About the film crew seen in The Junction and Admiral

(WSB photo)

Thanks for the tips about a “film crew” in The Junction early this morning and then Admiral later. We missed them the first time around and then Ann’s tip sent us to the laundromat on California SW north of Admiral, where they were just wrapping up. The crew told us they’re shooting a commercial for Premera Blue Cross. (Since open enrollment starts November 1st, it’s a big marketing season for health plans!)

5 Replies to "About the film crew seen in The Junction and Admiral"

  • Chris October 25, 2018 (11:38 am)

    There was a homeless guy sitting on the bench outside new coffee shop in Admiral, with all his items, this morning.   When went back later(still there at this writing), there were police, a big black van, big spot light.   We thought this had to do with the homeless guy?   Or is this a merge of this and the homeless guy getting help?????

    • WSB October 25, 2018 (11:58 am)

      Don’t know anything about whatever incident you’re talking about – the film crew was at the laundromat, which is a couple blocks south and on the other side of the street from West Seattle Grounds.

    • Venus October 25, 2018 (12:32 pm)

      I’ve seen that homeless guy next to West Seattle Grounds on several occasions, and two of those times the police were there.  He doesn’t look to be doing anything wrong.  I wonder who is calling the police on him.

      • WSB October 25, 2018 (1:23 pm)

        Update: Those were the commercial crew people going for coffee after they finished. Patrick happened to mention it while he and I were taking our own quick break just now – he said he had to follow them over there for comment, and I said, oh, that explains it. The black van also was theirs. No police when he was there.

  • Neighbor October 25, 2018 (4:19 pm)

    This had nothing to do with that poor homeless fella. I’d love to help him get services but I’m not sure what to do. Anyone else know? He literally sleeps sitting in his chair. In the rain and cold. I’m going to take him a poncho and hand warmers. Not sure what his story is but he’s no young chicken. He’s just kept to himself and sat there for a week. 

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