UPDATE: West Seattle gets second ballot dropbox

3 PM: Two years after getting its first permanent ballot dropbox from King County Elections, West Seattle is about to get a second one. Lora Radford of the West Seattle Junction Association has been working with KC Elections on a location for a dropbox in The Junction. She sends word that they expect “any day now” to install one on the south side of SW Alaska west of California SW: “I’m excited this box will be permanently located in the Junction.” The KCE website already shows it! West Seattle’s only dropbox until now has been along SW Raymond by the High Point Library, installed in 2016; that one will remain. General-election voting will start later this week, when ballots start showing up in voters’ mailboxes. If you’d rather drop your ballot in a mailbox, the new prepaid-postage program continues, too.

4:11 PM: Thanks to Angelo for noting in a comment that the box is now in place! Photo added above.

23 Replies to "UPDATE: West Seattle gets second ballot dropbox"

  • Angelo October 16, 2018 (3:22 pm)

    It’s in The Junction at bus stop bay 2

    • WSB October 16, 2018 (4:09 pm)

      Thanks! It has indeed just been installed, since my last exchange with Lora. We are here photographing it now.

  • Mj October 16, 2018 (3:35 pm)

    The ballots all have prepaid postage, thus why spend resources on a drop box when all mail boxes are essentially drop boxes?

    • seaopgal October 16, 2018 (4:45 pm)

      Is the postage actually “prepaid” by the county/state or just guaranteed? Usually, the entity guaranteeing the postage is not charged unless the item is mailed. In any case, the drop-box ballots are picked up and delivered directly to the county without the extra step of mail processing, which gives an extra level of security and makes counting returns faster.

    • Jill October 16, 2018 (7:41 pm)

      Yes, saves the County money if we use the drop box and we can be assured that it will arrive on time.

  • Sue T. October 16, 2018 (3:58 pm)

    What is the current status of the broken outdoor mailbox at the West Seattle post office? Will it be repaired and usable before mail-in ballots need to be postmarked?

    • WSB October 16, 2018 (4:22 pm)

      Still out of order, just went by.

  • P October 16, 2018 (4:02 pm)

    “How dare we make voting easier!”

    Listen to yourself.

  • flimflam October 16, 2018 (5:22 pm)

    hopefully people will use them – voter turnout embarrassingly low country-wide and city wide as well.

  • voter October 16, 2018 (6:14 pm)

    Has anyone received their ballots?

  • waikikigirl October 16, 2018 (7:48 pm)

    New ballot box should had been placed at the PO…could have played double-duty, ballot drop off and drive-up mailbox! LOL!!!

    • sc October 17, 2018 (10:20 am)

      “Many a truth is said in jest!”

  • carole October 16, 2018 (7:52 pm)

    Maybe we should ask the drop box people to find us a new mailbox! lol

  • BrilliabtSweet October 20, 2018 (7:31 pm)

    Has anyone received the informational pamphlets/books yet? We got the ballots, but not the info.

  • Lola October 21, 2018 (9:29 pm)

    Do we know how often they will pick up the ballots?

    • WSB October 21, 2018 (9:43 pm)

      At least once a day.

  • Lola October 22, 2018 (6:50 am)

    Thank you.

  • ws_suzanne November 4, 2018 (2:14 am)

    Does anyone know if the ballot boxes are secure? 

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