(Common loon in winter plumage, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Lots of good cheer – and some community involvement too – in our highlights for the rest of today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and Event Calendar:
COCOA CRIS CRINGLE: 4-8 pm photo sessions at Easy Street Records, raising money and collecting food for West Seattle Food Bank. More info here. (California/Alaska)
FERRIES’ TRIANGLE TASK FORCE: The advisory committee looking at various issues with the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route meets today, 4:30-7 pm at Fauntleroy Church‘s Fellowship Hall. Here’s the agenda. (9140 California SW)
LOCAL SCHOOLS CONSIDERED FOR LEVY $: As previewed here earlier this morning, a work session at Seattle Public Schools headquarters tonight includes an update on what’s under consideration for the BEX V levy. Six West Seattle schools are now on the “potential project list.” The work session starts at 4:30, with the BEX discussion expected to start around 6:30. (3rd Ave. S./S. Lander)
SANTA ON ALKI: Final night for Santa Photos at Pegasus Pizza on Alki, 5 to 9 pm. Free photos with any purchase. (2768 Alki SW)
HANUKKAH, NIGHT 2: No public events tonight but here’s our listing for Kol HaNeshamah‘s Friday party.
DROP-IN WRITING CIRCLE: Writers are welcome to drop in 6-7:30 pm at West Seattle (Admiral) Library for inspiration with writers from Hugo House, as part of the Seattle Writes series. (2306 42nd SW)
34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS: Tonight’s meeting is the organization’s holiday party – potluck dinner, dessert, wine, and bring food for the West Seattle Food Bank to get a raffle ticket. 6:30 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy. (9131 California SW)
TRAILS MEETING: If you use the trails in city parks, the city’s draft plan for managing soft-surface trails needs your feedback. Meet with Seattle Parks at 7 pm tonight at Camp Long. Our calendar listing includes a link to the proposed plan as well as feedback opportunities if you can’t go tonight. (5200 35th SW)
CHIEF SEALTH IHS AND DENNY IMS BANDS: Student musicians in concert, 7 pm in the Chief Sealth International High School Auditorium. (2600 SW Thistle)
SOUNDS OF WINTER CONCERT: At Hope School, with groups from Hope and Seattle Lutheran HS – Concert Band, Chapel Band/Choir, Handbell Choir, Glee Club, SLHS Band. 7 pm. (4456 42nd SW)
Something for our calendar/Holiday Guide (which includes listings through New Year’s!) – editor@westseattleblog.com – thank you!
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