(Downy woodpecker, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Good morning! Here’s what’s happening on your midwinter Sunday:
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Fresh food sold by those who grew/made it, 10 am-2 pm, in the street in the heart of The Junction. (California SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska)
JOB FAIR: 10 am-4 pm, as noted here earlier this month, the future MOD Pizza at The Whittaker (WSB sponsor) is inviting prospective employees to a job fair. (4755 Fauntleroy Way SW)
‘MEET A MUSLIM’: Moina Shaiq will speak during the 10:30 am service at Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation, and then stay for a noon-1 pm community Q&A session/conversation. You’re invited to either or both. Details in our calendar listing. (7141 California SW)
STORY TIME AND BOOKFAIR WITH KERRI KOKIAS: Local author reads her new children’s book “Snow Sisters” at 11 am as part of a Bookfair for Arbor Heights Cooperative Preschool at Westwood Village Barnes & Noble – details in our calendar listing. (2600 SW Barton)
WOMXN’S ACT DAY: Around the city, it’s a day of action following the second annual Women’s March. In West Seattle, as previewed here, you’re invited to two events at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center with the Delridge Grocery Co-op and The Little Red Hen Project, 11 am-2 pm. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
JAMTIME: Bluegrass and old-time music at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 1-4 pm. (5612 California SW)
‘PEERLESS’ MATINEE: 3 pm at ArtsWest, you can catch the first matinee of the new play, “Peerless.” Tickets available here. (4711 California SW)
JUNCTION FILMING: As previewed here last week, a local film crew will be working on a commercial production on California SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska tonight between about 5 pm and 10 pm, and traffic will be held intermittently.
AT KENYON HALL: 7:30 pm, Dennis James at the Mighty Wurlitzer Pipe Organ with a silent movie. Details in our calendar listing. (7904 35th SW)
LOOK INTO THE FUTURE – our full calendar covers days, weeks, months ahead, and we’re adding new listings frequently (editor@westseattleblog.com)!
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