West Seattle, Washington
19 Wednesday
Four West Seattle Crime Watch notes:
CAR PROWLER IN SUNRISE HEIGHTS: Above is reader video of a prowler trying the handles on cars parked along the alley between 34th and 35th off SW Othello. The sender reports, “I’m usually really good about locking my door but I forgot to on this night. He rummaged through my things but I’m fairly certain my dog started barking, so he left. It appears nothing was taken. He just threw my glove compartment items around my car.” After sending this, he sent an addendum: “I forgot that I had a … conversion kit for my car. It’s KETSUN brand for 2015 Hyundai Accent (either 9003 or 9005 bulbs); the kit came in a case with a big brand sticker, 2 bulbs, 2 ballasts, and a mounting kit.” If you have any info, the police report number is 18-903453.
My perfectly good Wednesday afternoon was ruined, when a car sped past and cut me off, tearing their rear bumper nearly off in the process. This happened around 5:45 pm tonight in front of Shadowland (just north of Oregon on California. Right where the right lane merges to the left to one-lane). Car sped up to get around me on my right, and while he did make it, his driver’s side rear bumper caught an air intake and the front wheel well. I pulled over but he was already speeding off, dragging his bumper behind him. Tried to catch up but King County Metro and the lights had other ideas.
Jeff says the suspect’s car was a black Scion Xb, but he didn’t get the plate; missing rear window, covered with plastic. “Now also missing rear bumper.” Jeff’s car is a white late-model Lexus 4-door sedan. Police incident # is 18-146007.
Now, two followups:
PAUL STORY SENTENCED: We last wrote a year ago about Paul D. Story, charged in the boathouse break-in after which police pulled him out of the water to arrest him. He had been in and out of jail twice since then, most recently booked in October of last year. Since then, he struck a plea bargain, pleading guilty to residential burglary and third-degree assault. Today he was sentenced to a jail term that equaled time already served, plus a residential Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative program for three to seven months, starting immediately; the register shows he was released this afternoon and court documents say he was supposed to go immediately into the custody of the service administering the program.
GREGORY THOMPSON’S BAIL INCREASED: We reported earlier this week on the arrest of Gregory Thompson of Puget Ridge, wanted on warrants for failing to appear in two drug cases. His bail has now been increased to more than $110,000, and the jail register shows he is under investigation for a possible new charge of unlawful gun possession, because of the gun found after he was arrested at Westwood Village.
From left, Galtero, Judah, and Kevon were three of the 100 students showing off projects at last night’s West Seattle High School showcase for Career Tech and Art students. Other student art that caught our photographer’s eye:
This was made with the 3-D printer Maker-Bot Replicator, we’re told:
Speaking of robots …
We also talked with students whose work ranged from nursing studies to developing a video game younger kids could play. The showcase was open to the community:
As noted in the event announcement, “WSHS’s academic programs feature teaching and learning with hands-on, project-based instruction. CAD design, woodworking, culinary, IT, auto mechanics, ceramics, photography, music, health, and human services programs.”
P.S. Just two months left in the school year … June 22nd is the final day for Seattle Public Schools.
The big headline from tonight’s Seattle Public Schools Board of Directors meeting: The board has finalized an agreement with Denise Juneau, its choice to be the district’s next superintendent. Here’s the agenda document, with highlights:
This is a 3-year agreement with annual options for extension. State law limits superintendent contracts to three years. Significant terms of the contract include the following:
• A base annual salary of $295,000.
• Performance compensation in the amount of $15,000. For the 2018-19 contract year this bonus will be earned upon successful adoption by the Board of a District Strategic Plan and a Superintendent performance evaluation structure. In future years, other goals may be identified to determine eligibility for the performance compensation amount.
• Retention compensation in the one-time amount of $30,000, which is payable in July 2023 upon five continuous years of service as superintendent.
• A Tax Sheltered Annuity Plan contribution by the District on June 30 of each year in the amount of 4% of base salary, which equals $11,800 for the first year in June 2019.
• A $700 per month vehicle allowance, which includes local travel expenses.
• The payment of reasonable moving expenses.
• A provision for employee benefits and leave days.
• During the initial transition prior to July 1, 2018, the payment for up to 15 days of contract work at a per diem rate.
• An agreement by the superintendent to maintain a residence within the City limits of Seattle within 6 months of signing the agreement.
Here’s a clip of her post-vote speech, tweeted by SPS:
At tonight’s board meeting, the @seapubschools board voted unanimously to approve the contract with @denisejuneau to become the next superintendent for #Seattle Public Schools, her start date will be July 1.
👀Watch a clip of her remarks: pic.twitter.com/DTIsakCSeu
— Seattle Schools (@seapubschools) April 26, 2018
Juneau is a former Montana state superintendent of public instruction and has been self-employed as a consultant since running for Congress last year. Seattle’s outgoing superintendent Dr. Larry Nyland made $276,000+ when first hired four years ago.
7:12 PM: If you’re out on the West Seattle waterfront and wondering about all the police – all we have is from the scanner so far: This was dispatched as a report of possible gunfire involving someone in at least one vehicle. That has not been confirmed, and there is no word of anyone being hurt. Police are in the Don Armeni Boat Ramp vicinity right now trying to sort it all out.
7:23 PM: We are in the vicinity – the police response and the usual warm-night Alki-bound traffic are combining for some congestion.
Again via scanner, police have not found any confirmation of, or witnesses who saw, gunfire, so this might break up soon.
7:35 PM: Though one person was briefly detained, he’s been released as there is no evidence any crime was committed, police tell us. They also have cleared that person’s vehicle off to the side so Harbor will be open to traffic again.
Some questions about helicopter activity over Harbor Island earlier. Seattle Fire had a hazmat response at Terminal 18 on the northeast side for what was described as a “small corrosive spill.” The call closed out earlier this hour.
(Monday photo courtesy Vlad Oustimovitch)
The arrival this past Monday of new, lockable fire rings at Alki Beach Park – replacing all seven of the old ones – raised some questions, and now we’ve received answers from Seattle Parks spokesperson Christina Hirsch:
*Policies for when they’re unlocked and locked? “The exact hours/procedures for locking the lids is being determined with staff. Currently, the lids are unlocked. We will post hours and procedure information on our website in the next couple of weeks once the information has been finalized.”
*Why were the old ones replaced? The closable lid “helps to put out the fire,” Hirsch says, adding “we also ask that folks douse their fire with water.” They hope the lockability “will help prevent fires on off-hours and prevent bonfires during burn bans.” And the previous ones “were old, rusty and beginning to fall apart.”
*How much did the new ones cost? “The new pits were designed and created in-house and are like the pits we installed at Golden Gardens Park. Each pit costs approximately $1,500 (not including delivery and installation).”
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
They’ve been working for months on a light-rail extension we won’t see for years, but had just minutes to decide which rough-draft alternative concepts should move forward and which shouldn’t.
That’s how it went last night during the Sound Transit West Seattle/Ballard light-rail extension Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting at ST’s downtown boardroom.
The process already has been billed as hurried so that the 2030 target for opening West Seattle’s ST3-decreed line can be met or maybe even exceeded, but this stop along the route was the most rushed of all we’ve covered so far.
The meeting had begun with facilitator Diane Adams telling the group (see its membership here) being told, “Tonight you won’t need to make a ‘preferred alternative’ determination,” followed by ST executive Cathal Ridge adding, “We would at least like to make some progress down that road.”
That they did – but with little time for detailed deliberation. Here’s the bottom line for the West Seattle segment, after the tables’ discussion toward night’s end:
Sorry for the fuzzy image – the checklist slide was created on the spot, so there’s no digital version, but here’s the pre-yay/nay version of the same list so you can read and compare:
And here are the maps from last week showing details on each:
Here’s how those decisions were reached (again, the group had to decide yay/nays on the other parts of the West Seattle/Ballard extensions too, but for obvious reasons, we are mostly just reporting WS details):
Above are Monica and Anna with the box you’ll find in the lobby at Illusions Hair Design (WSB sponsor) this week. As we’ve mentioned a time or two, they’re collecting new socks and underwear – for women, men, and kids, all sizes – for the West Seattle Helpline. Whatever you can give, just bring it to Illusions until 8:30 pm tonight, 9:30 am-6 pm tomorrow, 9 am-6 pm Friday. They’re between The Junction and Morgan Junction, at 5619 California SW.
Three quick development followups:
MORE DETAILS ON JUNCTION PROJECT: On March 30th, we brought you first word of an early-stage plan for a mixed-use project at 4508 California SW. We spoke briefly with property owner Leon Capelouto, who had no additional details to share. Since then, a document that’s appeared in city files provides a few details – a rough outline for 70 residential units, 34 parking spaces, 5,450 “commercial and back of house” square feet, which compares to the 4,690 square feet of commercial space in the buildings that would be demolished. The project remains in the early, pre-application stage.
MORE DETAILS ON AVALON PROJECT: In November, we reported on an apartment building proposed for 3084 SW Avalon Way – at the time, documents did not indicate the size or unit count. The project will be going through Administrative Design Review – no meeting, but there will be a call for public comment – and the city project page says it’s planned for 7 stories and 35 apartments, with no offstreet parking.
PROJECT AT THE KENNEY: Thanks to Mike and Colby for pointing out the signs that have gone up around the perimeter of The Kenney (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW):
It’s been a year and a half since the retirement center’s management/ownership previewed their scaled-back plans for redevelopment. The notice now is for part of the plan – five townhouses in two buildings on the south side of the site. We inquired with The Kenney to find out more; spokesperson Angela Johnston replied, “The new development will include several townhomes that will be offered to people age 62+. As part of The Kenney model, those residents will pay a one-time entrance fee and a monthly fee (similar to rent), which will include a variety of services and amenities. They will essentially have the best of both worlds – living independently in a single-family home, while reaping the benefits of community life with their peers.” And she says they expect to have a timeline and more details soon about other “renovations and programming changes that are happening throughout The Kenney campus.” Meantime, the signs’ appearance and official application for the townhouse construction indicates an official comment period should be opening soon – watch the Land Use Information Bulletin. (ADDED THURSDAY: And indeed, the notice is in today’s LUIB – the comment period is open through May 9th.)
Thanks to Lynn Hall for the scene from Tuesday night’s sunset. With another sunny/70s day ahead, sunset-watching should be excellent again tonight – here’s what to do before then:
TWO COMPUTER CLASSES: Seattle Public Library staff teaches two classes at the Senior Center of West Seattle this afternoon:
1-2:30 pm. Computer Basics 2. Work successfully in the Windows environment by learning the most common Windows features, including toolbars, the scroll bar, and text boxes. This class includes a brief intro to Word and Internet Explorer.
3-4:30 pm. Online Self Defense. Browse the internet with safety and security in mind. Learn how to protect your computer and personal information. Topics include anti-virus software, scams/phishing, passwords, and online shopping.
(4217 SW Oregon)
AFTERNOON MOVIE: 1 pm, “Jeopardy” from 1953 is what you’ll see at the Senior Center of West Seattle. $1 members, $2 nonmembers, free popcorn! (4217 SW Oregon)
KIDS’ CAFE AFTERSCHOOL MEALS: Just a reminder about one of our longrunning calendar items – 2:45-3:30 pm at High Point Library, youth 18 and under can get free food, no questions asked. (35th SW/SW Raymond)
HIGHLAND PARK ACTION COMMITTEE COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE: Stop in and talk about Highland Park! Low-key “open-house format” HPAC meeting format this month at historic Highland Park Improvement Club, 7-8:30 pm. (1116 SW Holden)
ARROYOS CITY LIGHT PROJECT OPEN HOUSE: Work starts soon to replace cables and conduit, so if you have questions, Seattle City Light will be at Southwest Library tonight for a 5:30-7 pm open house so you can get answers. (9010 35th SW)
WHAT ELSE, YOU ASK? Just visit our full calendar to see.
(WSB photo, November 2016: TEALS founder Kevin Wang and U.S. Sen. Patty Murray at left, visiting CSIHS)
Work in tech? Able to share some time with students? Chief Sealth International High School principal Aida Fraser-Hammer has a request for you:
Chief Sealth International High School is extremely excited to announce that we are entering another year of partnership with the Technology Education And Literacy in Schools (TEALS) Program which provides support to students who want to explore computer science in the classroom. We are now planning for the 2018 – 2019 school year and as in years past, we are reaching out to the West Seattle Community in search of software programmers or engineers willing to share their programming skills with our students. Volunteers are needed in the classroom as team-teachers 2 days per week for the next school year. No teaching experience is necessary; all training and additional supports will be provided by the TEALS program.
TEALS volunteers have enjoyed a successful partnership with Sealth by exposing students to challenging coursework which has been extremely successful in getting students hooked into computer programming and interested in pursuing higher education in the field of computer science. Volunteer training is provided during the summer and involvement in the classroom varies. Volunteers can team-teach or simply help out in the Computer Science classroom. They commit to two days per week during the 1st period of the day which allows them to maintain their regular work schedule.
Past volunteers have provided classroom support to students and have enjoyed helping teach CS in the classroom. Others have actually used the opportunity as a testing ground to explore a career in teaching.
Sealth students started exploring Python in the 2nd semester last year, and although Python mastery is absolutely not a requirement for volunteers, we would be particularly excited if any Python pros would like to help us for next year. Interested CS professionals are encouraged to explore more at the volunteer section of the TEALS website or contact Sealth teacher Luke Azinger (206-252-8550) for more information.
Another update on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2018 – only two and a half weeks until the big day of sales all around the peninsula, all sizes, all neighborhoods, Saturday, May 12th! Thanks to everyone who has registered so far – 265+ sales and counting. If you’ve been waiting to sign up yours, you’re almost out of time; the registration deadline is TOMORROW NIGHT (Thursday, April 26th, 11 pm). You’ll find the signup form here. Important note for sellers – please be sure you got a PayPal receipt as well as our confirmation note – several are showing as having not completed that step of the process, and so we don’t know whether that means you changed your mind or just had trouble with the system. If you didn’t, please send a note to westseattleblog@gmail.com and we can send you a special link. As soon as signups conclude tomorrow night, we get to work making the map and list so everyone can access the clickable and printable versions one week before sale day, both here and at westseattlegaragesale.com.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
7:01 AM: Good morning and welcome to sunny Wednesday. No incidents in/from West Seattle, and no local traffic alerts so far.
7:31 AM: Thanks for the tip about a crash at 40th/Alaska; SDOT says it has already cleared.