paths/water? Let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.