Two reader reports:
CAR PROWL: From Chris:
We live on 38th Ave SW, b/t Stevens and Lander, and I came out on Wednesday morning at 9:10 am to find our Traverse had been rummaged through. We must have left it unlocked when we arrived home around 4:10pm yesterday, since there were no broken windows and no alarm last night. Nothing much taken other than some change in the console, a multi-tool from the door, and flashlight from the glove compartment.
BACKPACK FOUND: Betty, who sent the photo, says it’s hard to tell whether this was stolen/dumped, or maybe just lost. But given the uptick in car-prowl reports lately, we’re featuring it here in case of the latter:
She says the backpack contains “kids’ water shoes, and there’s a charger and a folding knife inside.” If it’s yours, let us know and we’ll connect you.