CONGRATULATIONS! This year’s West Seattle Baseball PONY champs

From Zach Jones, West Seattle Baseball president:

Wanted to shout out all our West Seattle PONY league champions from this year’s season:

Pinto (7-8)- Wildwood Market:

Mustang (9-10)- Mountain To Sound Outfitters:

Bronco (11-12)- Alki Lumber:

P.S. WS Baseball is still signing up 6- through 10-year-olds for Summer Crush baseball – more on that here!

1 Reply to "CONGRATULATIONS! This year's West Seattle Baseball PONY champs"

  • HS June 15, 2019 (3:24 pm)

    Look at all you cool kids! Congratulations on all your hard earned accomplishments and for being great team mates!!

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