That’s your video invitation to a free preparedness event unlike any other you’ve attended. 2-5 pm Sunday, October 7th, at High Point Community Center (repeated 9-noon November 3rd at Hiawatha Community Center), West Seattle Be Prepared and the Emergency Communication Hubs invite you to learn and talk about how to be ready for The Big One. This isn’t just somebody showing you how to put together a kit – though that kind of preparedness is part of it – the event will include:
*MC Glenn Farley, natural-disasters reporter from KING 5 News
*Opening keynotes by Dave Nichols, certified Emergency Manager and West Seattle resident speaking on community preparedness, and Northwest earthquake science (Harold Tobin, Director, Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, for October, Sandi Doughton, Seattle Times science reporter, for November)
*Hear about response plans from Seattle Police, Fire, Emergency Management, and King County Public Health.
*Skills training including utility shutoff, water purification, disaster sanitation, home retrofitting, even “MacGyver tips – what you can do with a Garbage Bag”
There’s still space but sign up ASAP – go here to do that.
P.S. Here are flyers you can share with neighbors, in four languages: