West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
(Aidan Day and Will Rasmussen. Photos courtesy Laurie Rasmussen)
Lots of people take trips during spring break – but when West Seattle High School is back in session Monday, seniors Will Rasmussen and Aidan Day just might have the best travel story to tell. They were in Washington, D.C., for the House Of Code Summit, a gathering of students who won the 2017 Congressional App Challenge. Will and Aidan were the winners in the 7th Congressional District – as announced last December, they created an app aimed at saving teachers time, via functions “to make taking attendance quick and easy.” Here’s their demo video for the app, Roll Call:
The award gained them an invitation to the summit this week, including the #HouseOfCode Demo Day yesterday, at which students were to demonstrate their apps to lawmakers, “thus turning the House of Representatives into the #HouseOfCode.”
The event announcement added: “The annual gathering is quickly becoming the new National Science Fair, but focused specifically on computer science and technology entrepreneurship.” The summit overall also was intended to recognize the more than 200 winning students from 39 states and to give them a chance to “participate in career and STEM enrichment activities.” The competition had more than 4,100 participants nationwide, who submitted more than 1,270 original apps, almost double the number from a year earlier.
Two weeks ago, we reported on the plan to build the West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway all the way into North Admiral, instead of having its north end at The Junction. The city also announced two drop-in meetings for feedback, and plans for a survey. The first of those meetings is tomorrow morning – and the survey is open now. You can answer it here, and/or stop by Uptown Espresso at California/Edmunds/Erskine, 10:30-noon on Saturday. Meantime, from an update sent by SDOT, more information about the greenway plan:
Our final route for the West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway reflects many of the needs we heard from the community to connect people with schools, parks, local businesses, and the greater transportation network. The new neighborhood greenway will bring affordable, active transportation options for all ages and abilities.
Below are several community priorities we incorporated into our final design:
*Design the pedestrian safety islands so they’re wider to give people adequate space for their bikes
*Time the new traffic signal at 35th Ave SW and SW Graham St with the rest of the 35th Ave SW traffic signals to reduce corridor-wide delay as much as possible
*Upgrade access to the existing signals for people walking and biking at
30th Ave SW and SW Barton St
30th Ave SW and SW Roxbury St*Install traffic calming near Our Lady of Guadalupe School
*Minimize any on-street parking loss
*Reduce gravel on the sidewalk and street along SW Kenyon St
*Enhance traffic calming on 30th Ave SW and SW Thistle St
We’ve been able to incorporate all these elements into our work plan. Thank you for sharing such helpful insights.
Phase 1 Construction
The first phase of construction for the West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway will begin later this spring and is expected to continue through 2018. This phase of construction, which begins at SW Roxbury St and ends at SW Graham St, allows us to open a large section of the Greenway an entire year earlier than expected!During phase 1 construction you should expect temporary detours, parking changes, and crossing closures so that we can install greenway pieces such as pedestrian safety islands and new crosswalks at intersections. We’ll be in constant communication throughout construction to ensure we coordinate with residents and businesses directly affected by specific projects.
We recognize that construction is an inconvenience and appreciate your patience and communication as we begin creating the West Seattle Greenway for you and your neighbors to enjoy.
Schedule …
Construction is broken up into three phases. This will enable us to start installing greenway improvements earlier than expected. We are excited to help people get to important community locations like Roxhill park by walking and biking in 2018, a full year earlier than anticipated.
The three phases are highlighted below:Phase 1: SW Roxbury to SW Graham St on 30th Ave
Construction starting in spring 2018Phase 2: SW Graham to SW Edmunds St
Construction as soon as fall 2019North Admiral Connection: SW Edmunds St to SW College St
Outreach & planning beginning spring 2018
Construction as soon as 2020-2022
This will be West Seattle’s third greenway, after North Delridge and Highland Park/South Delridge. You can find more project information here. And if you can’t get to tomorrow morning’s drop-in discussion, the second one is Thursday (April 19th), 4:15-5:45 pm, at West Seattle (Admiral) Library, 2306 42nd SW.
Thanks for the tips about remodeling under way at the McDonald’s in Admiral (3003 California SW). This is the first week of a six-week overhaul, inside and out, owner/operator Alia Abboud told WSB during an interview at the restaurant this afternoon.
First – the drive-through is closed right now but the lobby is open (and if you don’t want to go in, you can still order via mobile – it’ll be brought out to you in the parking lot – or home/office delivery via Uber Eats). In a few weeks, depending on how things go, the partial closure will be reversed – the drive-through will reopen when the exterior work is done, and the lobby will close for a few weeks, Abboud told us.
If you’ve seen the recently rebuilt McDonald’s in White Center – this will be a lot like that, though this site is getting a remodel, not a rebuild. It’s part of the corporation’s Experience of the Future initiative, and will include a two-sided ordering kiosk inside, similar to these:
No, that won’t mean job cuts, says Abboud, who employs “close to 40 people” at this location – she says she’s actually adding people, so that there will be an employee to assist people with the kiosk. The seating area and restrooms will get “extensive” upgrades, too, as will the lighting – energy-saving conversion to LED, inside and out – and the menu boards for the drive-through. Since the site is small, it will continue to have a single drive-through lane, with no revision of traffic patterns planned.
“We hope the neighborhood will like it,” says Abboud, who also runs the Morgan Junction McDonald’s, which she says is in line for the overhaul within the next two years. Other aspects of the restaurant already have been evolving, not the least of which includes the chain’s move to use fresh beef, which, Abboud points out, required a change in various procedures. The modern-look remodel also will be accompanied by new uniforms, a “brand-new experience for everybody” – workers as well as customers.
McDonald’s regional media liaison tells WSB that 155 restaurants in the Pacific Northwest region (which also includes Oregon, Alaska, Idaho, and Montana) have upgraded to the Experience of the Future, and almost 200 more will do so before year’s end. Six of the overhauled locations are in the Seattle area.
Congratulations to the West Seattle Linux User Group, now one year old. If you’re interested, you’re invited to its meeting tomorrow, which is also an anniversary breakfast. From co-founder Justin:
The West Seattle Linux User Group (WSeaLUG) is celebrating its one-year anniversary this month. It has been a great year getting to know fellow Linux enthusiasts in West Seattle and beyond. We have have average of 10 members show up every other Saturday morning to enjoy chatting and learning from each other about all things Linux. We have also had a few presentations about items such as ‘installing and configuring a web server,’ ‘LUKS & YubiKey,’ and ‘Linux Firewalls & IPTables,’ to name a few. We were also community sponsors of the Seattle GNU/Linux Conference last November.
If you are a Linux enthusiast or want to learn more about Linux, we hope you will join us.
Tomorrow morning’s meeting is at a different location than usual – Be’s Restaurant in The Junction, 9 am (4509 California SW). Otherwise, the club usually meets twice a month at the Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor) – check here; we list the meetings in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, too. (If your club meets regularly and is open to interested members of the public, we’d be happy to list your meetings too – e-mail the info to editor@westseattleblog.com – thank you!)
12:37 PM: From SPD Blotter:
A man and a woman were arrested late Thursday afternoon after they attempted to sell stolen tires to undercover detectives in White Center. The suspects also showed up to the meet with a handgun and a large amount of heroin.
Major Crimes Task Force detectives were assisting a victim who had reported their 2001 Subaru Impresa stolen from Kirkland. The stolen car was recovered in West Seattle on Wednesday, but it had been stripped of its tires. The next day the victim located what looked like his stolen Subaru tires being sold on the site Offer Up. The victim was able to prove the tires and rims were his because he had the receipts and the DOT number stamps for the tires in question.
A detective, posing as an interested buyer, contacted the seller and arranged to meet at a location in White Center. The female seller showed up with a male passenger in her car. After verifying that the DOT numbers matched on the tires, patrol officers arrested both the female and male for trafficking in stolen property.
A handgun was visible on the passenger side floorboard of the suspect’s car. The car the suspects arrived in was impounded pending a search warrant. The tires will be returned to the victim as soon as the search warrant is served.
The 25-year-old female admitted to being a heroin dealer and was in possession of 95 grams of heroin. The 25-year-old male suspect was a convicted felon, and prohibited from possessing a gun.
Both suspects were interviewed by detectives and later booked into the King County Jail for trafficking in stolen property, gun, and drug charges. Major Crimes detectives will continue to follow up on this case.
We’re checking into the suspects’ backgrounds and will also be watching for information from their bail hearing.
1:57 PM: The male suspect has felony convictions from 2011 and 2012, the first from a plea bargain in a robbery case, the second from a guilty plea in a residential burglary in Highland Park.
2:45 PM: The SPD Blotter item was updated after first publication with this additional information, as well as photos, one of which we’ve added above: “After the search warrant, detectives recovered an additional 148 grams of heroin from the center console of the suspect vehicle. The gun was a Glock .45 caliber that had been stolen from an auto theft in Pierce County.”
7:20 PM: Both had bail hearings this afternoon, according to the jail register, which shows his bail set at $15,000, hers at $10,000.
10:55 AM: What was at first a medical response has changed to an “assault with weapons” response at 6920 34th SW, which is the address for High Point Community Center. We are on our way to find out more.
11:01 AM: Emergency vehicles have 34th SW blocked in front of the community center.
11:05 AM: SPD confirms that someone has died and they believe it’s suicide but are screening with the Homicide Unit.
11:22 AM: For those wondering about exactly what area is affected – since the same corner also includes Walt Hundley Playfield and Our Lady of Guadalupe – the playfield is open, and being used. There’s police tape around the south and east sides of the community center, as well as the street continuing to be blocked off in front. We will be going back to check a bit later.
12:23 PM: The road has reopened, and the Medical Examiner is there to remove the victim’s body. We talked again with SPD media relations and they say the victim, described only thus far as male, was found on the steps on the south side of the community center, and that they are proceeding with the belief that he died by suicide; officers found a gun nearby.
As always, when reporting on suicide, we want to remind you that help is available 24/7 for anyone contemplating self-harm – call the Crisis Clinic, 206-461-3222.
(Pine Siskin in Lincoln Park with nesting material, photographed by Trileigh Tucker)
The weekend approaches! But first, for the rest of today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
WEST SEATTLE RUNNER ANNIVERSARY: Today through Sunday, West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) celebrates 8 years in business, with discounts, snacks, treats, and special events – see our calendar listing for highlights. (2743 California SW)
ART LOUNGE: 21+ drop-in monthly event at Highland Park Improvement Club. Bring your art project(s) and get creative, starting at 7 pm. (1116 SW Holden)
GARY BENSON: Folk singer live at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)
FORGOTTEN DOGS RESCUE BENEFIT: 7 pm at South Park Hall, you’re invited to a variety show benefiting Forgotten Dogs Rescue.
‘TWELFTH NIGHT’ BY TWELFTH NIGHT: Shakespeare at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, opening night at 7:30 pm, as Twelfth Night Productions presents “Twelfth Night.” Get your ticket(s) in advance online or at the box office before the show. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
AS ALWAYS, THERE’S MORE! Just browse our complete calendar.
The West Seattle gift shop Alair has something new to share. The photo and report are rom proprietor Shandon Graybeal:
Alair Neighborhood Gift Shop, specializing in small-batch gifts with an emphasis on locally made goods and companies that give back, is launching a new calligraphy and hand-lettering service. From envelopes, invitations, and gift tags to chalkboards, wedding decor and more!
The calligraphy possibilities are endless. Claire, an employee of the store and new Calligraphy Manager, has been in love with the practice of calligraphy since early last year. She believes that great events begin with great calligraphy and {almost} nothing excites her more than creating that perfect hand-lettered embellishment for clients.
They’re offering discounts this month. P.S. In case you hadn’t heard, Alair (3280 California SW) won the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce‘s Emerging Business of the Year award (you can applaud Shandon and team at the May 1st ceremony).
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
7:02 AM: Good morning and happy Friday. No traffic incidents or transit alerts reported in this area so far.
STADIUM ZONE: The Mariners open a homestand tonight, 7:10 pm vs. Oakland.
OTHER WEEKEND TRAFFIC ALERTS: Here’s the city’s roundup.
SPRING BREAK: Today is the final day of no classes for Seattle Public Schools and independent schools that follow the same schedule; everybody’s back on Monday.