Explorer West Middle School students go to Olympia to support sustainable-packaging bill

Five students from Explorer West Middle School (WSB sponsor) visited Olympia to make the case for a sustainability bill. EWMS’s Dawn Fornear sent the photo, report, and link to video of their testimony:

Every year, eighth graders at Explorer West Middle School, with Social Studies teacher Tim Owens, tackle their choice of social issues and complete group projects aptly named “Change The World.” They present their findings to all grades and to a panel of social advocates.

This year, one of our student groups is tackling the issue of sustainable packaging, and this group was invited by Senator Mona Das to attend a hearing in Olympia. Our students researched Bill 6213, which would expand the ban on polystyrene products. Primavera Faggella, Christoph Lawrence, Mac Peterson, Hans Rehkopf, and Maji Williams offered their well-researched testimony and opinions, which can be viewed here. We are so proud of their hard work!

The committee that heard the students’ testimony on Tuesday, Environment and Energy, is chaired by – as you might have noticed in the video – 34th District Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon of West Seattle. The bill currently is still before his committee for consideration.

3 Replies to "Explorer West Middle School students go to Olympia to support sustainable-packaging bill"

  • Arbor February 28, 2020 (6:08 am)

    This is encouraging news!

  • Julie R February 28, 2020 (7:53 am)

    Way to go Explorer West students! Thank you!

  • Brenda February 28, 2020 (9:21 pm)

    Such an important topic, thank you Explorer West students! As a family we’ve been trying to decrease our use of single use plastics. After a recent trip to QFC at Westwood I was so discouraged when I found many of the products my family uses ONLY available in plastic packaging including fruits and vegetables.  Thank you for taking on styrofoam, next up let’s tackle plastic! 

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