VIDEO: Update from mayor and chiefs; 9 pm-5 am curfew announced, nightly until Saturday morning

5:41 PM: Will there be a curfew again tonight? That’s one of the questions we expect will be answered at the briefing that’s just begun with the mayor and chiefs. We’ll add notes as it goes.

The mayor opens by saying she wanted to be sure to acknowledge the reason for the gatherings and protests – the killing of George Floyd, the inequities in our country. “We must make real and durable change. .. from economic justice to civil justice to criminal justice … These protesters’ demands must be our demands.”

5:52 PM: The mayor is speaking at length about concerns regarding police use of force, and also talking about changing policies that have led to additional concerns – “mourning badges” covering badge numbers, body-worn cameras not being used during protests.

6:06 PM: The police chief now takes the microphone, also reminding everyone that this is all about “the murder of George Floyd.” She says 86 people have been arrested in the past few days, which she says have been “very different” events than what SPD has seen in the past. She also says officers’ response on Capitol Hill last night will be reviewed.

The chief says a 9 pm-5 am curfew will be in place through Saturday.

6:20 PM: They’re in Q&A. The mayor is asked if SPD will be targeted for cuts because of the COVID-19 budget crunch; she says “every department” has been asked to look for savings.

What’s the point of the curfew? they’re asked. The mayor said it was recommended by Chief Best, who says it’s part of “us(ing) every tool that we can …” and to have it as a “fallback if needed.”

The event wraps at 6:27 pm.

8:05 PM: Here’s the news release with curfew details and a link to the actual order:

– Mayor Jenny A. Durkan today signed an Emergency Order to place a temporary citywide curfew from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., each night between Tuesday, June 2 through Saturday June 6. During these hours, residents and visitors should remain in their home to the extent possible and should refrain from traveling in and through the entire City of Seattle. The curfew is intended to prevent violence and widespread property damage, and to prevent the further community spread of COVID-19 through continued gathering. The City encourages all residents to sign up for Alert Seattle to receive notifications about the curfew directly to their mobile device.

“Speaking with protesters today and hearing the voices of community, demonstrations can and should safely continue to speak out against injustice. This conversation and social movement must continue,” said Mayor Jenny Durkan. “At the recommendation of Chief Carmen Best, a curfew is critical that we protect their ability to peacefully protest and we believe this new curfew time will allow us to keep these protesters and the community at large safe.”

“The right to free speech is something we all honor and cherish as Americans. Meeting with community members and demonstrators today who came together to express their grief, anger, frustration about the murder of George Floyd was a reminder of how important the first amendment is,” said Chief Carmen Best. “I do not take the implementation of a curfew lightly, but I believe it is necessary—it’s a tool that helps us ensure public safety. We ask that residents who want to gather, continue to do so peacefully.”

The Mayor implemented a citywide curfew on Saturday, May 30 as pockets of demonstrations quickly escalated downtown and in surrounding neighborhoods, and fires proliferated. The Seattle Fire Department (SFD) was temporarily unable to safely access multiple fire incidents. The Seattle Police Department (SPD) has made zero arrests for curfew violation, and it will continue to be primarily used as a tool to encourage crowds to voluntarily disperse and keep streets and roads accessible for first responders to reach emergencies.

All residents should keep in mind impacts to roads and transit service could make it more difficult to get home. The City encourages residents to follow @kcmetrobus, @SoundTransit, @SDOTtraffic, and @wsdot_traffic on Twitter for updates on transit service and road closures. King County Metro and Sound Transit are both operating at reduced services because of COVID-19, so residents should check updated schedules regularly.

The City hopes that with additional notice, businesses and residents can plan accordingly for curfews over the next three days. The City is continuing to broadcast information about the curfew early and often, in multiple languages.

The temporary curfew does not impact people who need to commute to work during these hours, people experiencing homelessness, people in a medical emergency or people in a dangerous situation, first responders, health care workers, and the news media. In addition, the curfew does not require businesses to close while it is in effect, though businesses may close at their choosing.

17 Replies to "VIDEO: Update from mayor and chiefs; 9 pm-5 am curfew announced, nightly until Saturday morning"

  • wsguy June 2, 2020 (5:44 pm)

    Why did the city close down West Seattle golf Course at about 5 PM?

    • Y June 2, 2020 (6:27 pm)

      Why?  ‘Just asking for a friend. 😊

    • Duffy June 2, 2020 (7:45 pm)

      Along with how dumb that is, can someone explain to me why Mayor Durkant has not given authorization to allow foursomes to be played at the City golf courses? Does she realize virtually every local government in the entire country (maybe on earth) has deemed golf a safe outdoor activity and have now allowed foursomes to resume playing? Does Durkant understand how much money is being left on the table because player capacity has been cut in half by not allowing this? Greens fees, refreshments and pro shop merchandise? Shall I go on? And don’t give me the excuse that she has too much on her plate; this decision could have been made before the Floyd tragedy and protesting started. Hell, she could even make/allow the City Parks director make the call. Can someone give me a reason as to why this hasn’t happened yet?

      • Margot June 2, 2020 (9:52 pm)

        Golf is a low priority so no one bothered to make an exception?

        • West Seattle Hipster June 3, 2020 (7:54 am)

          Please try to respect other people’s interests.  Just because golf is a low priority for you does not mean it is not beneficial to others.

        • Duffy June 3, 2020 (8:07 am)

          Low priority? Considering the golf courses make money…and then turn around and subsidize other parks and recreational areas in Seattle that don’t make money, I beg to differ that it should be labeled low priority. The courses were closed for almost 2 months; where is that revenue going to come from? Again, playing in foursomes has been deemed safe by practically every municipality in the country; I have yet to hear a reason why the City hasn’t OK’d this. Being outdoors is massively important in times like these and the revenues these courses collect and share with other non-money maker parks is vital to keeping our parks department funded. I’m dumbfounded by this. If Durkant is so busy, isn’t there someone who makes well over 6 figures on her staff capable of making this call?

      • Lagartija Nick June 3, 2020 (12:40 pm)

        There are protests and rioting all across the country. Cities are on fire and police are brutalizing civilians. And you guys are whining about golf? This is some peak privilege right here. Absolutely appalling.

  • LJ June 2, 2020 (6:22 pm)

    This is not ALL about the murder of George Floyd. It is about the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and so so many others. It is about a system that normalizes police brutality. It’s about a system that continually devalues the lives of Black Americans. I say this as a suburban white lady. It’s about WAY more than the murder of George Floyd.

    • Really June 2, 2020 (7:02 pm)

      Don’t forget Tanya Jackson. 

  • flimflam June 2, 2020 (7:22 pm)

    A) as criminals have been released from jails, they will keep these folks ?B)  can the insane excuse for covering badges please go away immediately? that is just ridiculous, especially in tense crowd control situations.i think the mayor and police chief are in waaaaay over their heads here.

  • Allie June 2, 2020 (8:44 pm)

    Both the mayor and police chief were Not wearing masks. And Inslee does not wear them either.
    Why not?????

    • WSB June 2, 2020 (9:17 pm)

      They don’t wear them whlie speaking. If you’ve watched the mayor/chiefs’ news conferences, they’ve had their face coverings while not at the mic. If you watch the feed for the governor’s briefings, he takes his off right before he starts speaking.

  • 22blades June 3, 2020 (4:12 am)

    This isn’t all about George Floyd. He didn’t magically die in a vacuum. The other part if the equation is about how our law enforcement agencies & municipalities account for their actions. This mayor talks a good game but her actions & thoughts of rolling back law enforcement reform do not jibe with the public’s view. She is, after all, from a prosecutor’s background. Naomi Ishisaka with the Seattle Times wrote a good piece…

  • KT June 3, 2020 (9:21 am)

    So, this curfew has not been enforced.  Why bother?  Just to have it in case you decide to enforce it some time?  Businesses aren’t required to close but people aren’t supposed to be out.  Really?

    • 22blades June 3, 2020 (5:08 pm)

      Do you really need to grab that burger at 9PM?I was out & about (blissfully unaware kid) in the 60’s when I rounded a corner to have a Molotov Cocktail land a few feet from me. It’s for your safety too.

Sorry, comment time is over.