West Seattle, Washington
14 Friday
From the Highland Park Action Committee‘s January meeting:
‘I FOUND A NEEDLE, NOW WHAT?’ The Sharps Collection Pilot Program from Seattle Public Utilities gave a presentation. It was basically Needle 101 – where do discarded needles come from? Not just IV drug users – could be people with medical conditions that require injections, even pets that need shots, or allergy sufferers. In Seattle, it’s illegal to just throw needles in the trash, “for the safety of sanitation workers,” said the SPU presenters.
If you find a needle on public property:
We start with two reader reports:
GAS-STATION PURSE THEFT: Mary Lou reports that someone stole her purse from her car while she was getting fuel at the (corrected location) 41st SW/Admiral Way service station. It happened in broad daylight – around 1:30 this afternoon. No surveillance video available (she asked).
PACKAGES TAKEN: Also in the Admiral area, Nate shares this security-camera video of packages being taken from his porch around quarter till 6 last night near 47th/Admiral. He says others in his neighborhood have reported thefts, too.
And from the SPD files:
ANOTHER HOLDUP: Here’s a street robbery we didn’t hear about until now – just found it while checking SPD online reports for the handful of days-later narratives posted each week. It happened around 1:20 am last Saturday (January 20th) in a parking lot near California SW/SW Edmunds. A man told police he was walking to his apartment after leaving a party when a masked man jumped out of a car, showed a gun, and demanded his phone and wallet. He threw them on the ground and the robber took them, along with his wristwatch, and got away in a white Honda Accord. After getting back to his apartment, the victim used a “find my iPhone” app to track his phone to a nightclub in SODO. Police found the white Honda Accord – which turned out to be stolen – there, but no suspect, and the phone was no longer trackable. The victim’s cards showed a purchase made at a 7-11 in the Rainier Valley area; police looked there too, and impounded the stolen car, while planning to pursue video evidence. No indication of arrests so far.
6:03 PM: Thanks for the tip about a water break on 35th SW north of Fauntleroy. Just went to check; the crew is working on the NB side of the road, directing traffic 1 lane at a time, and expects to be there a few hours.
SUNDAY MORNING UPDATE: Checked back to be sure the road was fully open again. It is.
Myers/Olson/1st light still in flashing mode, though @seattledot @SDOTtraffic was out here earlier pic.twitter.com/mK7tgcA4Tk
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) January 28, 2018
4:54 PM: The traffic signal at Myers/Olson/1st, at the east end of the SW Roxbury corridor, is still malfunctioning. We got a report this morning, but when we went to check, SDOT was there, so we figured it would be fixed soon. Nope – as of minutes ago, still flashing. Remember, that means all-way stop.
SUNDAY MORNING UPDATE: Went back to look – still flashing as of quarter past 9.
Separate from the Coast Guard response mentioned earlier – it’s an afternoon of wild waves on West Seattle’s western shores:
That’s the view looking north from Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook, across from Me-Kwa-Mooks. Just after high tide (12:12 pm, 11.6 feet), the water was high enough to go over the stairs and walkway below:
At Constellation Park, in-car wave-watching was popular:
A texted view:
We can’t guarantee the wind will be up too, but the high tides will be much higher next week – “king tide” level – with the Wednesday (January 31st) full moon: 12.6 feet at 5:25 am that day, 12.9 feet at 6:03 am Thursday, 13.0 feet at 6:40 am Friday – that’s the peak.
Depending on the cloud cover, early risers also have the chance to see the lunar eclipse on Wednesday – starting at 3:48 am, according to Space.com. Totality will be from 4:51 am until 6:05 am; moonset is at 7:44 am.
We are at Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook, after numerous reports of a US Coast Guard vessel and helicopter off Beach Drive. Big wind and waves, but the USCG was gone when we arrived, and there has been no SFD rescue dispatch of any kind.
We reached the USCG after-hours media number and they tell us they got a report of a paddleboarder in distress and sent crews to check it out but it “was a false alarm.”
ADDED 1:16 PM: Multiple readers tell us they tracked the paddleboarder in question and that he made it safely around the point to Alki (photo above), where the water is decidedly calmer.
That’s Joe‘s red 2001 Honda CR-V. He just got it back from the shop last night after repairs following the theft earlier this month – reported here on January 3rd, with an update when a reader spotted it. Early today, it was stolen again, likely around 3:30 am. Same area as last time, 16th SW/SW Thistle [map]. Plate: AYU3617. Call 911 if you see it.
(Anna’s Hummingbird, photographed by Jamie Kinney)
Your weekend is here! Some ways to spend part of today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
TUKWILA TO ALKI HALF-MARATHON: Informal half-marathon, second half of the Green River Marathon route – Tukwila to Alki, starting at 8/9 am – info here. Mostly mentioning in case you see runners and wonder what’s up! (Course map here)
WEST SEATTLE MOMENTIA MIX: Family member/friend with memory loss? This fun 10:30 am-noon Camp Long event is for you:
A free monthly event for community members with memory loss and their family and friends at Camp Long. Enjoy community, tasty treats, and a different creative activity each month, including music, movement, improv, art, bingo, and more!
More info here. (5200 35th SW)
GIỜ ĐỌC TRUYỆN TIẾNG VIỆT! Vietnamese Story Time for young children, at Delridge Library, 11:30-noon. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
TIPS FOR OFFICERS: Serving as an officer for an organization, or thinking about it? 12:30 pm-2:30 pm at High Point Library, Point of Order Parliamentary Law Unit has a presentation that will help you. Details here. (3411 SW Raymond)
WEST SEATTLE MONTESSORI OPEN HOUSE & CELEBRATION: 1-3 pm annual winter open house at West Seattle Montessori School & Academy (WSB sponsor), plus a 75th-birthday celebration for longtime staffer Dolores Atwood. Details in our preview – all welcome. (11215 15th SW)
WANT TO HELP LAUNCH A DINNER CLUB IN WEST SEATTLE? As previewed here, an organizational meeting is planned 4-5:30 pm at the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) – if you’re interested in cooking with, and eating with, neighbors, you’re invited! (3622 SW Snoqualmie)
SEAFOOD FEST AND SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER: Check to see if tickets are still available for this tasty event at Alki Masonic Hall in The Junction, 5-8 pm. (4736 40th SW)
MUSIC AT THE COFFEEHOUSE: Dennis & Farida & Honeyville Rascals at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)
BAREFOOT WONDER, WITH DOUG DEEMS: 7:30 pm at Kenyon Hall – details in our calendar listing. (7904 35th SW)
PROLETARIYACHT CLUB CLOSING PARTY: At The Building in Gatewood, PYC is moving on from its residency and hosting a “closing party” tonight “to once more get together and celebrate our ‘incubator for the arts’.” 7:30 pm. (4316 SW Othello)