A reader tip about that bus-stop sign back in November led to the discovery that Metro was proposing seven stops for removal in an effort to “rebalance” Route 50. They asked for input – though there was no wide announcement before our story – and promised an update when the final decisions were in. Today, we got that update. Metro plans to remove 5 stops – including one that was not on the original list – and keep 3. The ones that are staying:
-Both stops at California/Stevens (31900, 31940), both with the same reason to keep: “Feedback regarding adjacent PCC grocery store supports keeping this stop”
-Westbound stop at Admiral/Waite (15570), three reasons to keep:
-Feedback regarding adjacent assisted living facility supports keeping this stop
-Stop is adjacent to an intersection with crosswalks
-Stop has clear, newly constructed sidewalk to enter and exit bus
Here are the ones that Metro will remove – for all routes that use them, not just 50:
-Both stops at California/Charlestown (31861, 31980), reasons to remove:
-Other stops available one block to the north and south.
-Stop to the north at SW Spokane St has a bench.
-Stop to the north at SW Spokane St has 75% more riders.
-Both stops at California/Dakota (31840, 320000), reasons to remove:
-Other stops available one block to the north and south.
-Stops to the north and south have similar, but higher ridership.
-Westbound stop at Admiral/46th (15560, not on original list), reasons to remove:
-Other stop available one block to the west
-Stop to the west is adjacent to an intersection with crosswalks
The removals will take effect with Metro’s March 21st “service change.” The bus system’s other planned changes for this cycle will be announced in about a week and a half.