West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
10:20 PM: We were just looking out at the almost-full moon and wondering about the “star” visible west of it; the WSB inbox has yielded an answer, and then some. Trileigh Tucker e-mailed to say that’s Jupiter and “it’s clear enough that you can see several of Jupiter’s moons!” You can try looking with a telescope or binoculars. Trileigh explains, “Jupiter’s very bright, to the slightly upper right of the moon. Jupiter’s moons are the tiny white specks lined up on a tilted angle to Jupiter, pointing upper right.” Scientists believe Jupiter has more than 60 of them!
ADDED 11:27 PM: Thanks to Greg Snyder for the Jupiter photo!
(Photos courtesy Loop the ‘Lupe)
You can run, you can crawl, you can climb … you can even laugh because it’ll be so much fun! Just six days until the 5K with personality (and options), Loop the ‘Lupe, next Saturday in West Seattle.
You can tackle the entire obstacle course, or make it a 5K family run/walk, or try two other options – the Senior Saunter, a quarter-mile loop, and a 1K Kids’ Dash. It’s all happening at Walt Hundley Playfield (34th/Myrtle), kitty corner from Our Lady of Guadalupe, which organized the event for the first time last year and found it to be so much fun, they’re doing it again. Did we mention, there’s live music and a beer garden? This is an event for everybody, whether you can barely get yourself off the couch, or whether you’re so fit you ca barely sit still. Here’s the timeline for Loop the ‘Lupe day on Saturday (June 2nd):
11:00 AM – Loop The ‘Lupe! Obstacle Course Challenge
11:45 AM – 5K Family Fun Run/Walk
12:15 PM – Senior Saunter
1:00 PM – Youth Dash
ALL DAY – Loop The ‘Lupe’! after party featuring live music with Northwest party legends BottleRockit, plus food & drinks for purchase and a beer garden provided by The Beer Junction!
You can get a special 10 percent discount on the obstacle course or 5K right now by signing up with the code WSB10. Go here to register right now! (WSB is Loop the ‘Lupe’s media sponsor, and we look forward to seeing you there!)
5:23 PM: Firefighters have made quick work of what’s described as a “car fire near a structure under construction” in the 4500 block of 23rd SW [map of vicinity]. We’re on our way to check it out.
5:37 PM: At the scene. Added photo of the vehicle that caught fire.
5:40 PM: Our crew is told the vehicle caught fire after crashing into the under-construction building, which is just south of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. The driver took off and is not yet in custody.
7:25 PM: The vehicle’s been towed and police have left the scene. We checked the area just as they were departing – and shortly thereafter found ourselves behind the tow truck taking the vehicle away:
The tow driver had paused (for reasons unknown). And a P.S. – as mentioned in comments, “Avalon Tom” caught some video that shows the thick dark smoke that briefly called this fire to many people’s attention:
We’ll be following up on this post-holiday.
Now it’s two state championships for Chief Sealth International High School track-and-field athlete Elijah Jackson – part of this update from Sealth athletic director Ernest Policarpio:
Congratulations to Sadique Calloway, Chloe Myers, Elijah Jackson, and Quinn Wiley for competing in the state championships this weekend at Mt. Tahoma.
Congrats to Quinn Wiley (second from right, above), who took 2nd in the 300 Hurdles.
Congrats to Elijah Jackson, who took 3rd in the high jump and took 1st in the triple and long jump!
Amazing Group of Kids! #ROLLHAWKS
Full state results are here.
Thanks to assistant coach Joel Snow of the West Seattle High School golf team for the report and photos:
(Congratulations to) our West Seattle High School Golfers on our successful trip to the High School State Championships in Spokane this past Tuesday & Wednesday (May 22nd & 23rd).
The boys’ tournament was held at the Creek at Qualchan, with Senior Alex Nguyen (above) and Junior Cameron Smith (below) competing for our boys’ team.
The girls’ tournament was held at Indian Canyon, with Freshman Lauryn Nguyen competing for our girls’ team, with Lauryn taking home the medal for 2nd place in the individual category. (Photo below, left to right, are Athletic Director Corey Sorenson, Assistant Coach Joel Snow, Lauryn Nguyen and Head Coach Velko Vitalich)
Tournament information and results can be found here.
Last October’s recycle/reuse event in The Junction was so popular, an encore is set for next month – and this time, shredding is included! 9 am-1 pm Saturday, June 30th, bring your recyclables, reusables, and shreddables to the southwest corner of the West Seattle Junction Association parking lot off 42nd SW, just south of SW Oregon. WSJA is partnering with the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, Seattle Public Utilities, Waste Management, and Windermere to present the event – see this flyer for guidelines on what they will and won’t be taking.
9:31 AM: Just texted by Kersti Muul and by Alisa Lemire Brooks from Orca Network – at least 10 orcas reported in/near the Southworth ferry lane, northbound. On the Kitsap side, so if you’re going to go look from this side, good binoculars are a must! Let us know if you see them.
10:24 AM: As of a few minutes ago, per the Denniston Family in comments, “They are directly in front of Manchester by the big ship.” (Not sure where Manchester is? Here’s a map.)
(Thanks to Mark Wangerin for two views of the beautiful Western Tanager)
Day 2 of the three-day weekend! Highlights from our calendar:
MEMORIAL DAY POPPIES: American Legion Post 160 will be back at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor), 8 am-5 pm, offering the traditional red-crepe-paper poppies that are made by and raise money for veterans. (4201 SW Morgan)
CLEAN UP WITH THE LITTER LEAGUE: Also in Morgan Junction, get your Sunday started by joining Jill and the Litter League in a quick community cleanup, 9:30-11 am. She will have “vests, litter picker-uppers, buckets and bags for everyone” – just bring/wear your garden gloves. More info here. Meet by the ATM just south of Thriftway. More info here. (6540 California SW)
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: No holiday for the hard-working growers and makers who bring their food and beverages to The Junction on Sundays. Open 10 am-2 pm in the street as always. (California SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska)
HELP DESIGN A MURAL: The new Roxhill/EC Hughes mural needs your ideas, hopes, and dreams! Come talk with project-leading artist Henry Luke at Dubsea Coffee, 11 am. (9910 8th SW)
SECOND DAY OF SPRAYPARK SEASON: Just a reminder that Highland Park Spraypark is now open daily, 11 am-8 pm. (1100 SW Cloverdale)
SECOND DAY OF COLMAN POOL’S FIRST WEEKEND: Noon-7 pm, three swim sessions at Colman Pool on the Lincoln Park shore on this second day of its first pre-season weekend. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)
SEASON’S FIRST ALKI LIGHTHOUSE TOURS: 1-4 pm, the Coast Guard Auxiliary‘s first day of free tours at the historic lighthouse – this year, only on Sunday afternoons, as previewed here. (Alki SW/Beach Drive SW)
SACRED SERVICE FOR WAR DEAD: West Seattle Contemplative Church and WS Baptist Church will co-present this “religious service recogniz(ing) those who have died, acknowledges the life given, and commits them to God. It is also an honoring of those for whom the traditional rites of memorial and burial may not have happened.” 5:30 pm. Both pastors are veterans. (4157 California SW)
MEMORIAL DAY VETERANS’ SERVICE: A service “remembering veterans and their families” is planned at the Junction Church, 5:30 pm. Light refreshments afterward. (4157 California SW)]
Something for our calendar? westseattleblog@gmail.com – as far in advance as possible; thanks!