Happy second Thursday! For starters on our highlight list, it’s West Seattle Art Walk night, 5 pm until late. This quarter’s map/venues:
Here are this month’s highlights! Venues spotlighted in that roundup include Verity Credit Union (with painter Chris Kelleher, 4505 California SW); Click! Design That Fits (“A Jewelry Invitational,” 4540 California SW); Wallflower Custom Framing (artist Tara McDermott, 4735 42nd SW); Viscon Cellars (artist Megan Simmons, 5910 California SW).
Also happening today/tonight:
TRIVIA AT WELCOME ROAD WINERY! 6 pm: “Bring a team or go solo and test your mad knowledge in categories ranging from food and wine to pop culture to Seattle history. It’s an always fun – and never truly serious – competition for bragging rights and prizes.” At Welcome Road Winery (WSB sponsor). RSVP to save your space – our calendar listing explains how. (3804 California SW)
MOVE OR REMODEL? 6 pm free workshop including reps from construction (WSB sponsor Niederberger Contracting), real estate, mortgage lending. At Graystone Mortgage in Jefferson Square. RSVP – our calendar listing explains how. (4726 42nd SW)
WORDS, WRITERS, WEST SEATTLE: 6 pm at Southwest Library, the author series continues tonight with David Skover discussing his newest work, “Robotica: Free Speech & Artificial Intelligence.” Free. (9010 35th SW)
CHIEF SEALTH IHS PROSPECTIVE STUDENT NIGHT/SHOWCASE: 6:30-8 pm, 8th graders and their families are invited to come learn about Chief Sealth International High School and its programs. (2600 SW Thistle)
THE WHALE TRAIL: You’re invited to the 7 pm Orca Talk – at Dakota Place Park this time. Learn about “kin-directed prey-sharing behavior” and find out what’s new in the whale world. Ticket info in our calendar listing. (California/Dakota)
‘THE DETENTION LOTTERY’: 7:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, “Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association (DNDA) partners with Global Law Advocates, PLLC and Casa Latina to present an interactive theater production designed to educate and empower the community on the U.S. Immigration enforcement system, and Immigrant protections and rights.” More info here. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
‘FOOLS’ OPENING NIGHT: 7:30 pm, the West Seattle High School Drama Club‘s production of the Neil Simon play opens. Ticket info in our calendar listing. (3000 California SW)
AS ALWAYS, YOU’LL FIND EVEN MORE … by browsing our complete calendar.
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