West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
The general-election campaign for Seattle City Council District 1 officially kicked into higher gear tonight, with the first of at least five post-primary forums/debates.
The District 1 Community Network organized this one, attended by more than 25 people at the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse. Phil Tavel and Lisa Herbold spent an hour and a half answering questions posed by Chris Porter, drawn up in advance by organizers.
It was a polite event, no major disagreements, no attacks. We didn’t transcribe the full responses – you can watch our video (update: added below):
If something is in quote marks, it’s a quote; otherwise it’s a summary/paraphrase and the words are those of your reporter. After 1-minute introductions that each candidate gave. here’s how it went:
1ST Q: South Delridge has become overwhelmed with nuisance houses. Councilmember Herbold has worked with the community but it’s still a problem. What more will you do?
LH: A new monitoring law has been passed but community help is needed to identify these buildings and report them to SDCI. (On followup, what more will she do?) Property owners can get monitoring fee waived if they allow the vacant building to be used as housing for a caretaker – work toward that being utilized.
PT: The city is moving in the right direction. (On followup, what more will he do?) Empowering community groups, having police talk with community members about reporting problems when they see them.
5:35 PM: Big SFD response at the Arrowhead Gardens senior-apartments complex at 9200 2nd SW. SFD says it’s a fire that was “contained by sprinkler system; one occupant found and safely evacuated.”
5:40 PM: SFD says that occupant is being treated by paramedics.
Cameron and Pete Moores host community events just about every day/night at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor) – but what’s happening right now, the We (Heart) West Seattle party, is a first. They’re raising money for three local nonprofits, WestSide Baby, the West Seattle Food Bank, and West Seattle Helpline. Even if you didn’t buy an advance ticket, there’s room – and food – you can pay at the door!
Silent auction items, too:
The party’s on until 7 pm.
The report and videos are from Michael in Arbor Heights:
Caught this guy on our Nest camera stealing a package from our neighbor’s porch (Friday) at 2:15 PM in a fancy newer-style gray Ford truck. I’ve attached two separate videos, one showing the truck drive into frame, one showing the theft take place. Neighbor has or will be reporting to police. This happened on 32nd Ave SW in between 106th and 105th in Arbor Heights.
Hopefully someone will recognize the truck. Perpetrator was a white male, stocky, bald.
MBL also says social-media discussion of his clips yielded an opinion that it could be the same person/truck shown in this video from last month, recorded by a witness as a woman tried to stop a truck after her purse had been stolen from her car outside Admiral Safeway.
This month’s meeting of our area’s largest political organization, the 34th District Democrats. That’s where our report on Wednesday night’s meeting begins:
LOW-INCOME HOUSING: Introducing the presenters, second vice chair Sofia Aragon said the inspiration for the presentation was that, to say the least, it’s a “hot topic.” State/local government is deeply involved – one example she cited, the Legislature has $175 million in the Housing Trust Fund – something many states don’t have – and local jurisdictions are allowed to “carve out” part of the already-charged sales tax to use for housing. (The city announced a plan in July.) Another key part of addressing the problem, she said, was expanding the amount of time renters are given to find somewhere new if they’re evicted – they used to have as little as three days; now they have 14. Aragon talked about her mom’s career as a nurse and said there’s almost nowhere her mom could live in King County on a nurse’s pay.
First presenter: Robin Koskey of the city Office of Housing:
As we reported Thursday, Sound Transit has gone public with “assessments” of potential light-rail options, including two for the West Seattle extension. It’ll be up to the Sound Transit Board to decide whether to include either or both in studies for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, the next of 3 more steps before they finalize the route “alignment” in 2022. Before that board vote in October, they’re also taking public comment – you can do that (and review the new info) by going here. Deadline: October 4th.
P.S. If you have questions, you can also talk to ST reps in person at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market on September 29th.
Is someone in your household thinking about college? VFW Post 2713‘s annual competition is on! Here are the details.
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 2713, in West Seattle, announces this year’s VFW’s Voice of Democracy Scholarship competition. Students in grades 9-12 must write and record a three-to-five minute essay on “What Makes America Great” using an audio CD/flash drive and present their recording, typed essay, and completed entry form to the VFW Post by Oct. 31, 2019. Local Post winners compete at the District level, winners advance to the state. All state first-place winners receive a four day trip to Washington, D.C., and the chance for their share in scholarships. The first-place national winner receives a $30,000 college scholarship.
Patriot’s Pen
Grades 6-8. The national first-place winner wins $5,000 and an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C.
The essay patriotic theme is also: “What Makes America Great” and between 300-400 words.
Both programs are approved by the National Association of Secondary School Principals.
Youth Essay
This is a VFW Washington State Department competition for students in Grades 3-5. The theme is: “How I would encourage respect to the Flag of the United States” and be 250 words or less. .
Students from the following participated in 2018: Our Lady of Guadalupe School, Madison Middle School, Holy Rosary School, Holy Names Academy, Chief Sealth High School, and home school.
VFW West Seattle Post 2713 increases awards to $1,725 for 2019/2020:
Voice of Democracy, grades 9-12, $500/$400/$250
Patriot’s Pen, grades 6-8, $150/$100/$75
Youth Essay, grades 3-5, $100/$75/$50
This program is completely voluntary, a student (including home schooled) does not have to go through their school to participate. Interested students and teachers should contact Bill Dwyer, wcajmg@gmail.com, telephone (206) 938- 5719 or Ben Skwiercz, bens@halcyon.com, telephone 425-941-4651.
All entries must be in to Farwell Roosevelt VFW Post 2713 by Oct. 31, 2019 at 3601 S.W. Alaska Street, Seattle, WA 98126.
(Ruddy Turnstone – rare in Seattle in September, says photographer Mark Wangerin)
Another big Saturday! From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
LEARN TO SAVE RAINWATER: 10 am, join West Seattleite Neal Chism in Burien for a free class, as previewed here. (14700 6th SW)
2ND-TIME SALE: 9 am-4 pm at Fauntleroy Church, day 1 of this huge sale, as previewed here.
Cash or check only. (9140 California SW)
LINCOLN PARK TREE WALK: Guided and free! Meet at 9:30 am at the north parking lot kiosk. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)
WSHS MATTRESS FUNDRAISER: 10 am-5 pm, the gym at West Seattle High School becomes a temporary mattress showroom for you to shop this fundraiser – details in our preview. (3000 California SW)
FIESTAS PATRIAS PARADE AND FESTIVAL: 11 am, as previewed here, a big parade celebrating Latin American culture, with music, dance, motorcycles, cars, horses, more, proceeding to South Park Community Center for 1 pm festival. (12 Ave. S. south to Henderson, east to 14th, north to Cloverdale, west to 8th Ave. S.)
SALMON HOMECOMING CELEBRATION: At the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse, noon fundraising salmon-bake lunch, 1-3 pm naturalist program. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)
COLMAN POOL’S 2ND-TO-LAST WEEKEND: Noon-7 pm – here’s the schedule. (8603 Fauntleroy Way SW)
FREE FITNESS CLASS: Try Oula Fitness for free at 2 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
FIND OUT ABOUT DELRIDGE GROCERY VOLUNTEERING: The lease for the store is signed and now it’s time to rally more volunteer help. Stop by Ounces 3-5 pm to find out how. (3809 Delridge Way SW)
WE (HEART) WEST SEATTLE PARTY: Party at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) with proceeds supporting three local nonprofits, as previewed here. (5612 California SW)
WHITE CENTER FOOD BANK DINNER/AUCTION: 6 pm, it’s the White Center Food Bank’s 15th annual Harvest Dinner & Auction fundraiser in the Brockey Center at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor). Email auction@whitecenterfoodbank.org to check on ticket availability. (6000 16th SW)
CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 1 DEBATE: 6:30 pm at the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse, you’re invited to the first debate with City Council District 1 candidates Lisa Herbold and Phil Tavel since the primary, as previewed here. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)
AT KENYON HALL: 7:30 pm, the Silver-Tongued Devils perform – what a lineup! Details and ticket info in our calendar listing. (7904 35th SW)
AT PARLIAMENT TAVERN: 9 pm, Moon Darlings, Taleen Kali (L.A.), Biblioteka, Mind Beams. $8 cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)