CONGRATULATIONS! Hope Lutheran School’s Class of 2020

From Hope Lutheran School:

At Hope Lutheran School, the months of May and June are all about wrapping up the year strong and celebrating our twenty 8th graders who will be moving on to high school. This year is no exception, albeit we are all at home. Knowing that graduates everywhere were disappointed not to be enjoying some of the normal festivities of graduation, we had to get creative in order to show our happiness for them while they are at home.

Social media has been a great way to highlight each of our graduates in what we called our “8th Grade Spotlight.” Sally Heit, Admissions Director, posted a Facebook Live post every day where she spoke about each graduate and posted a picture of them.

Lawn signs were a huge hit for every school, Hope included. Each graduate received one to post outside their front door. One tradition that remained the same this year was the mysterious flock of flamingos that showed up right before graduation to send off the graduates, each with their own graduation hat.

A HUGE Thanks to West Seattle resident Ruth Gardner and her company WestSide Flockers for always getting the flock together in front of the school. Graduates have been coming by to get their picture taken by their flamingo, and passersby have enjoyed the pink display.

Today (June 11th) was the official graduation day, and the Graduation bus carried Hope principal Kristen Okabayashi, Admissions Director Sally Heit, and middle school teachers Sara Kunkel, Tim Allen, and Lisa Mey delivered to each student their diploma and goodie bag.

And, this evening families viewed the special graduation video created by the Hope staff especially for the graduates, complete with a program.

Congratulations, Hope Lutheran Class of 2020!

1 Reply to "CONGRATULATIONS! Hope Lutheran School's Class of 2020"

  • Anne June 12, 2020 (5:31 am)

    Congratulations to each & every one of you! Gods Blessings on the next step of your journey!

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