FOLLOWUP: Restoration work begins on another West Seattle mural; bids sought for upcoming project

(WSB photo)

Six weeks after he finished restoring the Morgan Junction mural, artist Bob Henry has started work on the next West Seattle mural to be brought back to life, “Mosquito Fleet,” on the east side of the historic Campbell Building, across the alley from Junction Plaza Park.

Next in line is “West Seattle Ferries,” and then the “First Duwamish Bridge” mural at 4740 44th SW – the same one that got a band-aid courtesy of a mystery artist last year after it had been tagged by vandal(s) in a big way:

(WSB photo, August 2017)

Lora Swift of the West Seattle Junction Association plans to seek a city matching-fund grant for this project, so she is looking for muralists to bid on it, with a full scope of work proposal needed by September 4th:

We are requesting a proposal which will include a time frame, cost of materials, sub-contractors, labor, and portfolio with past work. The body of work would ideally be completed by mid-year 2019, but we could start as early as October, depending upon the weather.

(Contact her at Other murals are awaiting their turn, and crowdfunding continues here. Another way to help the mural-restoration fund is by attending this Saturday’s West Seattle Outdoor Movies finale (“Black Panther,” August 26th at dusk by the West Seattle YMCA [3622 SW Snoqualmie; WSB sponsor]); it’ll be the beneficiary of this week’s raffle.

1 Reply to "FOLLOWUP: Restoration work begins on another West Seattle mural; bids sought for upcoming project"

  • Dan August 22, 2018 (8:38 pm)

    Bob did an amazing job on the Morgan Street Mural and I am so excited to see this one come back to life as well!  Absolutely a gift to West Seattle! 

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