12:18 PM: Thanks for the tip – a truck incident has closed the 4th Ave. S. exit from the EB West Seattle Bridge.
1:20 PM: Just passed the ramp a few minutes ago; a tow truck’s now onscene.
2:43 PM: Open.
12:18 PM: Thanks for the tip – a truck incident has closed the 4th Ave. S. exit from the EB West Seattle Bridge.
1:20 PM: Just passed the ramp a few minutes ago; a tow truck’s now onscene.
2:43 PM: Open.
I am surprised that this has not happened many times before. That ever-tightening curve is sneaky.
It’s called slow down folks, I see people just in regular cars taking this exit at High Rates of speed on a daily basis, we will all get to where we are going we do not need to be Mr. Race Car Driver.
I passed this turned over semi truck right after it happened and a SPD Officer literally just pulled up to scene as I went by. Fortunately it seemed as though no one was hurt and semi truck did not fall onto another vehicle. I give a lot of props to truck drivers, can’t be easy driving those big rigs. It did look as though a second vehicle was involved in incident. Not sure if truck was cut off by the other vehicle or what. I’m just glad no one looked hurt.
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