ELECTION 2019: See the final results

checkbox.jpgThree weeks after the voting ended, King County Elections has certified the final results. So for the record, here’s how the local races turned out:

Countywide turnout – 48.54%

Seattle City Council District 1 (West Seattle/South Park, turnout 54.51%)
Lisa Herbold – 20,033 – 55.71 %
Phil Tavel – 15,787 – 43.90 %

King County Council District 8 (West Seattle, White Center, Vashon/Maury Is., part of Burien, turnout 49.74%)
Joe McDermott – 56,753 – 83.71 %
Michael Robert Neher – 10,729 – 15.83 %

Seattle School Board District 6 (West Seattle & most of South Park; districtwide turnout 54.42%)
Leslie S. Harris – 142,214 – 65.82 %
Molly E. Mitchell – 72,805 – 33.70 %

The full list of countywide results is here.

17 Replies to "ELECTION 2019: See the final results"

  • Tsurly November 26, 2019 (5:37 pm)

    A strong YES for Herbold.

    • Peter November 26, 2019 (10:38 pm)

      Not true at all. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of people like me who only voted “for” Herbold in order to keep Tavel and his life long history of failed careers, failed businesses, and unpaid debts, out of office. Herbold has been absolutely terrible, and I have zero hope that she’ll improve. She only won because the only other option was much, much worse. 

      • Mickymse November 27, 2019 (8:15 am)

        If folks want “better” choices on their ballot in November… then you need to start organizing much, much earlier. Encourage people to run for office, donate to campaigns, volunteer your time or throw a house party to introduce the candidate to people.

      • Tsurly November 27, 2019 (8:39 am)

        You still voted “Yes”, contributing to the 11.8% margin she won by. When you strictly look at the numbers, caveats are irrelevant. I don’t disagree with you though, its pretty lame that these were the best candidates that West Seattle can put forward. 

    • S - in West Seattle November 27, 2019 (7:45 am)

      She won only by 4,246 votes that is not a “strong YES”, plus if you take into account that only 54.51% of the people voted, which is just sad that is not strong. 

      • tsurly November 27, 2019 (8:47 am)

        Based on the percentage of people who actually voted, an 11.8% margin is a strong win. If people chose not to vote, that’s on them, no complaining after the fact. It’s not like we live in some gerrymandered conservative ***hole where suppression is first priority; voting is super easy.

  • Jort November 26, 2019 (6:26 pm)

    This is another great reminder of how resoundingly overwhelming Lisa’s victory was over perennially failing political candidate and pizza parlor trivia host Phil Tavel. Perhaps the next conservative, Chamber-backed candidate who wants to lose again to Lisa will encourage local businesses (both big and small) to keep their thoughts on the race to themselves. Here’s a great big HINT HINT to all the businesses who felt the need to alienate 55 percent of their customer base: sell your stuff and stay out of politics.

  • Sillygoose November 26, 2019 (6:30 pm)

    A huge BOO for Herbold!! She had done nothing for this district. 

  • East Coast Cynic November 26, 2019 (6:43 pm)

    It’s interesting that most of the voices on WSB re the West Seattle District race were stridently against Herbold and pro Tavel, but she won by such a decisive margin.  I can’t help but believing that the influx of young professionals into the peninsula (silent majority?) in recent years was a demographic that found more commonality with Herbold’s politics than somebody like Tavel who may have come off to that group as a stodgy old reactionary.

    • brian November 26, 2019 (10:58 pm)

      More likely that voters with two brain cells to rub together saw that Tavel was endorsed by every small business tyrant in town (plus the WS Chamber of Commerce) and had boku $$$ from Amazon flowing to the campaign and thought “Huh, maybe this isn’t the best idea for a voice in city hall…”   

    • Tsurly November 27, 2019 (5:41 am)

      Looking at my block as a small sub sample of West Seattle, you may be right. Of those who had signs in their yards, most of the gray hairs had Tavel signs and most of the younger folks (myself included) had Herbold signs.

    • Nolan November 27, 2019 (10:19 am)

      Most of my demographic won’t even bother participating in news site comments — they’re infamously full of blind contrarians with more opinions than thoughts — and I limit my engagement because it’s often like conversing with a parrot.

      Basically, take any consensus you see on any news comments with a 50-lb salt lick. They self-select for people who want to make noise.

    • Peter November 27, 2019 (11:17 am)

      Online commenters are overwhelmingly more conservative than the general population. That is true of WSB, the Seattle Times, Facebook, and pretty much every other online forum. Online comment forums are not in any way representative of the population as a whole, and are usually dominated by a relatively small number of prolific commenters.

  • Mj November 26, 2019 (10:27 pm)

    Only about 30% of the registered voters voted for Lisa.  45% of the voters failed to vote altogether, thus the mandate unfortunately is apathy.  

  • anonyme November 27, 2019 (7:15 am)

    The apathy is warranted, unfortunately.  I still vote, but it seems pointless.  I’m sickened by our so-called choices, from candidates to issues.  People clamor for change, then cower and recoil on the rare occasion it is offered.

  • WSB November 27, 2019 (10:25 am)

    For everyone who wants to spin the numbers in some way or another, I forgot to include one other stat which we did mention in the first week of counting: The comparison to the 2015 election results.

    -Turnout in 2015 in D-1, 45.51% (this year was exactly 9$ higher)
    -Total ballots cast in 2015 in D-1, 27,757 (almost 10,000 fewer than this year’s 37,401)

    The district had 60,991 registered voters in 2015, 68,617 this year.

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