1:46 PM: May is Bike Everywhere Month, including Bike to School Day this Wednesday (May 8th). We’ve heard from two schools so far:
(Photo from 2018 Louisa Boren STEM K-8 Bike to School Day)
LOUISA BOREN STEM K-8: From Joseph Laubach:
Louisa Boren STEM K-8 students, parents, and staff are invited to join a BIKE TRAIN. It’s free and fun! Meet at Greg Davis Park (2600 SW Brandon St) between 8:00 and 8:15 a.m. and we’ll bike to school together along a neighborhood greenway and the Longfellow Creek path. Bring a helmet, a bike lock, and your big smiles for this event.
While supplies last, students biking to school on May 8 will receive a fun prize!
ALKI ELEMENTARY: Chris Nutter points us to the announcement:
Join one of two bike trains on the morning of the 8th, starting at 6:50 AM at Me-Kwa-Mooks Park on Beach Drive or Anchor Park on Alki Ave and arriving at the school at 7:20 AM. Park your bike in the courtyard and join us in the lunchroom for a healthy snack and prizes for all riders. There will be a raffle on the playground after the ride to school (around 7:40 AM) for any/all BTS participants!
Any other local schools doing something special for Bike to School Day? Let us know!
6:52 PM: Thanks to Neil Strohbusch for this addition:
Genesee Hill Elementary School is participating in Bike to School Day on May 8th. All students, parents, and staff are invited to ride their bikes to the front parking lot, where there will be dedicated parking for the day. There will be refreshments, music, and cheering for all riders. Dust off the wheels, grab that helmet, map out your route, and get riding…we will see you there!