West Seattle Crime Watch: Police investigating Delridge/Juneau gunfire

(WSB photos)

9:20 PM: Thanks for the tips. Big police response right now at Delridge/Juneau as police investigate gunfire. No injuries; officers have more than a dozen evidence markers in the street (Juneau east of Delridge) and some damage is reported at Longfellow Creek Apartments on the other side of the intersection.

9:54 PM: Photos added. Police were too busy for further comment; no info so far on suspect description(s).

19 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Police investigating Delridge/Juneau gunfire"

  • Worriedparent October 6, 2018 (10:44 pm)

    This is right next to the children’s daycare, yes?? đŸ˜¢

    • WSB October 7, 2018 (12:17 am)

      The intersection has the Boren school building and residences on the east side, Longfellow Creek Apts. and I believe a preschool on the west side.

      • Corrina October 9, 2018 (11:24 am)

        This is right next to my apartment complex I live in D building and didn’t hear anything scary

  • grousefinder October 7, 2018 (8:52 am)

    Two homeless camps are in the trees East of the school (one on school property). Syringes, liquor bottles, trash, and camp detritus are often seen on SW Juneau and Croft Place SW (and on school property). A massive cleanup was conducted recently of one camp. However, the homeless camp remains on SW Croft above the school cafeteria. Abandoned cars below the DOT stairway (and the stairway itself) have been (and continue to be) a gathering place for nefarious activities. Reporting to Seattle’s Find it Fix it website (and the police) has fallen on deaf ears. https://www.seattle.gov/customer-service-bureau/find-it-fix-it-mobile-app

    It’s time Seattle’s Public Safety institutions give this area some attention. It’s just a matter of time before…

    • Alki resident October 7, 2018 (11:25 am)

      Call news stations. That’ll wake up SPS.

    • A October 7, 2018 (12:13 pm)

      Thank the city council for this mess. You are now free to walk the streets of seattle with heroin, meth, crack and whatever else your drug of choice is as long as it’s less than a gram you will not be prosecuted. It’s no wonder our streets are full of drug addicts and RV’s(roaming vagrants). Our city for some strange reason welcomes these kind of people. The number one job of a city is to protect it’s people and our city is failing miserably. Remember this when it’s time to vote. #wakeup

      • Native October 7, 2018 (2:30 pm)

        Absolutely correct and the date is terms over 12/19.
        7of 9 anarchist are up for rejection … or reelection and our Herbold is one we need to replace.
        Our city is in trouble with this councils… Herbold..Obrien.. and Sawant have to go !

        • Kadoo October 7, 2018 (2:46 pm)


      • Concerned October 8, 2018 (6:25 am)

        As much as I think the city council is an inept joke, I believe the decriminalization of having a certain amount of drugs is Satterberg’s deal

  • pdid October 7, 2018 (4:44 pm)

    Sounded like an automatic (pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop). Has nothing to do with the city counsel, or homeless encampments. Has everything to do with too much access to guns. I do agree the police response to reports (find it fix it, or otherwise) is pretty much non-existent.

    • A October 7, 2018 (6:10 pm)

      Actually I believe it does have something to do with the council and the encampments. The encampments are full of people who are drug abusers therefore they need drug dealers. Drug dealers aren’t the best of people and are known to carry guns and shoot people over drugs and turf wars. This incident may or may not be related to the encampments but the fact remains that where there are encampments the crime rates skyrocket in those neighborhoods. Time to clean up our city and clear out all of these camps

  • Delridge October 7, 2018 (5:46 pm)

    What can we do as a neighborhood to get rid of these people who are shooting up our streets? It’s next to a school and family park, so the punishment should be much harsher putting those children in danger.

    • MannyNevada October 7, 2018 (8:26 pm)

      It was 9 pm on a Saturday. I doubt any children were around.

  • RealityCheck October 7, 2018 (8:24 pm)

    So much hate against the city council, why? What is your proof that this specific event is their fault? NONE, so I suggest you find another venue to spew your toxic dislike. This is not the place for your hateful rhetoric. Y’all commenting like you know exactly what happened, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

  • Sierra Gould October 8, 2018 (7:27 am)

    My apartment was shot up my kids were almost hit

    • Amanda Freeman October 14, 2018 (1:00 pm)

      Glad you and your family are safe! Scary situation. Sorry you had to experience that.

  • Darryll October 8, 2018 (1:44 pm)

    The SPD likely know who these people are. The problem is a city leadership team afraid to enforce laws because of a small but vocal population who attack anyone who questions their anecdote driven approach to policy – rules are now optional. Like it or not, game theory tells us how this will work out. Attack me if you want. But the truth is still there.

  • Brandon October 12, 2018 (8:09 pm)

    Any updates?

    • WSB October 12, 2018 (8:26 pm)

      When I checked in with SPD media the following business day, they had no information beyond what we had reported by going to the scene that night. Gunfire, including shots that damaged an apartment, multiple casings found in the street.

Sorry, comment time is over.