West Seattle Crime Watch: Spiral notebook to watch for

From Annette:

My bags were opportunistically taken from my locked car parked at Westwood today, between 11:30 am to 2 pm, in between Starbucks and Marshall’s. I need to find the spiral bound handwritten notebook that was in my orange ‘Knowmo’ computer bag. It has a year’s worth of notes about the project I’m working on. The thieves will probably dump it, so do please keep your eyes peeled.

1) Orange ‘Knowmo’ laptop bag with Acer Chromebook and other sundry items: eye glasses, pens and most importantly my spiral bound notebook. This is the most important piece to recover. The chromebook has a large green sticker on the front with a funny picture of a dog in the center and the words ‘U R Following @moochalada’ in a circle around the image. There is a C&P coffee shop sticker on the back, as well as a black sticker reading ‘Breakfast,’ with a small rectangular sticker on top of that saying ‘Terres Sens’.

2) a large African style, red and blue woven basket with leather handles. Inside this was another handbag, a cream colored ‘Fossil’ bag with 3 zipper pockets with orange piping and a long canvas shoulder strap. This contains all my receipts for August – also a vital thing to recover.

3) The dog’s bag. A yellow and gray insulated lunch bag with dog food and 3 dog bowls inside.

We know it was opportunistic theft, why would anyone steal the dog’s dinner?? The only thing of value that they scored is the chromebook, so I anticipate they will likely just dump the rest. Please Please Please help me find the notebook! It’s A5 size, spiral bound, from Staples, with a beige cover with an abstract pattern in a very slightly darker shade. That notebook is my project’s lifeline. Thanks for looking.

We’ll add the police report # when we get it.

1 Reply to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Spiral notebook to watch for"

  • HS August 24, 2018 (1:38 pm)

    That’s awful! I walk a lot and will keep a lookout. Here’s hoping it’s found. “A5 spiral, beige cover with abstract darker beige pattern” For the record, the you might want to check the bushes along Barton (near the PO) and the western pathway (parallel to Bed, Bath and Beyond and leading into the neighborhood) as I’ve seen stolen items dumped in both areas in the past.

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