FOLLOWUP: Photos of suspect sought in High Point murder

Seattle Police have released security-camera photos of what they describe as the suspect in Thursday night’s deadly shooting at 35th/Morgan.

The description: “He is 16-21 years old, 5’7” to 5’9”, has a thin build and was last seen wearing a dark gray hoody & jeans.” If you recognize him, call the SPD tip line at 206-233-5000, or 911. Police say the victim, 37, was shot and killed shortly after getting off a bus on which they say he and his killer had been involved in some kind of “disturbance.”

13 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Photos of suspect sought in High Point murder"

  • Ws prayers August 11, 2018 (1:16 pm)

    First thought was of that song “where is the love”…Prayers for the families of both these individuals-life changing event -for why? This is a kid-it’s so sad and disturbing . May justice prevail may God comfort and my our community heal-and Protection thro change in laws/cameras/survalience/increase in the value of life/Divine Interventions and Supernatural coverings over all of us praying saftey and love to flow in and thro us all

  • old timer August 11, 2018 (2:06 pm)

    IMO, that’s really crappy video we’re paying for via Metro.Do all their cameras turn out this poor quality?They pay what, $400k – $500k per bus and it comes with these cameras?A cheap phone does better work.Just a rant….

    • WSB August 11, 2018 (3:46 pm)

      Cheap phone has better quality but doesn’t have to run continuously for most if not all of the hours in the day and be stored. I suspect that’s the problem (as somebody who runs up to the storage limit on her phone WITHOUT having to run it continously) ….

      • Mike August 11, 2018 (6:00 pm)

        I can store a week of that quality on a thumb drive

  • steve August 11, 2018 (5:27 pm)

    Sorry to disagree. I don’t think that’s the issue at all. My cheapo surveillance system from 2004 records fairly high quality,  constantly,  and doesn’t  overwrite until 2 weeks go by.  It has a 60 gig hard drive(woohoo!).   I agree with the  old timer, the quality is inexcusable. Especially, if the true cost was 400k! Someone got took.

  • Marianne August 11, 2018 (8:44 pm)

    I thought the photo quality was better on my phone than my laptop (for these Metro photos).  I do believe that if you knew this kid, you would recognize him and hopefully turn him into the police.  So sorry that someone had to die over an argument and that this kid’s life is essentially over when he is caught because of a choice that he made.

  • Lamont August 11, 2018 (11:48 pm)

    It looks like the 2016 proposal to put cameras on all buses was projected to cost $7,000,000 for the 782 buses that did not already have them.  So that is $9k per camera, but presumably that’s not all just hardware but also paying the salary and benefits for the employees to install those, and to constantly maintain, repair and replace the 782 cameras.  The camera in this case might also be one of the ~600 pre-2016 ones.  They probably only replace old cameras as they break, because otherwise they’d be asking taxpayers for another ~$7M.

    • Raised in WS August 12, 2018 (12:14 am)

      There are multiple cameras on each bus, not just one.

      • Lamont August 12, 2018 (11:19 am)

        Good point, that’s only the cost per bus.  Plus the mounting hardware is specific to these kinds of busses and the costs will be 5-10x more than a mass produced consumer device (the company that makes it needs to recoup its development costs across much fewer units) and it needs to be rugged and low maintenance since its mounted in a bus that is bouncing around on the roads all day and suffering all kinds of abuse.

  • Good guy w/gun August 12, 2018 (12:39 pm)

    They obviously know where he got on, so they have an idea of where he spends time. And he’s an idiot if he ever rides the bus again. 

  • Bob August 13, 2018 (9:10 am)

    why not worry about the suspect instead of the stupid camera system. My god people !

  • Person August 13, 2018 (3:05 pm)

    If someone can ID the girl he was talking to before he got on the bus I’m sure she knows who he is and possibly where to find him. Check the video on the crime watch there’s a couple girls that you can clearly see, also the video seems better than the still pictures they probably used a screen shot of the video which is why the quality is even worse…

  • D August 13, 2018 (10:27 pm)

    Are the west Seattle police going to catch any of these murderers?

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