Separate from the Coast Guard response mentioned earlier – it’s an afternoon of wild waves on West Seattle’s western shores:
That’s the view looking north from Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook, across from Me-Kwa-Mooks. Just after high tide (12:12 pm, 11.6 feet), the water was high enough to go over the stairs and walkway below:
At Constellation Park, in-car wave-watching was popular:
A texted view:
We can’t guarantee the wind will be up too, but the high tides will be much higher next week – “king tide” level – with the Wednesday (January 31st) full moon: 12.6 feet at 5:25 am that day, 12.9 feet at 6:03 am Thursday, 13.0 feet at 6:40 am Friday – that’s the peak.
Depending on the cloud cover, early risers also have the chance to see the lunar eclipse on Wednesday – starting at 3:48 am, according to Totality will be from 4:51 am until 6:05 am; moonset is at 7:44 am.