We’re only three weeks from the first day of 2018-2019 classes at Seattle Public Schools. (Yes, we know, some independent schools start even sooner!) Again this year, West Seattle Elementary in High Point welcomes community members to a unique first-day-of-school event. Here’s the announcement we received today:
The community is invited to attend the third annual Be There Rally at West Seattle Elementary on Wednesday, September 5th, from 7:00 am to 8:00 am. The school, in partnership with Seattle Housing Authority/High Point, is rolling out the red carpet and asking community leaders, school supporters, family, and friends to line up to cheer, clap, and high-five students as they enter into the new school year.
School leaders are calling for 100 men and women to line the red carpet, dressed for success and ready to lead by example and cheer on High Point youth. Research shows that children whose family and community take an active role in their educational lives earn better grades, score higher on tests, enjoy school more and are more likely to graduate from high school and attend college.
Your presence at the school on the first day will support efforts to build valuable partnerships with families and members of the community to support student learning and positive academic outcomes.
Questions? Want to RSVP? Contact Hanna Ory at hsory@seattleschools.org or 206-252-9450. WSE is at 6760 34th SW.