Summer is the prime season for road work and a lot is continuing along Delridge to prepare for converting Metro Route 120 into the RapidRide H Line. Here are key points for the week ahead, from SDOT’s project team:
Throughout July, we will continue demolishing existing roadway and pouring new concrete panels, demolishing sidewalks, installing new curb ramps, and installing storm and water pipes throughout the corridor in the three work zones listed below. We will also remove and trim trees as needed.
What to expect the week of July 20
We will work in all three zones at the same time, from north to south on Delridge Way SW. No Parking signs will be posted on both sides of the street in each phase of work to shift traffic around the work zones. As each zone progresses, parking will be restored. In each of the three work zones, travel lanes will be reduced to one lane in each direction with restricted turns. Please follow posted traffic signs.
For people biking along the corridor, please dismount your bikes at the intersection of Delridge Way SW and SW Juneau St where the greenway crosses. There is a traffic control officer to help bikers safely navigate around the large equipment and construction activities.
Upcoming closures
• Temporary driveway closures near 21st Ave SW and Delridge Way SW
o Expect intermittent delays to driveway access. Driveways will be covered with a steel plate when work is not occurring.
o We will work our way south towards SW Thistle St in the next few weeks. Properties will be notified in advance of this work occurring.
o Please contact us if you have concerns about accessibility during this work• Temporary access restrictions at 24th Ave SW/SW Graham St near the Longfellow Creek Greenspace
o Beginning as soon as Wednesday, July 22 we will need to excavate a trench across 24th Ave SW/SW Graham St to complete utility work in the roadway
o Access to 24th Ave SW, 25th Ave SW and SW Graham St will be interrupted during this work
o If you need to exit at 24th Ave SW onto Delridge Way SW, please plan for delays of up to 30 minutes to exit and enter your street during working hours
▪ You can coordinate with crews onsite to have a steel plate placed over the work area as needed to allow access
o Properties will be notified in advance of this work occurring
o Please contact us if you have concerns about accessibility during this work• Sidewalk closures and detours between SW Orchard St and Sylvan Way SW
o The sidewalk on the west side of Delridge Way SW will be closed beginning as early as July 23. Please follow posted detour signs.
o People walking will need to cross at the marked intersections at SW Myrtle St or SW Holden St
o Access to some driveways at or near the SW Orchard St intersection may be impacted. Businesses will be open during construction and access will maintained at other driveways.• Night work at the intersections at SW Genesee St and SW Edmunds St
o Beginning as soon as Wednesday, July 29 we will be working overnight with Seattle Public Utilities at these intersections to complete waterline workWork by zone
• Zone A (West Seattle Bridge to SW Findlay St)
o Tree removal work throughout Zone A
o Demolition work from SW Charlestown St to SW Dakota St
▪ We have begun moving to the east side of Delridge Way SW to demolish curb ramps at SW Andover St
▪ We will pour and install new curb ramps on the SW corner of the intersection. Lanes will be shifted around the work zone.
o Demolition work from SW Alaska St to SW Genesee St
▪ We are continuing to demolish the road on the west side of Delridge Way SW from SW Alaska St to SW Genesee St
▪ We will remove the demolished roadway and begin paving the week of July 20
▪ Underground utilities for gas, water, and fiber optic lines will be relocated or installed within the excavation during this time
o Water-line improvements at SW Genesee St, SW Edmunds St, and SW Hudson St
▪ SW Hudson St will continue to be closed on the east and west side of Delridge Way SW as we complete this work
▪ We will work overnight in collaboration with Seattle Public Utilities to connect pipes at the SW Genesee St and SW Edmunds St intersections on Delridge Way SW
▪ You can expect pipe cutting, steel plates, and trucks near SW Genesee St and SW Edmunds St
▪ Night work will not be occurring at SW Hudson St
o Concrete and electrical work for bus pads throughout Zone A
▪ We will begin installing bus pads and completing electrical work to prepare for the arrival of RapidRide on the corridor
▪ This work will include demolishing and pouring concrete in the roadway, as well as some electrical work at bus stop locations• Zone B (SW Findlay St to north of SW Orchard St)
o Continued utility pipe installation at SW Findlay St to SW Juneau St
▪ Please expect traffic to be shifted to one side of Delridge Way SW• Zone C (North of SW Orchard St to White Center)
o We will continue installing utility storm mainlines and connecting catch basins throughout this zone
o Sidewalk demolition work between SW Orchard St and Sylvan Way SW the week of July 20. Please follow posted detour signs.
o Installation of duct banks near 21st Ave SW and work south toward SW Thistle St. This work is expected to last through July.
▪ We will be digging into the roadway to install the duct banks Expect temporary driveway closures starting at 21st Ave SW. We will work our way south towards SW Thistle St.
▪ We will cover trenches with steel plates to maintain access to driveways. Please plan ahead as moving steel plates may cause travel delays.
SDOT invites you to sign up for alerts via text message – text DELRIDGE to 33222 for updates on night work and closures.