Lime, Jump, Link @ West Seattle Transportation Coalition

(WSB photo, this afternoon along Harbor Avenue)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

It was a multimodal edition of the West Seattle Transportation Coalition‘s just-adjourned monthly meeting tonight, tackling bike share and light rail.

First – the two-wheeled transportation.

FREE-FLOATING BIKE SHARE: WSTC has been working for a while to arrange a “conversation about free-floating bike share,” chair Michael Taylor-Judd noted. This one included overviews from reps of both services that are currently operating in West Seattle, as well as some pointed questions.

First to speak: Jump senior operations manager Kian Mousavi. He went through some backstory. Though Uber owns Jump now, it began independently, launching in Buffalo, NY in 2013, taking on this name in 2017, and selling to Uber in 2018. In Sacramento, Jump has more rides than Uber.

As for why Jump is dockless – unlike Seattle’s previous bikeshare Pronto – “convenient for the user … you’re way more likely to find a bike within a five-minute walk.” Ending rides at intended destinations, rather than at docks, allows the company to learn more about how their bikes are being used.

The bikes can go up to 15 mph, with wireless connectivity and an integrated cable lock, so at the end of a ride you have to lock a bike to something (in Sacramento, for example, they are helping the city get more bike racks). The electric assist allows people to “go further with less effort,” he noted. Bike share also attracts more female riders and more older riders.

He went through other aspects of the service that you can read about on the Jump website, including pricing. Challenges: Parking. “We do our best to make sure we properly park our bikes, but riders don’t always properly (park them).” They offer incentives and rider education to try to minimize the parking problem, said Mousavi. (In Sacramento, he said, they have some docking infrastructure which also recharges the bikes, and he said vaguely that’s being “looked into” here.) He noted that they have mandatory safety education for riders, gave away hundreds of helmets when they launched in Seattle, and offer half-off helmet deals via their website “at times.”

He was followed by Lime‘s regional general manager Isaac Gross. He began with the roots of the bikeshare phenomenon in China about five years ago, and his company’s founders starting with a general goal of bringing Asian companies to America (and vice versa). He said bikesharing is more enjoyable than many other forms of transportation. He also said he was going to drive his own car here until he encountered traffic out of downtown, so he switched and grabbed a Lime bike to where he could pick up a Lime Pod car, and got here, no problem. This form of bikeshare “doesn’t cost the city anything,” he noted.

Lime’s first city was Charlotte. It’s now in more than 40 areas of the U.S. as well as some spots in other countries. Now there’s also the Lime Pod – a “low-speed electric vehicle.” Other cities have Lime scooters, too, including Tacoma and Portland They’re very popular, Gross noted; they have some data showing that as scooter usage proliferates, bike usage does too. His company too had a helmet giveaway. They got to 1 million rides in 11 months, 2 million riders after five more months. So far, 103,000 miles on their bikes have been ridden in West Seattle.

In Q&A – how do daypart and topography affect ride volume? Mousavi said, “There’s not a lot of rides at night.” As for hills, yes, they have more trips down than up.

Next question, from a C Line rider who commutes downtown. She was concerned about bikes parked on sidewalks. She said she’s contacted both services as well as SDOT and the mayor’s office about disabled people having to dodge bikeshares on the sidewalks. She said the companies tell her it’s riders leaving the bikes blocking sidewalks but she’s skeptical. So, the issue was summarized, what are they doing about the issue? “As soon as we receive a call, we have a 2-hour window to move that bike,” said Mousavi. Gross, meantime, said, “We recognize the problem.” The attendee said she has been told “call us and we’ll come (get the bike).” Gross replied, “And we do.” The attendee contended that the company should be finding the mislaid bikes itself. Mousavi jumped in. “Yes, we do self-audits.” And they contact riders found to have left bikes in improper places, he added. Scott said, “if we’re aware of a bike that causes an immediate safety concern,” that’s the first one they go after. But, he said, “this isn’t something we and our competitors can do alone.” The responsibility is shared – with the riders, the company, and the city.

How much city subsidizing is being done for bikeshare companies? asked another attendee. Reply: None (unlike the previous, docked bikeshare service).

LIGHT RAIL: The WSTC board considered its official position to be submitted as part of the light-rail “scoping” process, which has just days to go (you have until Tuesday to get your comments in).

Key points:
-Limiting “negative impacts”
-Ensuring that guideways and station locations benefit the neighborhood

Points of discussion included the federal “4F” considerations (explained here) – hard to avoid given the proliferation of parkland/greenbelt along the way. WSTC board member Deb Barker, a Stakeholder Advisory Group member, recapped how some of the discussion had proceeded, particularly in the Elected Leadership Group.

Taylor-Judd said he had had a conversation with an unnamed ST person who relayed that the agency had significant concerns about Pigeon Point tunneling, which is not currently on the front burner but is part of the tossed-after-round-2 “purple line” that has drawn some West Seattle support.

Someone at that point mentioned visualizations available online (find them here). There were also questions about the soil sampling (here’s our most-recent coverage).

Also discussed: Some of the various neighborhood concerns that have surfaced relatively recently, including how – or whether – The Junction’s routing/station-location choice will potentially set up the path of future expansion southward. WSTC board members also discussed the cost and how the numbers currently tossed around (tunnel vs. no tunnel) are just very early estimates (as ST has admitted). It’s early overall, board members acknowledged.

The WSTC position, spelled out in a letter, will be finalized within a day or so (we’ll add it here when it’s ready). Meantime, you can comment via the ST “online open house” – go here.

Other brief discussions at meeting’s end:

SOUND TRANSIT BOARD REPLACEMENT: The board also discussed whether to support any particular Seattle City Councilmember to succeed the resigning Rob Johnson on the ST board, but decided not to, so far.

METRO ISSUES: The new stops in Pioneer Square got a bit of discussion, as did times that were “way off” on bus-stop reader boards.

The West Seattle Transportation Coalition meets fourth Thursdays most months, 6:30 pm at Neighborhood House High Point. WSTC is online at

24 Replies to "Lime, Jump, Link @ West Seattle Transportation Coalition"

  • nancy March 28, 2019 (10:00 pm)

    I walk Alki most days, always have all bike companies blocking my path with left behind bikes. Frustrating! Need to keep up with your riders!

    • west sea neighbor March 29, 2019 (7:17 am)

      I commute on the Alki Trail every morning in the dark, and there are frequently jump and lime bikes parked haphazardly on the path, which is also frustrating (and dangerous).

    • ArborHeightsRes March 29, 2019 (8:57 am)

      I agree. I walk Alki every now and then in the morning (usually around 6 AM) and I always have to move bikes off of the sidewalk on the western end of Alki (past the bathhouse). I walked this morning and moved 6 bikes. Luckily it doesn’t take me much effort and I move the bikes for others more than for myself.

  • Chemist March 29, 2019 (1:14 am)

    I think you missed the link – Visualizations – 28 mb pdf

  • Yes2WS March 29, 2019 (7:00 am)

    My thoughts on the bikes; unsightly, cumbersome and while, for me, an annoyance, I imagine a real issue for people trying to navigate with a disability.

  • anonyme March 29, 2019 (7:25 am)

    These bikes are an eyesore and a nuisance.  They clutter the right-of-way and other public places (such as in the photo above) obstructing pathways and creating hazards for pedestrians and others.  Mousavi admits the breadth of the problem when he asserts that “you’re more likely to find a bike within a five-minute walk” as a justification to not require docking.  Nor is the responsibility shared between “riders, the company, and the city” as claimed.  Most of the responsibility has been dumped on citizens and property owners who find one of these bikes dumped on their doorstep or at a bus stop or elsewhere, who then have to try to get ahold of the company on their own time in order to get the junk removed. It’s a mess.

  • EBikesRock March 29, 2019 (8:05 am)

    I love the bike share. If we’re going to reduce our dependence on cars then we have to increase accessibility to alternate forms of transportation. The challenge is really that there aren’t enough bikes so it’s not a dependable service, especially in West Seattle.  The cost is also exorbitant for the service. At $8/hr for lime bike, it’s easier for me just to drive my car downtown and park. I hope prices go down as there is more competition. Also, if we want new programs we have to do our part, if you see a bike out of place, just move it out of the way.  

  • j March 29, 2019 (8:24 am)

    Penalties need to be established for any of their bikes that end up in the water. Also it needs to be established that they must retrieve their bikes from the water immediately when they are located. Videos from other cities around the world show hundreds/ of bikes being thrown/found in water ways. These companies are not responsible with their property (bikes strewn everywhere) and they need to be held accountable. Penalties for blocking sidewalks would be great too!Accountability!!!

    • alki_2008 March 31, 2019 (7:37 pm)

      It would be great if riders would be responsible. It’s not the bikeshare company throwing the bikes in the water or parking them across walkways. I’d like to see the bikeshare companies charging the users that do not park correctly. They know who last used a bike via the app.I’d also like to see some actual penalties for people that throw bikes in the water. If they are caught doing it, then they should be fined. Considering how many security cameras are out nowadays, I’d hope that at least some instances are captured.

  • Rick March 29, 2019 (9:11 am)

    I’m sure if someones to take a fall or bike crash as a result there would be lawyers willing to take the case. Gotta start walking on Alki during non-daylight hours again! Looking forward to that retirement.

  • Erithan March 29, 2019 (10:28 am)

    Agree with issues on bikes blocking paths and being littered all over. The local addicts leave them around junction all the time, one was directly on the wheel chair ramp into park last week.  Did my best to move it(our building is senior/disables so very much an issue)hurt my back a bit and got a very nasty scrape for my efforts. And the bike threating to call the police on me… -.-plus if im correct don’t the ones with batteries defeat the purpose of these environmental wise too?

  • Guy Olson March 29, 2019 (10:28 am)

    We really need the city to repaint the bike path on Alki. There’s way too many strollers, and pedestrians on it.

    • WSB March 29, 2019 (12:12 pm)

      We asked about that a while back. The reason they didn’t replace the markings is that they no longer consider there to be a differentiation between which mode uses which path.

    • ktrapp March 29, 2019 (1:01 pm)

      I’m pretty sure paint wouldn’t get people to care anyway.  A number of years back, when I was training for the STP, I’d frequently come face-to-face with a pack of pedestrians walking the entire width of the bike path, rather indifferent that there was someone heading straight for them, ringing his bell.And I’ll echo the C-line rider’s skepticism about how the companies aren’t the ones blocking the sidewalks with their bikes.  It’s pretty easy to tell when bikes have been placed by them, versus someone who finished their ride.  The riders aren’t going to take the time to line 2 or 3 of them up in a neat line, all facing the same direction.  Yet these are the ones that are typically taking up large portions of the sidewalk on Beach Dr. and Alki.

  • Paul March 29, 2019 (1:33 pm)

    You mean the bike path that also has a sign showing people walking?

      • WSB March 29, 2019 (3:13 pm)

        As noted, those markings have long since worn off (the Google image you linked is 10 years old), and when we inquired with SDOT about whether they would be refreshed, they said no, they are no longer differentiating those paths as wheels one side/non-wheeled the other (or whatever).

        • Mike March 29, 2019 (8:22 pm)

          Also note it never was a bicycle only path.  Cyclists are solely responsible to keep under control the entire time and obey the ‘safe’ speed on those paths.  It’s totally bogus rules that are never enforced.  The best thing that people can do is stay to the right, don’t spread out across the entire pathway obstructing others from using it, don’t be a jerk, keep your kids and dogs under control, keep your bike under control, use logic when you get into areas that are full of people and slow down.  It’s really not hard.  If you want to go fast, get on the road, but don’t be alarmed when cars are near you and keep up with the speed of traffic flow, don’t cut in and out of cars/people.  Simple really, don’t be a jerk..Somebody left their Limebike on my property tonight.  I called and let Limebike know they needed to come pick it up and next time it goes to the waste facility.  My property, my rules.

          • Jort March 30, 2019 (1:13 am)

            Ooo. So edgy.

  • old not stupid March 29, 2019 (3:46 pm)

    People shouldn’t have to “just move it out of the way”.  There are lots of people, including older folks and the disabled, who aren’t able to do that – nor should they have to.  Sidewalks and public spaces are for pedestrians – not private obstructions.  A person walking down a sidewalk should not have to lift and move crap out of the way just to get down the street.  That includes sandwich boards too (another discussion).

  • pdid March 29, 2019 (5:54 pm)

    I think its pretty cool. A few years back someone started a “green” bike share in and around west seattle, where they fixed up old bikes from frankenstein parts and spray painted them green for folks to use. I for one use them to hurry up to the bus, or have on occasion pulled a muscle on a run along alki/ beach drive and ridden back to my home or car. It defeinetely impacts the local bike rentals like Alki Bike and Board but hopefully Jump and Lime find a way to partner with them for “juicing” the e bikes to help offset the lost revenue from the bikeshares. 

  • anonymous2 March 29, 2019 (8:33 pm)

    SDOT needs to reconsider their decision to no longer differentiate the walking path and bicycle path with respect to current law forbidding bicycles on sidewalks. If I get run over by a bicycle or my baby carriage gets upset by bicycle, you can be sure I’ll sue the city for contributory negligence. Also, bike share companies need to respect our cherished viewpoint of Puget Sound and park their bikes on side walk opposite the shoreline, regardless of how attractive they think it is for them to “advertise” their bikes by being an eyesore. I move bikes off the narrow sidewalks every day and put the bikes in the bushes so bike companies will be forced to adjust their tactics when the bikes are not being ridden where they are illegally parked. Economics 101.   

    • Bikes on the sidewalk April 1, 2019 (10:14 am)

      Current law does NOT forbid bicycles on the sidewalk in Seattle.  See Seattle Municipal Code: 11.44.120 – Riding on sidewalk or public path.SHARE LINK TO SECTIONPRINT SECTIONDOWNLOAD (DOCX) OF SECTIONSEMAIL SECTIONCOMPARE VERSIONSEvery person operating a bicycle upon any sidewalk or public path shall operate the same in a careful and prudent manner and at a rate of speed no greater than is reasonable and proper under the conditions existing at the point of operation, taking into account the amount and character of pedestrian traffic, grade and width of sidewalk or public path, and condition of surface, and shall obey all traffic-control devices. Every person operating a bicycle upon a sidewalk or public path shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian thereon, and shall give an audible signal before overtaking and passing any pedestrian.

  • AlkiGirl March 30, 2019 (7:39 am)

    If you have questions/concerns about the bike share program, here’s the SDOT link with info (, including the contact person, Joel Miller ( are a lot of issues with the bike share program, especially along Alki. I found 3 bikes on low tide. Called. Came back later (more than 2 hours), still there. (In fact, I’ve given up calling — it’s too much to put on citizens given the proliferation of concerns.) They block pathways, and I feel especially bad for the elderly, disabled or parents with strollers who have to navigate around them. They are also a bad example for kids, having prompted lots of conversations with my kids about why there are so many people who ride bikes without helmets. (Yes, it’s been a very great, but unfortunate, teaching point.) I love bike riding and have taught my kids — and taught them safety too.  Even if they offer helmets, I don’t see how they make them accessible. There are tons of bikes on Alki and I haven’t seen a single easily accessible place to grab a helmet after getting a bike along Alki.  So fine if we’re getting biking, but let’s do it safely and considerately of the people who live in the community.If you have concerns, I highly encourage you to contact Joel. Maybe, just maybe, if they hear about enough concerns they might actually put some limitations.

Sorry, comment time is over.