VIDEO: Governor says stay-home order may well last beyond two weeks, and other observations

This past hour, we dialed into the latest media briefing given by Governor Inslee. No new announcement. But one key point – he said multiple times that the stay-home order (read it here), which is now officially fully in effect, may well last longer than two weeks. “”It would not be adequate to knock this virus down for two weeks and have it come roaring back.”

Other notes: “So far, we’ve seen overwhelming compliance,” he said. There are some exceptions. “We are hunkered down but we are not locked down.” You can take a walk, go out for a drive. But remember “social distancing is our only weapon against this scourge.” He also said, “We do believe we are seeing some encouraging signs.” But also: The state still has “very significant unmet needs in testing” and he spoke to the President and Vice President about that this morning. Some PPE has been sent but he still has “long-term concerns” and demands coming in from around the state still cannot be met. “We need the full energy of the manufacturing capacity of the United States of America” to be “fully engaged” in answering needs – he talked about a cross-state drive someone made for vials to be used in tests. States are now competing. “We need … a federal system to be effective in this regard.”

Meantime, back to “some hopeful news” – “some evidence that our community mitigation strategies” have slowed the rate of increase in King, Snohomish, Pierce Counties. He says the curve is flattening a bit. “We cannot let up on this virus … we have to hammer this until we can be sure it won’t spring back up.” He says that’s the only way to bring the economy back – to conquer the pandemic.

He notes that retailers are allowed to sell items by delivery and mail/shipping. Also: New unemployment claims are coming in “five times faster” than during the last recession – “we have seen nothing like this in our state’s history.” One employee category, however, is in a different situation. “We are going to need additional medical personnel” – he has “cleared the decks” for retired doctors/nurses to have their licenses restored. Find out how at – he calls it a “medical militia.”

Archived video should be available soon here. (2:58 PM: We’ve added it above)

65 Replies to "VIDEO: Governor says stay-home order may well last beyond two weeks, and other observations"

  • TJ March 26, 2020 (1:35 pm)

    People won’t take this beyond 2 weeks. You can count on serious pushback if he still talks of this possibility next week. This is just the realist side of me and after hearing from numerous friends & family on their feelings 

    • neighbor March 26, 2020 (2:07 pm)

      Not attacking you in any way, I’m just trying to understand this. If the transmission rate of the virus is overwhelming hospitals to the point that they don’t have enough supplies to help people, and if we know that social distancing is the best way to prevent that nightmare scenario, why would people not “take this” as you said? This is hard on all of us, sure, but if we have the opportunity to affect how many people could survive then isn’t that more important?Again, not an attack. Just trying to understand.

    • WSNative March 26, 2020 (2:12 pm)

      This is week 4 for our household, as some companies began WFH recommendations long before this was a city/state requirement. I’m fortunate to have a job that can be done remote and realise that likely helps with any boredom, etc. I still consider it my civic duty to stay home. I’m also grateful to have this time at home (not commuting two hours a day, catching up on books, tv, etc.). Mostly grateful that people are taking this seriously and I am not sick yet.  Through it all I’m reminding myself of the best meme to come out of this “your grandparents were called to war, you’re being asked to sit on the couch. you can do this.”

    • sw March 26, 2020 (2:25 pm)

      TJ – the “realist” side of you should also realize that this is real and if people don’t comply it will last a hell of a lot longer. There is no food rationing. We all have power, water and internet. There aren’t devastating storms. If the worst thing that happens to most people is they mostly stay inside for 2-4 weeks is that such a horrible thing?  Be glad we are not NYC right now. 

      • R March 26, 2020 (7:29 pm)

        The worst thing is not just staying mostly inside for two to four weeks!Some, like me, have permanently lost their jobs!If the stay at home is not helping at all then it should be stopped after that’s proven.  If it is helping it should be extended. 

        • JES March 26, 2020 (10:32 pm)

          It IS proven that it’s helping. It’s the only thing that’s helping at this time.

    • CMT March 26, 2020 (2:35 pm)

      Everyone I know is committed to sticking this out as long as necessary to flatten the curve.  Too bad there are some that won’t get it until they experience a loved one unable to obtain proper care because of the overwhelmed system.

    • NP March 26, 2020 (2:47 pm)

      I am hoping that the majority of people are less selfish than you and your friends & family. It baffles me that people don’t understand that this is absolutely what is needed to prevent this from getting worse. It is hard on everyone, but sometimes we have to do hard things. 

    • KBear March 26, 2020 (7:29 pm)

      TJ, this is not something the government has imposed on you. The danger is real and the timeline is up to nature, not Jay Inslee or, god help us, Donald Trump. It’s gonna be more than two weeks. Suck it up and do the best you can. You’re not a snowflake, are you?

      • LB March 26, 2020 (7:35 pm)

        ^^^ this

    • Kevin March 26, 2020 (11:36 pm)

      TJ, your approach may earn you a Darwin Award. 

  • Mtntherapy March 26, 2020 (1:44 pm)

    Go out for a drive – can drive to mountains as long as fueled up and don’t stop anywhere and no hiking? A possibility? What you guys think? Safe to do? 

    • LG March 26, 2020 (1:51 pm)

      Yes on drive, yes on hiking as long as not bottlenecked at a trailhead or in a trail. Just maintain distance if you do hike. 

    • sw March 26, 2020 (2:21 pm)

      Sure – why not!  You are confined to your space in your car, and social distancing can be done in the woods easier than a walk around your block. 

    • K March 26, 2020 (2:32 pm)

      The argument I’ve heard against this is: what if you get injured and/or have an unexpected stop (car accident, bathroom emergency, etc.)? It’s another opportunity for exposure for a smaller community, especially if you injure yourself and end up in their hospitals. I ultimately decided it isn’t worth the risk and have been staying in West Seattle. 

      • M March 26, 2020 (7:08 pm)

        The same could easily be said for biking, hiking, or walking outside. 

      • W March 26, 2020 (7:31 pm)

        I’m sorry but this is a ridiculous thing to say and do. Ridiculous. 

    • stayingput March 26, 2020 (2:33 pm)

      I have thought about this, but I guess I think of the risk of even car accidents and the need for medical care and first responders.  It’s not a high probability, but I think its better to stay put.  But I understand if you want to get out of town for a drive too!  

    • Ice March 26, 2020 (2:44 pm)

      Getting out of your house and hiking is no problem. The likelihood of spreading it on a quiet hiking trail is so comically low that it’s not even worth worrying about. You are most like to to catch or spread the virus if you are in a group or touching stuff a lot of other people have touched. Here’s a good resource if you are curious about how to prevent transmission.

  • Tracey March 26, 2020 (1:57 pm)

    TJ You must not be a GenXer.  We were bred for social isolation.  I’m loving this.  Finally I get to sit on my couch in my PJs and watch endless Seinfeld episodes and no one is judging me.  I could do this for months. I know it is harder on others.  

    • smittytheclown March 26, 2020 (2:25 pm)

      So true!  Latchkey kids who came home from school, grabbed a bowl of cereal and turned on the Brady Bunch!  

      • Guy Olson March 26, 2020 (3:14 pm)

        Hahaha, yep!

    • Xuu206 March 26, 2020 (3:52 pm)

      Yup!! 😂 LMAO!!

  • Mj March 26, 2020 (1:57 pm)

    Two weeks is what was said and hoping this is the extent of it.  Another profession likely to see an uptick in work load is Divorce Attorney’s.  The financial and emotional stress of this is extreme.

    • JayDee March 26, 2020 (4:22 pm)

      I am working from home in Las Vegas rather than Alki for a change and needed a printer for my “office” down here. Staples delivered it to our door with free delivery at competitive prices.  So I suspect they would do the same up there.

  • Elton March 26, 2020 (2:04 pm)

    One thing I’m curious about is what happens if we do knock this down in Washington state before other states? Would travel into Washington get restricted at all? 

  • andris March 26, 2020 (2:37 pm)


  • David March 26, 2020 (2:40 pm)

    Still a head scratcher the level of inconsistency in this country. You can drive to SeaTac right now and hop on a plane to virtually anywhere domestically. India, a country of 1.3 billion, has completely ceased domestic travel and ordered the billion-plus population quarantined in place. I fear our national inconsistencies will not combat this virus the way it should. Scary times.

    • Tsurly March 26, 2020 (3:01 pm)

      It’s not a head scratcher at all; we have an inept buffoon leading our country that ignores scientific data and does what makes his ego feel better.

    • Person March 26, 2020 (3:38 pm)

      NPR had a good segment about this. Something about the president not really having control over movement like that, but up to the states. It would have to be a Supreme Court issue to halt movement nationwide.

  • Franci March 26, 2020 (2:47 pm)

    Good question on restrictions getting into Washington.  I am hoping in a few weeks to get away to my family cabin in Oregon where no one has been for months.  I’ve already been isolating for 4 weeks WFH and am getting stir crazy.., I could just as easily do it there.    Nice break to look at different walls for a change.  :)

    • Used to be WS, now very rural March 27, 2020 (9:21 am)

      Franci, Please, if you do head to your family cabin, take ALL your food, water, TP with you. As you may have heard, rural communities are having a hard time keeping up with the influx of people who, like you,  want to get away from the cities. The grocery stores in these rural areas are having a hard time keeping the shelves stocked for the residents, say nothing of trying to supply the additional people who are ‘getting away’.  Gas stations, emergency response are all highly impacted as well. Thank you for considering this.  Last weekend was insane here. Like a typical 4th of July weekend.  Hopefully this weekend will be calmer, so we can still get some groceries. 

  • Intelligent human March 26, 2020 (2:49 pm)

    Same here, I’m loving the isolation & quiet and time to enjoy my life & the lives of my family members without the constant reminder of capitalism. Life will not ever be the same after this and everyone needs to start thinking that way. Life will be better, nature will be better, air quality and food quality will be better, people will reevaluate their lives in so many ways and start to understand the system we were living in never worked and it was never equal. Time for everyone to have an opportunity to flourish, not just corporations & selfish humans only out for themselves. It’s a brave new world and it’s happening. Put your phone down and spend time with the ones you love because that’s all that matters. 

    • person March 26, 2020 (4:46 pm)

      ^ yeah!

    • JES March 26, 2020 (10:38 pm)

      Unless you live alone, like me. Then pick up your phones and FaceTime your loved ones- this is really not enjoyable for solo extroverts, I’ve been home what, 3 weeks now? Losing track.

  • TJ March 26, 2020 (3:05 pm)

    I’m just saying the obvious that people will be going stir crazy in 2 weeks, and will start going out. And this is the social side of it. You are listening to economists? The ones that are saying we need to get going in a couple weeks (and I’m not talking about Trump). That pressure is only going to grow. There aren’t anymore stimulus packages to be had. The government won’t be writing anymore checks. The comment above about “life will not ever be the same” is what we are trying to avoid economy wise and looking at that like “life will be better” isn’t realistic either. 

    • Mark Schletty March 26, 2020 (3:42 pm)

      TJ-  I would guess you have never been in the military. They tell you where to be, what to do, and for how long. Months or years. Having done that, I know it can be done, and (usually) without too much misery, if you just set your mind to it. You must have no self discipline and no self respect if you think two weeks is all you can take. Grow up.

    • dumbfounded March 26, 2020 (5:02 pm)

      TJ where exactly do you think you will go when you “start going out,” considering businesses are closed?  All of us want things to go back to normal, but sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to before we get the freedom to do whatever it is we like. Can you imagine how you would feel if your child, parent or anyone close to you-possibly even yourself-became sick with this horrible illness? Time to adjust and take up a hobby. 

    • Lockdown Schmockdown March 26, 2020 (6:15 pm)

      2 weeks is nothing, a month is nothing. The virus sets the timeline no matter what wishful thinking or boredom wants.

      China has succeeded in slowing this down with months of isolation and enforced lockdowns, but hey lets ignore science and just all start socializing on Easter because Trump’s a moron and you can’t take a little isolation.

      Personally I feel Seattle hasn’t been this nice in years. Less people, less traffic, no drunken dips#@!s at 2AM pouring out of bars. My neighbors even all say hello now because they are all so lonely, they even wave when I’m out walking the dog, it’s like when I lived in the South where neighbors are you know neighborly.

      TJ if you are so eager to get out, why not volunteer helping SPS feed low income kids or do something worthwhile other than complain about something that economists and presidents can not control. 

    • WS Fam March 26, 2020 (7:13 pm)

      Maybe everyone should read a little more carefully before piling on. TJ isn’t saying that THEY are going to go outside, just that people in general will get antsy and flout the rules. And considering the crowds at Alki last weekend, that isn’t far fetched.I completely agree that this isolation is absolutely necessary and people need to suck it up, but c’mon. Stop piling on.

      • Jasper March 26, 2020 (7:56 pm)

        Maybe TJ should let “people in general” speak for themselves, then.  Nobody I’ve spoken to or heard from would be so brazenly irresponsible as to violate a state public health order and start spreading the virus just because they’ve gotten _bored_.  

  • Pilsner March 26, 2020 (3:16 pm)

    Who does the audio for the state? Mic is way too hot.

    • WSB March 26, 2020 (3:26 pm)


  • Burt March 26, 2020 (4:32 pm)

    Questions need to be asked about the cost/benefit trade-off of a complete shutdown for much longer than the two weeks. A lot of the early models of this virus, the ones that predicted mass deaths across the country, have been incredibly wrong now that we’re getting more data. The infamous Imperial College model, which supposedly helped drive both US and UK policy, is looking like it grossly overstated total infections and death rate in both countries. The main scientist behind the study came out  today and revised his predictions significantly down. Dr Birx actually referenced this in the task force update this evening, also.Given these developments, one is left to wonder if total shutdowns are the best approach. Gov Cuomo in NY is talking about getting the young, healthy people in his state back to work even while they’re going through a significantly worse localized pandemic than we are here.This shutdown is absolutely devastating to many, many people and families across the state. These are questions that need to be addressed by the government if they expect to implement these draconian measures for much longer.

  • Aerial Observer March 26, 2020 (4:43 pm)

    People won’t take this beyond 2 weeks.”

    Not to pile on, but yes, yes we will. And for much longer than two weeks. As Gov. Inslee correctly noted, social distancing is our ONLY tool to stop the spread of Covid-19. Over the two weeks, one of two things will happen: either WA state infection numbers will start to slow down — they are still doubling every five days! — or they won’t. Either way, the logic remains to keep us indoors and out of contact with each other.

    It would have to be a Supreme Court issue to halt movement nationwide.”

    On 9/11, the FAA halted all civilian air traffic over the United States. That would be a very effective way of slowing spread of Covid-19.

  • Construction Question March 26, 2020 (5:00 pm)

    Has there been any guidance offered about who to contact if there’s ongoing construction? The governor’s clarification seemed pretty clear, but I can’t figure out whether there’s action one can take if there’s construction going on near in you in clear violation of the governor’s proclamation.

    • adam March 26, 2020 (5:47 pm)

      Ah I see we’ve moved into the “Report on Your Neighbors” phase of our slide into Fascism earlier than expected. 

    • Jethro Marx March 26, 2020 (8:09 pm)

      The normal action to take would be to walk over to within less than 20 but more than 6 feet of the people working and say, “Hi, what kind of project are you working on? How is it going?” There hasn’t been guidance on how to turn in people to some kind of activity review board because there isn’t one, and that would be SUPER WEIRD. At any rate, if you read the list of what’s “essential” construction, one could make the case that almost any project meets the guidelines in one form or another except breaking ground on a new musical instrument shop.

      • Jenny March 26, 2020 (8:49 pm)

        Agree with Jethro. You have no way of knowing if they’re making emergency repairs or not, so perhaps approach the situation with humility and give them the benefit of the doubt? (Very un-Seattle-like, I know.)

        • Construction Question March 26, 2020 (9:13 pm)

          Nice try folks, but of course it’s easy to tell that the townhomes they’re building from the ground up don’t fit within the governor’s clearly-worded clarification issued yesterday about essential construction sites. This construction would be no issue to me if they weren’t consistently blocking the alley with no permit (i.e. missed garbage and recycling pickups) and, on a few occasions, using our garbage area themselves (i.e. touching common areas used by residents of my building with unwashed hands). But ok… I’m a fascist now. Good grief. 

  • Concerned citizen March 26, 2020 (5:15 pm)

    Of course it’s going to be extended – the stay-at-home order is a pointless strategy that has no end game. There will never be a time at which the number of cases is “low enough” to justify ending the lockdown, because it would only take a handful of remaining cases to set off another outbreak. In the long run it just plain won’t work. Does anyone really think it’s realistic to keep everyone in their homes for months and months until a vaccine is widely available? How long can you really expect people to go without a paycheck? How long will the state be able to afford to pay for unemployment and other emergency measures when sales, B&O and payroll tax revenues have vanished? Unlike the federal government, the state and cities can’t print money and borrow indefinitely.It’s not going to take long for most people to become more concerned about their finances than about the virus, and start to push back on the stay-at-home order. That’s when this will end.

    • neighbor March 27, 2020 (7:09 am)

      The point isn’t to eradicate the virus. If that were the goal you are right, it wouldn’t work. The point is to slow down the exponential rate of infection so that our hospitals can keep up with the patient load.

  • Mj March 26, 2020 (5:30 pm)

    Many homebuilders build alone or with only another person or two.  If the maintain separation I say let them work.

  • lc March 26, 2020 (5:34 pm)

    This is not about any one of our “feelings” about staying home. Not the point. This is science. How are people not getting this by now? Or caring…? And yes, I care about the economy. But if you think the economy won’t tank if we don’t contain this virus… you are delusional. It will happen either way.

  • Terry March 26, 2020 (6:54 pm)

    I’m proud of our community and people who are doing their part. Be safe. Be smart. Stay home. Save lives.

  • Trickycoolj March 26, 2020 (7:32 pm)

    I’m on my 21st Day of Quarantine birthday! I’ll stay in however long it takes.  I’m honestly nervous for our next grocery run.  We have an acquaintance come down with the virus after being home for two weeks and limiting their exposure and young people aren’t that invincible either.

  • 22blades March 26, 2020 (8:08 pm)

    TJ,I am blessed with good health so I can take care of my very elderly father, who at this point has been “isolated” for over a month. I am lucky to have people to talk to. I am lucky to have the resources to isolate myself from the ravages of this disease.I am lucky to have the resources to occupy my time when I am not out working in this mess. From my vantage point, I am proud of my community in the manner in which we are fighting this foe. The sooner we punch through this, we’ll have a chance to look over our shoulder at this. Even for me, the days can look daunting, but the small sacrifice to keep us all safe is a duty. This is not even a “lockdown”.Here is an interesting article about solitary confinement for over 544 days in a Iranian prison cell. He has 5 tips for us…

  • TJ March 26, 2020 (8:13 pm)

    I’ve actually never said I plan on breaking this 2 week quarantine. I can and will even gut it out longer if need be. I pointed out only what should be obvious, that in a city of 700,000 there are going to be people who are going to do their thing (last week at Alki?) no matter what, and that number is going to grow as time goes on. More people I know than not now say that this isnt as bad as first reported. Yes, lots of people getting it, but almost all getting over it. I’ve had multiple friends say they think they had it and it was no big deal. I’m not saying I agree, just pointing out my small sample size of people I know. And Kbear, I would think about throwing the term snowflake around. I am not afraid of this at all but am on board here to fight it. Sounds like you may be afraid and perhaps the snowflake term applies? But the economy is going to force this to end one way or another within a month. People are listening to lead economists, right? This economy will have to get rolling within a month. Otherwise people will be on here complaining about the government not helping them get back on their feet because it won’t be able to. 

    • Anne March 26, 2020 (10:09 pm)

      ”More people I know than not now say that this isnt as bad as first reported. Yes, lots of people getting it, but almost all getting over it. I’ve had multiple friends say they think they had it and it was no big deal”Are you—those people you know —kidding-not as bad as first reported? What world are you all living in? Yes the economy is bad-probably will get worse-but you know -we can get through it-it won’t be easy-it will be damn hard. But taking care of our fellow human beings is worth it. 

    • neighbor March 27, 2020 (7:19 am)

      What your friends (and you?) don’t seem to be able to grasp is this… IT’S. NOT. ABOUT. YOU. I’m guessing you and your friends aren’t immunocompromised, have never been cancer patients, have no underlying health risks. Congratulations. You are luckier than you seem capable of realizing.

  • WSB March 26, 2020 (8:25 pm)

    Have to step in with a reminder for new participants – we don’t require registration for comment participation but we do require that you stick to one handle per discussion. We’re seeing some signs of people trying to post multiple comments under multiple handles in one thread, and that’s not OK. Thank you!

  • Person March 26, 2020 (8:41 pm)

    Personally, Im living my best life right now. Im loving that we are all home just cooking, reading, taking walks, “homeschooling “, etc. We are also very fortunate not to have real financial worries right now. If I  just found myself unemployed with no savings I’d most definitely be starting to panic. $1000 will only go so far. At some point the amount of poverty this could cause might be a bigger public health issue.

    • JES March 26, 2020 (10:44 pm)

      Well, lucky you. 

  • Mj March 27, 2020 (9:10 am)

    The State needs to defer the quarterly B & O taxes.  Many small businesses are already struggling and many accountants are way behind due to offices being closed.  If a businesses accountant can’t do the taxes how is the business owner who relies on this service going to pay?

  • Chris K March 27, 2020 (1:50 pm)

    The science deniers will destroy all of us.  Lock them up.

Sorry, comment time is over.