Seen in West Seattle: Return (?) of the Golden Pheasant

Susan is the third person in the past few weeks to email us about a Golden Pheasant sighting – first with a clear photo, so we’re posting in case you see it too. It’s been six years since the first time we published a Golden Pheasant report; species information we’ve found online suggests six years is the outer range of their life span, so no way to know if it’s the same one. We also received a photo last year. Wild? Roaming pet? Still a mystery.

25 Replies to "Seen in West Seattle: Return (?) of the Golden Pheasant"

  • Railroaded April 27, 2019 (4:32 pm)

    Wow. Amazing.

  • Susan April 27, 2019 (4:46 pm)

    It’s pretty calm and hangs by the bird feeders or on the fence.  We are on Seola Beach and it must have come down through the green belt from the last sighting on 35th and Marine ViewDrive.  It has small red band on one leg.

  • sgs April 27, 2019 (6:11 pm)

    Small red band indicates it has a home.

    • WSB April 27, 2019 (6:13 pm)

      Good eye!

  • Momosmom April 27, 2019 (6:57 pm)

    Looks like Donald and I’m not talking Donald Duck!

    • Melanie April 27, 2019 (11:20 pm)

      It is quite the “combover” LOL. I support calling him Donald/Donnie.

  • Bird lover April 27, 2019 (7:02 pm)

    Here is info in case anyone who sees this bird would like assistance in a safe rescue – I  did not include exotic bird sellers for obvious reasons:”Thank you for contacting Woodland Park Zoo. We spoke with our Animal Care Team and they recommended you contact Seattle Animal Control or King County Animal Control depending on where you live. If they are unable to help, you can try contacting the Washington Ornamental and Game Bird Breeders Association at for advice.Sorry we couldn’t be of more assistance.Good luck!ZooInfoZooInfo │WOODLAND PARK ZOO5500 Phinney Ave N., Seattle, WA 98103Ph 206.548.2500 │  zooinfo@zoo.orgPlease allow at least 48 hours for a reply”

  • waikikigirl April 27, 2019 (7:15 pm)

    Back in the 60’s my dad had a friend that was part owner of Protection Island located in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and they’d go hunting on the island but they also homed a lot of very exotic birds like this one.Brings back memories of looking and feeding those birds

  • Melanie April 27, 2019 (7:23 pm)

    I hope there can be some kind of WS mascot and that this is it. I love him.

  • WOW April 27, 2019 (7:26 pm)

    Safe rescue, just leave the bird alone… He doesn’t need anyone’s help or to be put into a zoo.

  • WC Resident April 27, 2019 (8:12 pm)

    The bird was in my front yard 4 weeks ago. I’m a few blocks south of Roxbury Lanes. 

  • Jethro Marx April 27, 2019 (8:51 pm)

    “Rescue” is not needed, and if those birdnappers from Vashon show up I’m going to sic my neighbor’s mean goose and big-ass weird duck on them.

  • AlkiMark April 27, 2019 (9:35 pm)

    Hmm…looks a little too perfect too me..the head actually looks like Trump!Maybe it is  a sign from long deceased West Seattle Republicans Pheonix..

  • Alki resident April 27, 2019 (10:22 pm)

    The bird has lived in Arbor Heights for many years. Please leave it alone, he’s happy where he is. 

  • KayK April 27, 2019 (10:59 pm)

    He just needs a lady friend!

  • Cody Brewster April 28, 2019 (7:43 am)

    I saw a whole family in Auburn Washington! Crows were trying to attack them and I was getting furious!

  • Elizabeth W. April 28, 2019 (8:48 am)

    This more colorful one was hanging out a couple weeks ago in Arbor Heights checking out my brother’s chickens. Sorry for the poor quality photo.

    • Susan April 28, 2019 (11:21 am)

      Same red band on the leg and we are right below Arbor Heights so am betting it is the same bird

  • dsa April 28, 2019 (1:14 pm)

    Red band is on opposite leg isn’t it?

  • Eric Crew April 28, 2019 (4:33 pm)

    I’m pretty sure these aren’t native to our area, and if they aren’t being kept as pets, they should be caught and maybe donated to a zoo or haven. Invasive species can reek havoc on indigenous ones, and people should be quite a bit more careful (too many people just set them “free”)…but if it’s just someone’s pet that roaming around his home turf, that’s cool.Also..that’s a great photo of an incredibly beautiful bird!

  • Jesse April 29, 2019 (10:22 am)

    I’ve seen this bird or a similar one in the Kuboda Garden about a month ago. It seemed at home, but shy so I moved on. 

  • TinaLou April 29, 2019 (12:17 pm)

    Saw it Friday and this morning in Seola Greenbelt

  • TrumpBird2020 April 29, 2019 (1:52 pm)

    Make West Seattle Great Again

  • Nicole Flynn May 1, 2019 (9:32 am)

    Spotted this morning!

  • nick w May 3, 2019 (4:52 pm)

    he is in the park (seola)  35 th sw  and marine view snacking on a banana  looks amazing

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