THURSDAY: ‘Angst’ screening to raise awareness about anxiety

Whatever your age – you can be afflicted by anxiety. The film “Angst seeks to raise awareness about it and what you can do – and this week you’re invited to a free local screening, 6:30 pm Thursday (October 18th):

Join Denny International Middle School for a special screening of Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety, a film created to break the stigma around anxiety and open up the conversation around mental health.

Filmmakers believe there is power in watching as a community; power to change and permission to talk about it. The fifty-three minute film will be followed by a moderated discussion with mental health and school professionals.

This film will be sub-titled in Spanish. Appropriate for ages 10+. Childcare will be provided for children 4 to 10 years old.

Everyone’s invited, not just students and families. The auditorium is on the west side of the campus, at 2600 SW Thistle.

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