YOU CAN HELP! Hurricane-fundraising cookies and cider Sunday

(September 2017)

Last September, Ysabel and friends had a roadside stand to raise money for hurricane survivors. This year again, sadly, storm survivors need help, so she’ll be out raising money this Sunday (September 23rd), 11 am-3 pm, at California/Portland in Gatewood (map). Stop by for cider and cookies. Ysabel’s family plans to match donations and then seek matches from their employers, so whatever you can donate will be stretched!

2 Replies to "YOU CAN HELP! Hurricane-fundraising cookies and cider Sunday"

  • SaraB September 21, 2018 (1:21 pm)

    I’ll be there!  Thanks for raising awareness and funds about this need, Ysabel & friends.  

  • Yma September 23, 2018 (9:31 am)

    We have MANY different home baked sweets – including some nut free & gluten free options (note – NOT a nut-free kitchen). Also have some rustic boules (small loaves of french-style bread).We’re going to head out there early : 10amStop by – pick up something for your SeaHawks viewing!

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