day : 03/05/2018 10 results

Southwest District Council goes green for May meeting

This month’s Southwest District Council meeting had an environmental theme. Two guests spotlighted that. First, Craig Kenworthy, executive director of the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency:

In our photo, Kenworthy was showing a test strip that indicated air dirty enough for a burn ban. He gave the SWDC a primer about the most common particulates in our area – mostly fine particles that come from engine combustion – diesel and gas, cars, rail, or ships. (Added – here’s his slide deck):

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CONGRATULATIONS! Chief Sealth IHS student wins art competition

Congratulations to Chief Sealth International High School artist Zhen Williams for winning a competition that will see her winning work displayed in D.C.! The announcement and photo are from our area’s U.S. House Rep. Pramila Jayapal‘s office:

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal announced the winners of Washington’s 7th District 2018 Congressional Arts Competition. They are:

1st: Zhen Williams, Chief Sealth International High School, “Voice Through My Handsâ€

2nd: Marlowe Pody, Garfield High School, “Fleetingâ€

3rd: Min Jeong Lee, Shoreline Christian School, “Hopeâ€

Zhen’s painting will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol Building for one year; Jayapal will hang the second place entry in her congressional office.

“Congratulations to Zhen on winning this year’s Congressional Arts Competition. I’m proud of the 7th District for another successful year celebrating the arts. This would not have been possible without the six schools who participated or without our amazing judges, supportive parents and teachers,†said Rep. Jayapal. “Every year, students have raised the bar, and I look forward to seeing the entries we receive in next year’s competition.â€

Six high schools from around the district participated in this year’s contest, including Chief Sealth International High School, Shoreline Christian, Ingraham, Garfield, The Northwest School and New Start High School.

West Seattle scene: Sunbathing with a friend

Thanks to Gary Jones for the photos, which were too sweet to put on hold until, say, tomorrow morning’s highlights. Notice in the top photo that Harbor Seal #1 is just hanging out at low tide off Constellation Park, with somebody peeking from the water to the left … and then deciding to get out and join the basking.

Flagging us to the same scene via Twitter, @1fox2fox noted, “As always, please be respectful to these sentinels of the Sound qnd give them space.” And if they come ashore, give Seal Sitters a call … 206-905-SEAL. P.S. Low-low tides are coming up later this month – lower than -2 feet for four afternoons starting Wednesday, May 16th.

TRAFFIC ALERT: 2 crashes on 35th SW

4:01 PM: If you’re going to be using 35th SW south of Morgan any time soon, heads up – there are two crashes, one at Morgan involving a vehicle that lost at least one wheel, and just now, a 5-vehicle crash blocking the northbound lane in the 7700 block of 35th (at or near Holden). We’re on our way to check.

4:14 PM: Above, the cars on NB 35th just south of Holden have moved to the side. No injuries, we’re told. Checking 35th/Morgan next.

4:24 PM: Above is the pickup that lost a wheel at 35th and Morgan. Police are there and a tow truck too, blocking the inside northbound lane of 35th. No injuries reported in either incident.


May 3, 2018 3:29 pm
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 |   Health | West Seattle news | WS & Sports

Just found out today that another regional 5K fundraiser is moving to West Seattle – on June 9th, you can join the Take Steps 5K Walk/Run at Lincoln Park. It’s a fundraiser for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. This is an afternoon event, with a festival starting at 1 pm and the 5K at 2:30 pm, all in an effort to find new treatments and someday a cure for these intestinal disorders. You can participate as an individual or as part of a team – here’s where to start.

BECAUSE YOU ASKED: What’s up with The Hydrant, almost three years ‘coming soon’ in West Seattle Junction?

EDITOR’S NOTE: This has continued to be a frequently asked question in the WSB inbox, with an empty space in the heart of The Junction sporting “Coming Soon: The Hydrant” in its window since before Summer Fest in 2015. Our newest WSB contributing reporter reached the proprietor.

Story and photo by Tony Lystra
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

After nearly three years, the West Seattle Junction’s bar for dogs and their owners may finally soon become a reality.

Since 2015, Beya Mark and her husband Cliff have been planning to open a bar called The Hydrant that serves both humans and dogs. The bar would be next door to the Marks’ upscale pet store, Next to Nature, in the 4500 block of California SW.

But the windows at The Hydrant’s proposed location, a prime piece of Junction real estate, have been papered over for all this time. An interim liquor license to serve beer and wine is still posted on the door; it expired Jan. 11, 2016. The mysteriously shuttered storefront has become a neighborhood curiosity.

Beya Mark, who leases the storefront with her husband, said a family emergency delayed the bar’s opening. Now, she tells WSB, preparations for opening are nearly complete.

“The Hydrant is definitely still on,†she said.

Beya Mark said the bar could open this summer, but at this point she’s reluctant to make promises.

She said The Hydrant will serve European and local wines, beer, and high-end coffee. It will be a sort of community hub for dog lovers, she said.

Because businesses that allow dogs can’t serve food under state food safety rules, Beya Mark said she plans to partner with nearby restaurants so people can order a bite to eat and enjoy it at The Hydrant.

“It’s a lifestyle,†she said of being out in the neighborhood with your dog. “We want people to just be able to come in and relax.”


May 3, 2018 12:20 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

DUMPED/STOLEN? A reader spotted these items strewn at the Murray Wet Weather Facility across from Lowman Beach this morning and sent the photo:

We can’t guarantee they’re still there but passing along the photo just in case someone recognizes their stuff.

ODD THEFT: Kathryn noted a piece missing from her vehicle:

Someone stole my lower (reflector) from my Jeep parked on the street (Tuesday) night. I park on 42nd Ave SW between Fauntleroy and Graham. There’s no other damage to the vehicle or signs of forced entry. Just annoying!

West Seattle Thursday: Homelessness forum; design review for Lam Bow Apartments; more!

(Photo by Lynn Hall)

Along with photos from last night’s sunset, here are the highlights of what’s ahead for your West Seattle (and a bit beyond) Thursday:

DROP-IN ART FOR PRESCHOOLERS: 11:30 am-12:30 pm at Delridge Library, drop in to work on art projects with guest teacher Miss Lisa. (5423 Delridge Way SW)

TODDLER STORY TIME: 11:30 am-noon at High Point Library, you and your toddler(s) are welcome to enjoy stories, songs, and rhymes. (35th SW/SW Raymond)

MAYOR IN SOUTH PARK: As previewed here last night, Mayor Jenny Durkan will be just over the ridge at the South Park Community Center at 3 pm for a community roundtable. (8319 8th Ave. S.)

(This photo and next by Jim Borrow)

DESIGN REVIEW FOR NEW LAM BOW BUILDING: As also previewed here last night, the Southwest Design Review Board will meet at 6:30 pm at the Senior Center/Sisson Building to provide Early Design Guidance on the new building proposed at 6355 Delridge Way SW to replace the Lam Bow Apartments building destroyed by fire a year and a half ago. The design packet is shown/linked in our preview. The meeting includes a public-comment period. (4217 SW Oregon)

ALKI ELEMENTARY PTA: 6:30 pm meeting at the school. (3010 59th SW)

PUBLIC FORUM ON HOMELESSNESS: 7 pm at Fauntleroy Church, “This public forum will dive below surface responses to give homelessness a human face and explore specific decisions ahead if Seattle and its neighborhoods are to turn the corner on this tenacious problem.” All welcome; more info in our calendar listing. (9140 California SW)

THURSDAY TRIVIA, TWO ROUNDS: 7 and 8 pm at Great American Diner and Bar in The Junction. (4752 California SW)

NORTH HIGHLINE UNINCORPORATED AREA COUNCIL: 7 pm at North Highline Fire District HQ, the community council for White Center and vicinity has an info-packed agenda as always, including briefings on the HONK Fest! festival coming to WC next month and work at Steve Cox Memorial Park. (1243 SW 112th)

‘AN OCTOROON’: 7:30 pm curtain for ArtsWest‘s performance tonight of this award-winning play by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, described as a “genre-bending work” dealing with “race, identity and time.” (4711 California SW)

ALWAYS MORE … so please also check our complete calendar!

ALMOST MAP TIME! See the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day map and list starting Saturday

May 3, 2018 9:09 am
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 |   Community Garage Sale Day | West Seattle news

Even if you’re not directly involved with one of the 330+ sales signed up for this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on Saturday, May 12th – somebody near you probably is, and if you haven’t already heard about their plan, you’ll know in two days, when the WSCGSD 2018 map/list goes live! More than 20 sales are block, business, organization, or school sales – but as usual, that still means most are individual house/townhouse/apartment/etc. sales. And even in their relatively short listings, you’ll see tons of personality – moving sales, sales promising treasures, sales proudly proclaiming junk, knickknacks, bric-a-brac; sales clearing out years of hobby items, years of unique tastes in decor … stuff from employer, military, school affiliations … baby’s-on-the-way sales, baby’s-grown-up sales … We also have an increasing number of sales this year choosing to open before/stay closed after the official WSCGSD hours of 9 am-3 pm. It’ll all be on the map/list and as usual we have two versions going live on Saturday, the clickable map (every sale has a numbered marker, clickable to open the balloon with its address and description) and printable map/list (PDF version with all 330+ listings in order, plus map sections). Watch for it all here on WSB (when it’s ready we will also link it from the menu that you can access on all devices) as well as linked from It’ll be the 14th annual WSCGSD, eleventh year that we’re coordinating it here at WSB, and an awesome day of person-to-person recycling!


May 3, 2018 7:06 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

7:06 AM: Good morning! No incidents in/from West Seattle so far – no transit alerts, either.